Oh look at that, one bullet got me

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I felt like in a movie once we walked out from the elevator and to my car, even though I tried to convince them that if someone had a price on my head they probably had my car identified, we were acting like spies, well not really acting but looking around us for danger, I was walking between Logan and Aleck, the three of us with our respective guns in our hands. Apparently my car was the safest choice, because even if we were id'd by the people that tried to attack me back there, it was also monitored by MPT and thus being followed everywhere. I threw the keys to Logan knowing I was not going to be allowed to drive but got in the passenger seat.

"Sorry love, you go on the back" Aleck said offering a hand to help me out, I pouted

"Not fair! It's my car!" I used his hand and moved to the back

"I know love, but these are security measures" He answered closing my door behind me and moving to the front of the car. Logan started the car and we left the building, we were barely turning the street when my cellphone started ringing and the bluetooth system of my car answered the call

"Hey sis!"


"Yup, so pay attention you three, I just sent the coordinates to the safe house you guys are supposed to go to, to the GPS on you car, also there are extra chargers underneath the back seat as well as other guns"

"Thanks Alexis, who will be waiting for us?" Logan asked

"I am not exactly sure, just get there and punch the code 79842 got it?"

"Got it" Aleck answered after writing the code on the back of a ticket

"Hey sis?"


"Everything's gonna be fine"


"Bye, drive safe Logan, fast but safe, if one hair of my sister gets hurt, you die clear?"

"Cristal" And the call ended. I was being a little paranoid so I took looked underneath the seat and found a black bag, I opened it and saw everything my brother said it would be in there, I grabbed a gun a sleek black one and tried the weight on my hand "careful there Rambo, you don't want to shoot any of us"

"Oh, I was just looking at it" I put it back and left the bag next to me

"Shit we are being followed" Aleck said looking at the side mirror

"You sure?" Logan asked looking on the rear view mirror

"Yep, every turn we take, they take, and it's not an MPT agent"

"How do you know that?" I asked turning around to look for the car

"The plate, all MPT official plates have a unique kind of seal on the background, this one is a normal plate" I id'd the car he was talking about and thought of something

"Logan open the head window"

"What?? What on earth are you thinking? No! Sitt back down!"

"Alright" I pretended to sit back but pushed my body to the front of the car and clicked the button to open said window "Opening window, now, Aleck?"

"Ella, come back down here" Logan yelled

"Aleck, you listening?"


"Get a hold on me, a really good one" I winked and pushed my upper body out of the window, and using my teaser gun I aimed to the front of the car and shot, the hit was bullseye, he car started swerving and then the guy on the passenger seat opened his window and brought half of his body out pointing a gun at me, but I was faster and sent another charge to his arm. I felt Logan turn right and I almost fell "Aleck, why aren't you holding me"

"Crap! Sorry" I felt a pair of hands grabbing my legs and felt better knowing he was at least holding me, but I was distracted and didn't see the driver of the other car take a gun out and shoot straight to me, I had a burning feeling on my left arm, without thinking about it twice I shot again another charge, this one to the driver, and a last one to the car, I got back inside the car as I saw the other car crash with some trash cans, good no people harmed. As I sat back down the adrenaline was pumping in my veins

"Did you see that guys?" I smiled to both of them

"That was badass Ella" Aleck answered fist pumping me

"Ok Ella no more stunts like that, we are about to arrive to the safe house" Logan said as we were arriving to a suburban area, he turned a few times and we arrived to gate, a big black one, as he approached something emerged from the floor we stopped the car, saw it was a black screen with green numbers, Logan punched the code as Aleck recited it and the gates opened, Logan drove and just as we crossed the gates they closed behind us, we arrived to a gravel path and stopped in front of quite a big house, it was already dark outside so some of the windows had light coming from the inside. We sat there for some seconds, the car was turned off and the three doors were opened at the same time, we walked towards the front door of the house, again I found myself in the middle of the two, but this time my hand searched Logan's, he gave me a light squeeze back and ask he did, I felt like a flash of pain on my arm

"Ouch..." I looked down to my arm at the same time Logan did "Oh look at that, one bullet got me"

"Crap Ella, your brother is going to kill me!" we walked faster and before we could knock the door was opened and James was ushering us in.

"Go to the kitchen I already have the first aid kit there" I left my backpack on the floor and looked around the kitchen, it was state of the art with amazing appliances I was about to climb to one of the stools but Logan turned me so I was facing him, put his hands on my hips and sat me over the counter, without saying a word he helped me out of my jacket after taking the teaser gun out of my right hand. I was looking at him with curiosity but he just shook his head and moved his eyes from mine to my arm, and his eyes went a little dark, his jaw was set but his hands were soft against the skin of my arm I did feel some pain, but my mind was way off from the pain, my mind decided to play certain scenarios and sooner rather than later I remembered that James was in the same room and raised the brick wall before he could even see the very embarrassing things I was imagining, believe me I am still a hormonal teenager and the boy standing between my legs, touching with such care my arm, was enough to making me want things I hand't really wanted this bad before.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now