That's my boy wohoo!

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I left the tv on as I lay in bed having dinner, it had been brought up earlier. I didn't really pay attention to the movie but my mind was blank so I was content for the moment.

"Ella" someone knocked on the door I muted the tv and waited to see if they knocked again "Ella? I know you are in there" I rolled my eyes knowing who was out there

"Go away!" Logan was not going to ruin my mood. I got up from the bed and went to grab some water, I heard someone sigh on the other side of the door, good, he should I don't know feel bad or something. The glasses were to high for me to reach them so I got on my tip toes and stretched my hands as far as I could, since when I was such a midget? Arg, I hate these glasses, no wait I hate the Hawthornes and my stupid brother and everyone! Damn it WHY.CAN'T.I.REACH.THEM? An arm appeared next to me and handed me one glass scaring the shit out of me.

"Holy crap!?" I didn't grab the glass and it smashed into a million pieces on the floor

"Shit Ella are you ok?" I looked sideways to see Logan with a very concerned face

"How the hell did you get in here?"

"Spy" he pointed at himself

"Ok let me rephrase that, who gave you permission to get in here?"

"Um..." he scratched the back of his head

"Exactly no one!" I grabbed some paper towels and started picking up the broken glass "What are you doing here Logan?" I asked tiredly

"I came to apologise, it has come to my attention that I did something uncool earlier today"



"Yeah thank Aleck for telling you were an asshole"

"Aleck didn't tell me, why would you...? look I have not been completely honest, I not only can track people like a GPS but I can sort of know what people think"

"So you read minds like your brother?"

"No I... wait you know James?"

"Yeah not the point right now"

"No I can't read minds like him, it's more as in I can feel what they are thinking, kind of hard to explain"

"Huh... ok"

"Look I am sorry"


"Please forgive me? I was kind of called by my grandfather and he yelled at me for hitching a ride with you girls"

"And that is my problem because?"

"I never said it was your problem, I just wanted to explain"

"Look I don't even know why I got angry I have no right, it's not like we're... forget it ok?" I threw the last pieces of glass to the trash can and saw I had cut myself on the middle of my hand

"Ella you're bleeding"

"Thanks captain obvious" I grabbed a napkin to stop the bleeding

"Wait here" he dashed out of the room

"Where am I supposed to run off to?" I asked to the empty room rolling my eyes. A few second later he reappeared with a first aid kit in his hands, he patted the kitchen counter and as I was about to haul myself up he put his hands on my waist and helped me up, making me feel... tingly...

"Give me your hand" he grabbed it and took out some cotton and patted it clean, it was not a big cut but it kind of hurt "you have a small piece of glass I have to take out" he looked at me for permission and I nodded as he grabbed a pair of tweezers and poked my hand with them.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now