No, I'm not cute, I'm manly and a spy

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Around noon I was conflicted with the takeout menus, I didn't know what to get... my decision making was put on hold when someone knocked. I left the menus aside and checked the door, Logan was waiting outside in jeans and a polo with tow paper bags.

"Hey there stranger" I smiled opening the door

"Hello yourself, sleeping?" I looked down to my outfit

"No, lounging" I let him in "so what brings you here?"

"Well first of all, how are you doing?"

"I'm good thanks" I shrugged

"Ok, so a little bird told me you were under house arrest"

"Who is the little bird?" I asked curious

"Your dad" That surprised me


"Yeah I was also surprised, but then I realised he was actually giving me permission to come over, not that I needed it but..." he got all red "So before I say something stupid, here" he handed me the first bag "I hope it's your size, my grandma gave it to me"

"If your grandma picked it up, then I'm sure it is" A black t-shirt with the MPT logo similar to the one Logan was wearing the other day "Thanks!!! and tell you gran thanks as well! I love it!"

"You are very much welcome, thats the women's model"

"I can see, thanks!"

"Anytime, now the second reason why I am here, yesterday you agreed on a date with me, and well, in light of recent events, meaning you are under house arrest I brought the date here" he showed me the other bag, seeing my confused face he continued "I brought pizza, as in I brought the food we would've probably eaten on the date, here"

"Aw that's so nice of you!" I smiled "I'm so hungry"

"Me too, shall we?"

"Yeah, you know I think I'm a little underdressed for this date" I mussed as I took out the different packages that had different floors of pizza in

"You are perfectly fine like you are" I blushed

"So what do you want to drink?"

"Well, don't think bad, but I could really use something stronger than water or soda"

"My kind of man, there's beer in the fridge or if you are looking for something stronger over on that cabinet"

"Man there is a lot of alcohol in here" he said crouching to see what was inside the cabinet

"Yeah I know, and believe me I am not an alcoholic"

"How did you ended up with all of it?"

"Well, my dad has his stash for whenever he comes, meaning the scotch, Alexis usually brings something or the other, and my friends have older brothers so..."

"Cool, by any chance you've got wine? It goes with the pizza and it makes it seem a little romantic"

"Aw you're cute"

"No, I'm not cute, I'm manly and a spy"

"You're cute" I smiled bringing a bottle of red wine, the corkscrew and the glasses. We talked for hours from my crazy family to his, about the things we liked doing and a little about our past. I learned many things from him and realised that even with everything that has happened to him he still was trying to live his life to the best, kind of honouring his parents he said. HE talked very little about MPT and I liked that the topic was not elaborated, if there was one thing I didn't really want to talk about was it.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what is going to happen with your finals?"

"I still don't know, my dad left early in the morning and he said he'd take care of it so..."

"If MPT is involved, believe me, you'll be graduating without a problem"

"I hope so, it scares me thinking that because of a situation that was self defence I might be punished, besides the headmistress of my school, she kind of hates me"


"Because it was us who gave her hell all these years, we were just clever enough not to get caught" I laughed

"What did you guys do?"

"Everything, we pranked the whole school on multiple occasions" that made him laugh "usually it was only Vic and myself, but sometimes the rest of the girls would help"

"Vic is your best friend?"

"Since we were little... our parents would always get called to the school together, but as I said we never left proof that it was us" he had this thinking face that made me curious

"Hey would you mind borrowing me your phone? I got to make a phone call and I left mine at my place"

"Um sure..." I unlocked my cel and gave it to him

"Please cover your ears, this is MPT official business"

"Who are you calling?"

"MPT, please cover your ears, and I'll know if you don't" he smirked, rolling my eyes I did as told. He navigated through my phone, not letting me see what he was doing and then started the call, I could see amusement in his eyes, he laughed a little, pulled the phone away from his ear looked at it then continued with the call until he ended it smiling and motioned for me to take my hands from my ears

"Now that that's been taken care of, I have a question for you, wait no, I'm making a statement"

"A statement... ok..."

"So first of all I need to say that I don't know about you, but I really like you"

"I like myself too" I was amused now

"Good, and since I met you everything has been easy, for example we can talk about many things, I can say what I think, in shot, I can be myself, do you feel that way?"

"I guess, I mean it is nice when we talk?" I was confused now

"Good, so then this is a no getting out kind of situation ok?" I nodded, a little scared "I have decided that you Mariella Palakos are from this day on to be my girlfriend, no getting out of it and you can't change the status freely, and I know it might be too soon, but I really don't care" He finished triumphantly, it took me a minute to catch on to what he said and decided to play with him a little

"So no getting out of it?"

"Nope" he stood his ground

"Not even if I liked a guy?"

"No.. wait, you like a guy?"

"Yes I do, I very much like him"

"So you've been leading me up all this time?" he was getting angry and I almost bursted out laughing "Please explain why did you kiss me back!" that's when I couldn't keep it anymore I laughed

"Relax will you? I like you too" his face didn't change at all "I was talking about you"

"So just to confirm, there is no one else in the picture, no one else kissing you at the present time?"

"No, and well at the moment no one is kissing me at the moment, want to change it?" I smirked.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now