I can work with that

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An hour later I found myself staring into a full length mirror, long black flowy pants covered a pair of black pumps like the ones I bought with the knives, a white fitted shirt was covered by a long black vest that resembled a jacket but obviously without the sleeves. My hair was semi curled and arranged in a half up way and my makeup was light. I felt amazing but excessively nervous, Hunter had been really cool all the time.

"You are a magician" I looked at him through the mirror

"So I've been told" he replied laughing

"Thanks Hunter, even if I don't know what on earth is going on tonight, at least I know I looked good"

"Damn right you are, I loved working with you, hopefully you'll be going on a mission soon"

"Why?" I turned to him

"Well I am the master of disguise" he motioned to the racks of clothes "I am in charge of the make-overs for every agent, I usually have a team of chickens running around here" he muttered looking behind his back.

"Chickens?" I was laughing really hard

"Yeah well, the girls that are too afraid to break a nail in missions end up here with me, after being tested for fashion sense evidently" he added the last part with pride.

"I would like to see you in action with them then"

"Any day come by and you'll see, they never stop talking about the hot agents and the brave agents and the tough agents and the bla bla bla" he ended dramatically

"So far I haven't met any girl agents" I mentioned remembering meeting only men.

"This is a man's world sweetie" he grabbed my hands "if it weren't of Mrs Hawthorne we wouldn't even recruit girls"

"She is a nice lady, I've met her"

"You have?" he was surprised "we barely see her these days, all I know is that she wanted to lay low for a little while" he sighed "anyway I've heard that you are the candy to his grandson's eye"

"What?!" I stumbled over my own feet, how? I don't know I am not even walking

"Don't ask surprised, I hear a lot" he smirked "Don't worry your secret is safe with me"

"Interesting to hear you say that, so tell me Hunter who is the candy to your eyes?" I was the one smirking now

"What? No but..."

"Hey guys!" Alexis walked towards us making Hunter go all red

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me" I whispered close to his ear and hugged him "Thanks for everything Hunter!"

"Yeah sure" he looked shocked "Hey Alexis, she's ready"

"She looks perfect!"

"She already did" He smiled

"Ok, so we have to get going, they'll be here any minute now" I waived back at Hunter, well this was interesting "So you liked Hunter?"

"Oh he's really cool, very nice" Alexis was fidgeting with his hands

"Great, good, I mean you'll probably work with him on the future so..."

"Yeah probably" We stopped by my room to get my wristwatch, I sprayed some perfume on me and followed my brother around the house "You know of these heels weren't comfortable I'd be crying with blisters by now, where are we going?"

"Those heels were designed to run in them, there is no way you'll get blisters" Alexis rolled his eyes "and we are going to my office"

"You have an office?"

"Well sort of, come on in here" he opened a door to a studio like office, the furniture was made of dark wood and glass, books covered the walls. He went around the desk and motioned for me to take a seat "So, tonight's dinner is with the council, meaning the founders and top agents we'll be here today"

"Ok... why?"

"They want to meet you, discuss your situation"

"Has there been a break on it? I mean do you know who put a price on my head? And why?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't been going to the meetings lately"

"You are part of the council?" he smiled at my surprised tone

"Yes I am"

"I'm proud of you! I bet dad is as well" I smiled back

"Yeah, before becoming part of the Council, people had been saying that I got here because of him"

"That sucks, dad wouldn't do that" I scrunched up my nose

"I know, but people don't know that so..."

"Well they can suck it up, you a big boss!"

"I'm not a big boss, I'm just kind of an advisor" he shrugged

"Still, don't undermine your work, I'm pretty sure you had to put a lot into it to get there" he shrugged

"Anyway, we kind of have a lead on what's going on, but I think they want to hear everything from you first"

"So like a hearing?"

"You could put it like that but no one is judging you"

"I can work with that"

"So, there is something I need to tell you" he got all serious, but before he could say anything else a green light started blinking on the desk phone "I'll tell you later, come on they are here"

We had barely entered the dinning room when I was engulfed by a pair of arms

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry this happened!" Mrs Hawthorne said as she hugged me, then held me at arms length "I was so worried about you when Logan and Aleck dashed from the apartment!"

"Ahem" We turned and I saw eighteen eyes looking at me, my dad was owner of two of those eyes and was looking confused. The person that had called our attention walked forward, he had grey hair and sported very intimidating eyes "Dear, let the girl breath" he turned to my brother "I assume you debriefed her?"

"Yes sir" Alexis shook his hand "It's nice to see you"

"Likewise, now let's make the introductions, Mariella, my name is Ian Hawthorne and I see you've met my wife"

"Nice to meet you sir, yes we've met" I smiled to Mrs Hawthorne, ok so this was Logan and James' grandfather

"Yes I am" he answered reading my thoughts, great another mind reader, but he smiled "Yes, it runs in the family, now besides your father here, meet Mr. and Mrs L, we are the founders of MPT" The L people were about the same age of Mr and Mrs Hawthorne, they looked like nice people "and these 4" he pointed to the younger guys "are our top agents, Alexis, Mander, Yanik and Elias" Before I let my thoughts wander I put up the wall I was used to having when being around James, I hope it works as well. So I turned my attention to the 4 guys, my brother looked all serious and professional, Mander and Yanik looked exactly alike, a little shorter than Alexis, with platinum blond hair, deep green eyes and pale completions, if my assumptions are correct they must be identical twins. Elias on the other hand, was about my brother's height, rich brown hair with the same colour of eyes, and tanned skin.

"Nice to meet you" I nodded in their direction

"Well now that we are all acquainted, let's have a seat I'm starving" some laughed and we took our seats, even though I was between Mrs Hawthorne and Alexis I could see everyone else perfectly, the table was practically round, giving me access to evaluate every member of the Council. For a second I wondered why James was not here, if I remember correctly he trained my brother at one point, but there was also the issue with the drill he decided to pull on us... maybe I'll ask Alexis later.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now