Fancy seeing you today

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I had a hard time sleeping, my mind would not stop thinking of Logan, I kind of liked the guy and maybe, just maybe we could become friends. But then again this nagging thought kept coming back to me, are Logan and Professor Hawthorne related? I mean, the last name is NOT that common. I fell asleep dreaming of green eyes.

I woke up startled with shouts and bangs on my front door, I clicked on the screen on my bedside table (remember the security system my dad installed? yeah he put screens all over) and saw Parker in the school uniform banging on my door.

"Give me one good reason for waking me up at 6:30 am" I deadpanned as I opened the door

"I'm sorry ok!!!" she moved past me "I totally forgot to tell my mom that classes were cancelled and she woke me up and wouldn't believe me"

"That does not explain your presence" I said as I closed the door

"I didn't know where else to go... it is too early to wake anyone's parents" she rolled her eyes as she crashed on the tv couch

"But it was ok to wake me up?" I asked incredulous, she had a nerve

"Well... I already said sorry ok?" she said exasperated

"Yeah I know, ok so wake me up in two hours, make yourself at home" I was walking to my bedroom but she stood up way to fast

"Oh hell no, I'm here and you are awake so now start spilling sister!" she smiled mischievously

"Spill what?" I asked confused

"You are going to tell me EVERYTHING about they guy that was here last night"

"About who?"

"The dude that was here when you were talking with Red" she shrugged

"Oh, of course, that explains it" I sighed, trust Mildred to keep her mouth shut, "Make coffee and breakfast and then I'll talk"

"Deal" she smiled I walked to the couch and turned on the tv settling on the news. A few minutes later a cup filled with black coffee and plate with a sandwich that looked like it was made out of nutella and jam were placed in front of me, Parker sat on the other side of the couch with a cup similar to mine. "Now, start talking"

"What do you want to know?" I sipped the coffee and bit the sandwich

"What's his name?"


"Last name?"

"Don't know" Like hell was I going to tell her

"Where did you meet him?"

"The elevator"

"He lives here?"

"Yes, with his grandmother" I nodded

"Aw cute! And what was he doing here yesterday?"

"His grand mother sent him to ask for something then stayed and helped me unpacking stuff"

"How sweet of him!"

"Sure I guess" I shrugged

"He likes you" She stated and I turned my head so fast that I even spilled my coffee on myself

"Yeah of course" I rolled my eyes "I'm showering"

"I'm not lying!"

"I never said you were" I shrugged "It's just that I'm not letting myself hope"

"You know Ella? Not every guy out there is like Milo" she stated

"You don't know that" I laughed sarcastically "Anyway, me shower now" I let her with whatever answer she might have had in the tip of her tongue and got in the shower. Damn it, why did she had to bring Milo into the conversation? He is in the past and that's where he should stay.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now