Bring it on pretty boy

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I woke up to an alarm sound, I looked around and turned the one on the night stand. The wrist watch was blinking with a message that said PRESS HERE and an arrow pointing to one of the side buttons, I did as told and a 3D face appeared from it.

'Good morning agent, report to the dinning room in 30 minutes, do not forget the objects given'

The face disappeared and I took a shower with a towel wrapped around my body I chose the dress to wear, after all I had to pretend. I left the room all dolled up and proceeded to the dinning room, I'm not going to lie, I was nervous as hell, after what happened last night I wasn't sure how to act around Logan, because, maybe it meant something to me, but what if it didn't mean anything to him? What if he went to his room last night and realised he had made a mistake?. I was almost the last to arrive so I held my head high and walked to the table in which almost everyone I knew was seating; the only empty seat was in front of my brother and James and next to British douchebag, I sighed dejected, I really didn't want to start my day this way. I saw James giving me a wounded face and hist heart touched his heart. Alright brick wall up!.

"Good morning everyone" I gave the rest of the table a small smile

"Hello Ella!" my brother said in a happy go lucky voice "sleep well?"

"Sure Alexis" I replied in a flat tone. He lifted his eyes from his phone to look at me with curious eyes, I avoided his look and tried to locate the coffee

"So Ella we meet again" Brit asked

"That's a shame" I answer, where the hell was the coffee? And do not look at Logan alright Ella?

"Oh you don't mean that" He replied bumping his shoulder with mine, making me go all stiff

"Who are you again?"

"So you like to play games... alright I'll play... my name is Blake D. Harrison, at your service" he grabbed my injured hand and placed a kiss on top of it

"Ew, let go" I snatched it back and I winced with the pain

"What the hell happened to you?" my brother asked outraged

"Does anybody know where the..." before I could finish the sentence a cup filled with black liquid was placed in front of me, I turned to see Logan walking back to his seat and winking at me and my heart did a summersault "never mind"

"Mariella! I asked you a question"

"And I decided to ignore you" he seemed like he was going to insist but I saw Jame's hand holding him lightly, he sighed and returned to his cellphone.

When breakfast was almost over we were notified where each of our lessons were going to take place, and that the wristwatches were going to remind us, in case we forgot. I started looking around to everyone's hands.

"Looking for your husband honey?" Blake asked showing me his left hand. Really? I'm paired with this guy?

"Thanks I found him"

"Shall we get to know each other better?" he asked in an attempt to sound seductive Oh poor thing, he thinks I might be interested in him? I heard a laugh from across the table

"Anything funny James?"

"Actually yes, but I don't think I'll share, by the way great outfit but I would suggest something more... comfortable for your lessons today?"

"Dude who do you think you are? She should stay dressed like that!" Blake spat, and James' eyes filled with anger, Logan's too

"Careful who you talk like that to 'dude', and believe me this girl ain't as easy as you think" I stilled

"How would you know what I think?" he turned to me "of course I don't think that"

"That same way I know you are plotting on ways to take her to your room about now" Logan interjected

"Well guys, thanks for the heads up on the outfit and his intentions" I stood up, my brother quiet as a mouse, ha! what a brother... "Blake I'll meet you up in 45 minutes at the base of the stairs, no need to invite me anywhere"

As I walked towards where Aleck and Logan were I saw James grinning, Alexis smiling proudly and Blake looking stunned.

"Thanks for the coffee Logan, it was as if you could tell"

"You are very much welcome, you looked like you needed it"

"So Ella dear, please do tell" Aleck started imitating Blake's accent "who is the douche?"

"Apparently my partner for today, the name's Blake, he was on our table the other day remember?"

"Oh right" recognition downed on him "I don't like him"

"That makes two of us"

"Really guys? I think that makes the whole table"

I waited patiently at the base of the stairs, wearing my leggings a t-shirt and my tennis, for Blake. I was bored and decided to sit on one of the stairs and played with the wristwatch, I pressed one of the side buttons and a red laser burned a hole in the wall next to me. I let it go at once and got all worked up about it... shit someone's going to kill me for doing this! There is not even a way to cover it...

"Well hello love" Let's ignore the hole in the wall

"You are late idiot, get moving!" I walked not caring if he was following, I had read the instructions earlier and we were supposed to go down one level and find the black door. I opened it finding a kind of gym room with mats all around the floor.

"Welcome to defence 101" I jumped from the familiar voice that came out of nowhere... you know I have to get used to this sooner or later. The owner of the voice walked towards us.

"Hey I know you! You were sitting in front of us during breakfast"

"Wow you are so intelligent honey" I said sarcastically

"I can feel the love alright..." Alexis pointed motioned with his hand between the Brit and myself.

"So what are we doing today?"

"As I said before, you are going to learn defence moves so look around the room and tell me if you recognise any of the objects"

"Yay I can finally kick you ass Alexis" He scowled at me

"You love me"

"Hey I'm her husband I'm the one that says that!"

"Aren't you dying to kick his British ass?"

"Yeah" I walked towards a wall that had some staffs, very much like a Bo. I grabbed one, weighted it and turned it with my hands, my injured hand hurt a little still. "Bring it on pretty boy" 

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now