I hate suits, I look old

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My alarm had woke me up at 6 am, I forgot to pack my school uniform, so I chose one of the spy outfits. I was sitting on the back of Andrea's car with Aleck on one side and Logan on the other, James took his own car so as to not raise suspicion, two other similar cars were flanking ours.

Arriving to school I got out and immediately regretted not using my uniform, all the girls were arriving on the school busses and were looking at me, I looked out of place sporting my backpack and a large coffee thermos as I walked to the entrance of the school, I hope Renninson doesn't put up much of a fight.

I got a text from Vic saying 'we voted and we decided you look hot, also tell Aleck he looks hot in a suit for me ;)' I smiled and looked around but I couldn't see them. We were told to wait until someone could come pick me up at the entrance and let me in the school, which James oh so kindly did. He had a bunch of papers in his hand and led me to one of the meeting rooms they had for teacher-parents meetings he motioned me to sit, put the papers facing the table in front of me and told me to take my notebook and stuff for the exam, I handed him the notebook and sat there waiting for him to do or tell me what was going to happen next. Seconds later Renninson entered the room.

"Good morning Miss Palakos, believe me when I say that if it were up to me I wouldn't be letting you present any exam, but such is life" she gave a look and a nod on James direction "now, everybody has 2 hours to present this exam, you'll only have one hour and a half, you may start" I was shocked as she said that and proceeded to click a stopwatch "time is of the essence miss Palakos"

I waisted no more time and turned the bunch of papers I had in front of me, what the... this was a bible! I was never going to finish all of these exercises in that period of time...

An hour later I was getting a headache, but I had managed to complete 70% of the exam, so I looked up to see that only James was in the room and was typing on his cellphone, still I was sure that I was never going to finish the other 30% in half an hour, it was frustrating Renninson, was a female dog, there I said it. James looked up from his cellphone and laughed a little.

"I was not actually paying attention to you, but really, a female dog?" I was not even mad, I laughed

"I hate her, how did she ever thought I was going to finish this on time?"

"She doesn't expect you to finish, that's the point" he looked bored, then he made a small smile "but then again, you are good with time right?"

"You are a genius James" How could I have ever forgotten... I used my ability and managed to complete the exam just as Renninson entered with a smug smile.

"Time's up, I hope you completed the exam, you read the instructions right?"

"Yes I did"

"Good, we wouldn't want you to lose points for leaving blank answers" she gave me a blank look "James please take the exam to the teacher in charge of grading it after escorting Miss Palakos out of the premises" She turned around and left. Take that sucker!

"Alright you heard her Ella, let's go" He waited until I had gathered my things, left me with Aleck who was waiting for me at the entrance, as mentioned before by Victoria's text, he was wearing a black suit looking very much the part of a bodyguard making me chuckle.

"What's so funny?"

"You" I laughed

"Me? What about me?"

"You in a suit looking very bodyguardly"

"I hate suits" he pulled at his tie "I feel old"

"You don't look old maybe a little mature"

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