Yes and you are?

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As we arrived to what seemed to be the back garden, there were already a bunch of other people there that I recognised from the dinner and Sophie went straight to Oleg to say hi, I looked around the garden, it had a big fountain in the middle and stone paths that lead to different sides; on the far side I could see a veranda so I walked towards it. My thoughts kept returning to Logan and his attitude, honestly? he acted like an idiot, what did I do wrong for him to just leave like that? Nothing! I did nothing! Unless he was still mad for me not talking to him, but come on! That's child's play! I know I'm crazy but I am not THAT crazy!

"whoa whoa calm down! You are hurting my head with all that yelling!"

"Well than stop listening to my inner battle, no one invited you"

"Don't be like that" James stood next to me wearing his normal teacher outfit, all black

"I'll be however I like"

"You are being stubborn"

"And you are being noisy" I turn to fully look at him and found him looking back "where is my brother?"

"Busy" he averted his eyes and went back to looking over the veranda, there was a lake and some boats on one dock.

"Well tell him to unbusy, I want to talk to him"

"You don't need to talk to him, you just want to get rid of me"

"Maybe, but I do want to speak to him"

"You don't..."

"Don't even try my thoughts"

"A brick wall, really?"

"Is it working?"

"Yeah but..."

"Then yes, a brick wall" We were having a stare off when from the corner of my eyes I saw Sophie and Aleck staring at us with curious and confused expressions. James realising it as well, and probably not wanting to make more os a spectacle, took out a weird looking phone and pressed a number.

"She's asking for you.... can't do that... brick wall... shut up... I ain't saying that to her... bring your fat ass down here and deal with her" he disconnected the call, gave me one long look and left. Yay for me 2 out of 2 Hawthornes, must run in the family. I walked over to the other two.

"What was that?" Aleck asked

"Nothing" My tome making it clear I didn't want to talk about it. We approached a group of guys that were talking animatedly but I paid no attention to what they were saying. Aleck seemed to notice this and motioned with his head to one side; I walked with him towards the lake. My phone beeped and a video from Vic doing the Harlem shake in class made me laugh.

"Because it is normal to laugh by yourself"

"This is me acting normal"

"No it is not but I'll let it pass this time"

"So what's up?"

"You ok?"


"So you know both Hawthornes"


"I know that you and Logan live in the same building but James?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I dare to say we are fiends, and also because I like gossip" he said smiling

"Well if you must know, James is the PE teacher at my school"

"So all this time James has been hiding there?"

"Yep, in an all girls high school"

"That's rock stile life!"

"Not really, if you only knew the kind of thoughts he has to endure all day long..." I laughed

"I didn't even thought about it" he laughed with me

"Oh yes"

"Hey, don't get all blue because Logan's attitude, he has issues, come on people over there want to get to know the sister of Alexis Palakos"

"So he is famous here?" I rolled my eyes

"Practically" he chuckled

"Oh joy" I followed him and we mingled for a while; apparently my brother was famous for his madd ass skills and were hoping to hear everything from his childhood from me. A waiter was giving food and drinks to everyone but I was not hungry, that's when I saw Alexis walking out of the big house. People started surrounding him and that made me room my eyes.

"Hey Ella, glad to know you made it alright"

"Sure" I replied as a girl that looked a little older than me approached

"Hi Alexis!"

"Hey Sonia"

"So, are you part of the welcome committee?"

"Not really, I'm here to give my sister her key" the girl's face fell a little and Alexis looked annoyed

"Oh, that's too bad I was hoping we could catch up"

"Ella" he ignored her and turned to me "Stop being a brat and behave, here this is yours" he handed me a heavy envelope

"Stop patronising me mr. famous and be a decent brother for a change" I spat back

"You love me as I am" he turned leaving both of us standing there

"So you are his little sister?" I looked to the girl, she was pretty, with long jet black hair and brown eyes

"Yes and you are?"

"Sonia, your brother's girlfriend" she announced proudly, making my eyebrows go way up in my face

"Sonia, if you were his girlfriend he wouldn't have blown you off like that, as I recall you wanted to sleep with him and he rejected you, everyone knows it" Aleck interrupted, the girl looked at him with hatred and was about to retort "Bye bye"

She turned and left fuming.

"Pay her no mind, she is one of the many fans of your brother"

"So he is famous for whoring around?"

"Not really, they just go after him, anyway he is famous for other things" he nodded


"Well said, let's go you have to go to our rooms now"

I followed everyone inside but the stars were packed with people so I decided to wait until they cleared the space, I found a door that was ajar, looking around me and seeing no one I opened it to find an amazing library, rows and rows of books filled the space with an occasional painting, everything looked old but pretty.

I left the room and made my way to the now empty stairs but I had absolutely no idea where to go...

'turn left' a female's voice made me jump, I turned around looking for the owner of the voice, but seeing no one a looked left to another set of stairs, I think I might be going crazy.

'yes, go up the stairs'

"Ok who is there?"

'You know who I am, now trust me' the voice did sound familiar, I shrugged and followed instructions.

'good, now turn right, your room should be the forth on the left' indeed, a room that had the key's number my brother had given me earlier was imprinted on the side of the door.

"Well thanks!"

'Anytime, so now get settled and take that long bath you are craving'

"Oh I will... wait how did you...?" the voice didn't say anything back, so I looked around the room, it looked like a hotel one with a big bed a tv, a small kitchen and a bathroom that was to die for. On the kitchen counter there was a note with the schedule for these days and there was also a box. After checking at what time dinner was going to be served I did a happy dance to see that dinner was going to be room service so I had all the time I wanted for a bath. 

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now