You look hot

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I locked the door and even put the crazy security system my dad had installed but I never used because it was a pain to activate and deactivate, I moved backwards from the door and drank the whole glass I had in my hand then went to my room where I had the gadgets I had bought earlier today, one of them being sort of a teaser mixed with a gun, instead of bullets it sent electrical charges to the person or thing you point it at. I stood a good ten steps away from my door pointing my teaser thingy to the door when my cellphone started going off letting me know I had a phone call giving me the scare of a lifetime, I got to it and answered without taking my eyes away from the door and was rewarded with Vic's voice on the other side

"Hello stranger!"

"Oh hi Vic" It was too quiet outside, and I was getting more antsy by every minute that passed that my dad was not back.

"You ok Ella? You sound weird?"

"Oh no worries, just stressed"

"Sure... Do you know if you are presenting exams yet?"

"Ah yeah, I am" I heard the elevator ding and walked a couple of steps towards my door

"Great! So you want me to pick you up? Or will you pretty please pick me up?" I tried to look through the peephole but I was still too far, when I remembered that my dad's security system had a camera which allowed me to see the outside of my door I clicked the code in on the number pad and a screen came out from the wall, looking back at this, I think I should've had a clue on what my dad was in about. "Ella!! you there?"

"Oh yes sorry Vic, what did you say?" I saw 4 dudes moving on my floor, walking towards my door, each of them with a gun, but none of the faces were recognisable

"Ella you ok? You sound really weird... Will you pick me up tomorrow for the exam?"

"Yeah no sorry, apparently I am not allowed to take my car, someone from my dad's company will be driving me" What am I supposed to do now? I'm alone here, I started yelling for Logan's help in my head hoping it'll work.

"Aww that sucks, but we'll get together to study for business tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yep sure," When I saw the dudes pointing their guns to my door I had to end the call and move away "Hey Vic gotta go see you tomorrow", and I hung up as the first gun shot was fired, amazingly the door didn't even crack, I was already crouching down, and idea came to me, I moved like a crocodile towards my room to get the MPT watch we had been given I hoped it would give me something to work with, I could hear more gun shots and each and every one of them made my cringe at the sound, I had never heard a gunshot this close before. I jumped when I heard knocking on my door, so I went back the way I did before and looked at the screen and saw 4 bodies laying on the ground and two familiar faces standing outside my door.

"Hey Ella! Open up!" I waisted no time in punching the code and opening the door to let Logan and Aleck in "Close behind us" I did as Logan said, punching the code again and looking at them in confusion


"No hello from my girlfriend?" Logan smiled and opened up his arms, I was in a state of shock, had they killed those guys? Who were those guys? And he wanted a freaking hug????

"What the hell?" that was all that I could muster up, given the circumstances

"Aww see she doesn't like you Logan" Aleck mocked and turned to me "will you hug me?"

"Where is my dad?" They looked at each other and motioned for me to sit down "I am not sitting down, now explain!" Aleck sighed

"Your dad is fine Ella, he was taken by a medical team after fighting with 10 guys at the same time, we got the alert to come right up but 4 guys had beaten us to your door, we had to take them out, apparently there's a price on your head"

"A price on my head?... This is so surreal, so you killed them?"

"We had to, they were firing at your door, and Mr Legacy here decided to act" Aleck used his gun as a pointer

"DO NOT POINT AT HIM WITH THE GUN!" I shrieked pointing my own teaser gun

"Crap sorry!, hey you are pointing at me with a gun too!"

"This is not a bullet gun" I said as I lowered it down

"What is it then?" He asked

"Want me to show you?" I smirked

"I'm not so sure about that, you better explain first" Aleck said reclutantly

"It's a teaser gun"

"That's so cool, we saw them at the warehouse! But Logan here wouldn't let me get one!"

"I am not even going to ask about that, but I do have a question, what are we doing now with four bodies outside my door?"

"Oh I'm sure they are not longer there" Logan said looking through the screen from the security system "Look, not a single body out there"

"Um, ok, how?"

"MPT cleaning crew, don't ask" he smiled to me "so Ella, am I getting a hug now?"

I was beginning to let the stress out, but something was bugging me still

"Wait, you said a price on my head?" he pouted closing his arms again

"Yes, we were thinking British dude, but we don't really know if it is him or someone that has something on your dad"

"We as in... MPT?"

"Yes" I was speechless

"So what's the plan now?"

"We need to move, we can't stay here, grab the stuff you need, I don't know when we're coming back" Logan said, so I nodded went to my room and grabbed the backpack I had bought today, opened it up and started putting random stuff in there such as the gadgets, then proceeded to change into one of my new spy outfits, black sort of leggings that had multiple straps over the thighs, black semi heeled booties that included a knife inside each heel, black t-shirt and a matching black jacket, went back out towards the living room where I picked my math notebook and the calculator and pencils and stuffed them into the backpack as well "Wow" I turned and looked at both of the boys gapping at me


"You look hot" Logan blurted out and then covered his mouth with his hand

"You took the words right off my mouth Logan" Aleck looked at me from toes to head "Ella, you look hot"

"Why, thank you guys" I smiled and turned to the kitchen "let me just grab some food and water and we can go" I started stuffing granola bars, chips and other stuff along with 3 water bottles, I zipped the bag and looked at them, "so where to?"

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now