Good, now lock behind me

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Andreas was a really nice sport when we went back to my place carrying all of those bags... you must never let me be free at a place where there are many cool things and tell me that whatever I get my dad pays... didn't they learned the lesson after my brother took me for that mission? This time I actually had no remorse for whatever I had spent, besides the food that I obviously needed, I got some spy outfits that looked Amazing on me as well as some gadgets that according to Andreas were child-play but who cares?! They looked cool, and I actually got some MPT propaganda, yes please laugh with me, that have their coffee mugs, t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, scarves, pens, you name it they have it, and I got one of each. So to say that I had a little number of bags would be a lie.

He left after helping me leave the bags by the kitchen and left me his number in case of an emergency which I found nice of him.

After putting everything away I opened my math's workbook and got working on some studying, after all I didn't know if I'd be presenting exams tomorrow or not. Around 7 at night there was a knock on my door, so pulling away from my studying position, which left me with a sore neck I went to open the door to find my dad with a very large white ticket in his hands.

"So... had fun today?" He asked smirking... my dad was smirking...

"Um... sure?" Confused Ella here

"I have a forty thousand dollar ticket in my hands to prove it" deer eyes now!

"Oh my camel! That much?" hands to the face now!

"Ha ha so very funny Ella, lets go in" he moved towards the inside of my apartment and he looked around "So where are my forty thousand dollars now?" I sighed and I went to open the now very full fridge, the place where I put all of the kitchen things that had the MPT logo, then I moved around the house opening drawers and finally my closet. by the end of my tour he was laughing

"Dad I'm sorry really, it's just that well you know how I can get when given unlimited credit..." I looked at my hands nervously

"Just like your mother" he was laughing some more "When I was asked to clear you for access I knew this was gonna happen, I was actually expecting you to spend more"

"Then I take it back, I'm not sorry for how much I spent, I am actually sorry for not getting the things I left back" I said indignantly but smiling, "you are a weird dad you know that?"

"I am the weirdest most awesome dad there is" he said proudly

"That you are"

"Good of you to share my thoughts, alright so I am here on another note, we finally came to an agreement with your principal" That peaked my interest "So she knows we can place a lawsuit against her for many things, but still she doesn't want you to interact with the rest of the student body, so she agreed to let you present exams on these conditions, you will present each day the same exam as the rest of your group but not on the same place, you are not allowed to take your car to school and she will be timing your test time so you don't get any extra time than the rest of the group"

"Those are simple conditions, I can work with those, but wait who is grading my exams?"

"Your teachers, but James will make them believe he is helping them grade just to confirm that your principal doesn't make them grade you wrongly"

"Ok cool, so tomorrow at what time should I take the cab to school?" I asked moving towards the kitchen "You staying for dinner?"

"A cab really? you are way to funny sweetie, Andreas will be picking you up and waiting for you to bring you back after each exam, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you before some people are coming over for dinner" I guess when he saw my face he panicked "don't worry! You don't have to cook or anything, but I would encourage you to change clothes..."

"Dad... whose coming?"

"Oh, you know, just some friends of mine, mostly lawyers"

"And you didn't think that I might want to study for my exam tomorrow?" He looked taken aback

"If I know you, and I pride myself in that, you have already covered each type of exercise more than thrice" he threw a pointed look at me and I was left speechless, he was actually right "take that sucker!" he then proceeded to point at me and make a little freaky dance

"You are creepy" I said pointing back at him "So I'm changing, you are wearing a suit which means I have to look formal?"

"Formal but not too much" he dismissed me with a hand wave and moved to my cabinet of alcohol "I still don't know when I introduced you to the world of liquor"

"Basically when I was five, please be a great dad and pour me one, I have a feeling I'll be needing it"

"Sure boss, actually, why should I? I have to be a responsible father and tell you no, because you have exams tomorrow"

"Exam, as in one, and as you well said it before, I am more than prepared for it, besides its math... "

"It's hard! Math is hard!"

"Not really dad, math is easy" I yelled back whilst taking my t-shirt and yoga pants off and finding a decent outfit, I grabbed my dark skinny jeans, a white open back shirt and my black heels, I put some eyeliner and mascara and put up my hair into a ponytail. When I went back to the living room my dad was on a call but gave me a thumbs up when I twirled around to get his approval on the outfit, he had his cellphone in one had and a glass with ice and amber liquid on the other, and with that hand he pointed to the kitchen counter where another glass with ice and amber liquid was placed, see? my dad is a weird creepy but awesome dad. Around eight thirty the intercom buzzed, I went to get it as my dad was trying to set the table

"Good evening miss Ella"

"Oh hey Anthony!"

"So, I have a couple of people here saying they have a dinner appointment at your apartment"

"Sure send them up" but then he lowered his volume

"Are you sure miss Ella, they look rather sketchy" I didn't like the sound of that

"Wait a sec Anthony" I turned to look at my dad "hey dad? what are the names of the people that are coming over for dinner?, Anthony says that there are some people downstairs but that they look rather sketchy"

"That's weird, tell Anthony to not let them in, I'm going downstairs"

"OK! Hey Anthony, my dad will be going down to see if they are his guests"

"Understood miss"

"Under no circumstances are you allowed to open this door unless it's Logan out there ok?" My dad looked at me with the most serious face I have ever seen him

"Logan? Dad what does he have to do with this?"

"I'll answer later, just promise me"

"I won't open the door unless it's Logan, I promise"

"Good, now lock behind me" he kissed my temple and walked out the apartment, when I saw him take out a gun from between his suit jacket and shirt, get inside the elevator and click in the charge, that's when the panic kicked in.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now