Married? What are you talking about?

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I parked the car, Sophie and Aleck went to unload the trunk and I sat there for a second.

"You alright?" I smiled through the rear mirror

"Yeah, I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything"

"It can be a little overwhelming in the beginning but you'll get used to it"

"Promise?" my hand were fidgeting with the keys, I barely took notice that Logan had gotten out of the car and opened my door

"Hey look at me" he was smiling "I promise"

"Sorry for interrupting, but my mom is waiting for me and I have to tell her to get me dress shopping"

"Of course" I turned to Sophie "get here early tomorrow, a friend of mine is coming over to get ready"

"Sure, just one question, hoy are we getting there?"

"Don't worry about that, Aleck here is getting us a limo, tell Oleg to come here and pick you up if you want" I smirked his way

"Oh so know I have to rent a limo?" he asked appalled

"Yes servant of mine, you wouldn't want to let your date down would you?" he rolled his eyes

"But of course master"

"Do I want to know?" Logan asked

"Tell you later"

We each went our ways, I got to my apartment and went around doing laundry and cleaning the mess from the past week, if there was one thing my parents were clear when I came living here by my self, was that I was in charge of cleaning, there were not going to hire anyone for me, and I was fine with it, after all I was usually the only one here.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door, I looked at the time and it was 7:30 am, who on earth thinks this is a good time to wake me up. I looked on the security system and saw Vic standing outside my apartment with several bags, grunting I went to open the door.

"Good morning sleepy head!"

"You are way too cheery at 7:30 am"

"It's a big day!"

"Yeah wake me up later"

"No no" she pulled me by the sleeve "Here I brought coffee, and I have some questions for you"

"Thanks, alright" I sat down as she placed all her stuff in the living room

"So first, what's been going on with you lately?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, you've been AWOL more than usual"

"Oh, I guess between Alexis and family stuff..."

"Ok, second question" she took a big breath "Why has hottie been roaming around you?"

"Huh? James? I mean professor Hawthorne?" I corrected my mistake "Well he used to tutor Alexis and recently they've been hanging out where I am" Convenient truth

"That's so cool!"

"Not really, it's like he wants to be part of the family"

"How? Like by going out with you?"

"Ew! Vic no!"

"Well I wouldn't mind him getting into my family"

"Disgusting Victoria"

"One can dream" she sighed

"You have more questions?"

"Yeah, one more... since when are you a married woman and I was not informed???"

"Married? What are you talking about?" she pulled my hand where the rings from MPT were still there, crap, I forgot to take them off.

"Oh no these are not mine!"

"I bet elevator guy is involved" she said mysteriously

"Of course not! What would he even? no!!!"

"I'm willing to bet my life on it, I'm going to get him!" she stood up and stormed to the front door

"Wait, Victoria! Calm down will you? These are a joke from Alexis!"

"Not convincing, I'm getting Logan!"

"You don't even know where he lives"

"I know he lives in this building!"

"You don't know the floor"

"I'll knock on everyone's door till I find him"

"That's crazy!"

"No, it's not, let me go!" she pulled from my grasp

"Stop! I'll call him and ask him to come and explain alright?"

"Ok" she paused "I'm waiting" I rolled my eyes and went to my room for the wristwatch and searched for his contact, but I still didn't know how this thing worked so I tried to use his ability by calling him thought my mind, hopefully he'll understand. I made up a pretend conversation for Vic's sake.

"Says he'll come when he has time, by the way, I met a girl the other day and invited her to prom, she's homeschooled and will be coming here to get ready"

"Oh cool, what's her name?"


"Alright, let's get started, step number 1, go shower, you smell"

"Gee thanks" But I did as told.

By noon our nails were done and I was half way through Vic's hair when I heard laughter outside my door followed by knocking. I looked through the security system and saw Logan and Sophie laughing

"Hey guys!" I opened " Come on in Soph, Victoria is on the living room"

"Is that elevator guy?" shouted my friend

"Yeah!" I had barely said the word when she came barreling me aside and pushing Logan to a wall grabbing him be the shirt

"Who gave you permission to marry my friend huh?" Logan looked scared shitless and very very confused

"Huh.. what?" he looked at me for help

"See Vic... he has nothing to do with it!" I pried her away from my man... wait, he is NOT my man.

"What is she talking about Ella?" I raised my hand

"Alexis' Idea of a joke" he recognised the rings and laughed

"Chill Victoria, if I were to propose to Ella, you'd be the first to know alright?"

"I better be mister" she went back inside pulling Sophie "Come on girl, we have much to do"

"That was not awkward right?" Logan asked smiling

"Not at all" I shook my head, that's when I saw his t-shirt "I want one!, where can I get one of those?"

"These?" he looked down at his t-shirts as I nodded "Oh, these are for training"

"I would very much like to get one of those" I kept nodding

"I'll try to smuggle one for you ok?" he looked at his wristwatch "I have to get going, Aleck's about to get here"

"Aw are you having a boys' day in?" I teased

"Yeah! we are getting our nails done, and our hair, and singing boyband songs as we get ready" he replied in a girly voice

"You are such a girl!"

"But you like it" he stated

"I'm not sure"

"Yes you do" he pecked me on the lips before going to the elevator "See you later date!" I went back to the apartment as both girls were arguing about make-up, I smiled and joined them. 

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now