I'll be sure to thank her from you

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"Hey Ella you ok?"

"Hey Red, yeah thanks"

"Oh good, look I'm on my way and I'm staying for the night" she shouted something to someone on the street and honked "Look I'm five away, can I park inside?"

"Sure you know the passcode for the entrance door"

"K, see yo in a bit" Thank the heavens Hawthorne left. A couple of minutes later Red and I were drinking coffee the brought and settling her for the night.

"So what happened today?" I was hoping to avoid the topic

"I might have had a little too much to drink yesterday"

"Who were you with?"


"But you said he left on Saturday"

"He missed his flight and crashed here"

"Oh... well I hate to admit this to you but your brother is hot"

"Ew Red!"

"Well he is, he could give a run for his money to Professor Hawthorne"

"Don't get me started with him"

"Go on, start... you know he is hot!" His brother is hotter...

"Eh..." I made a noncommittal sound

"Stop lying to yourself he is hot" he sipped her coffee and tilted her head to one side "I wonder how old is he? You think he'll go out with me once school's over?"

"RED! he is a 26 year old dude!!"

"No way, he is at least 23"

"Take it from someone that knows"

"And you'd know because...?" shoot think fast

"He used to tutor my brother" ok... not a lie per se

"And you never told us?!?!"

"I just found out this weekend!" not a lie either

"Too bad..." he turned to the window "Do you know where he lived?"


"Tsss, you need to find out"

"No I don't need to"

"We could stalk him" and I burst out laughing, that's be fun "So who are you going with to prom?"

"Don't know, maybe I'll ask Alexis" I shrugged

"That is going to be so lame, you can do better than that! Besides prom is THIS weekend!"

"I know!"I hid behind a pillow "Who are you going with?"

"Well remember the guy from the cruise last year?"

"William right? That was a very romantic story"

"No it was not" she turned red as a tomato

"Yes it was, well what about him?"

"I ran into him at the Hard Rock the other day, we exchanged numbers and went for a coffee yesterday and asked him"


"He said yes"

"Aww how cute!"

"It doesn't mean anything!"

"Yes it does"

"We are friends!"

"I think he wants to be more than fiends"

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now