Logan's POV

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~~ Again in Logan's POV. These one is also short.

"Bye Ella" I mumbled like an idiot, but nothing had prepared me for seeing Alexis here, and he was her brother? This might be a problem, he is going to kill me next time he sees me.

"She is a very lovely lady isnt' she?" I turned around to see Anthony looking at me with a small mischievous smile

"Who?" I played dumb

"Well Miss Ella of course"

"Yeah she is"

"Anyway, this came for you earlier today" he handed me a yellow envelope

"Thanks, I'll see you around" I tore the side of it as I walked out of the building and a pair of familiar keys landed on my hands, finally my car is here, I looked inside the envelope and saw a piece of paper 'Not in the mood to see gran, the car is where you left it. J' typical of my brother, he became a big shot and now he is too good for family. Throwing the note in a trash bin I walked around the corner of the building and saw a bunch of people close to my car taking pictures with it, not paying attention to them I opened the car and slid inside my Lotus Evora S, turned the ignition, felt the 345 hp coming to life and drove off, time to get to work.

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