And chant kumbayaaaaaaa

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I opened my eyes feeling the light in the room, I looked at the time, 10 am, I overslept. The phone rang.

"Hello?" I yawned

"Ella, oh my freaking camels are you ok?" Vic's frantic voice surprised me

"Hey Vic, yeah why? You ok?"

"I'm fine, you... you... what happened yesterday? The only thing I know is that you punched Red's brother and left!"

"Yeah well I left because Renninson called my father and expelled me"

"She WHAT?" she hyperventilated "She cannot expel you!"

"Apparently she can"

"But finals start on Tuesday!"

"I know"

"She can't expel you"

"Well she said she would, my dad is going to try and fix this" Speaking of my dad, I left my room but the place was quiet, I saw a note on the kitchen counter 'hey kiddo, I had to leave and deal with stuff, well your stuff, I'll call you later. xox'

"Ella? Ella you there?"

"Shoot sorry, what was that?"

"I called to see if you wanted to come over?"

"Thanks but my dad is staying with me the whole day, thanks though"

"You sure?"

"Yeah" My phone beeped there was an incoming call "I'll have to call you later, Alexis is calling me"

"Call me if you need anything ok?"

"Will do" I changed the call "What's up Alexis?"

"What's up? You are asking me whats..." he sighed "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"I'm ok, nothing I couldn't handle, when you see the footage, if you are allowed to, you'll be proud of me I promise" I said exasperated

"I am, I already saw it... but how do you know I was going to see it?"

"Lucky guess and dad..."

"So did he tell you?"

"He had to, he kind of yelled at James last night and I put two and two together"

"Lucky you, I learnt at my initiation he pulled the surprise card"

"So how does it work? the initiation I mean" I looked in the fridge for something to eat and the only thing was a milk carton, fortunately I had some cereal left

"It's quite simple, everyone gets in a circle and chant kumbayaaaaaaa and someone grabs a cattle thingy ad marks you" Excuse me?

"Are you for real?" now I was scared? they branded us?

"Of course not!" he burst out laughing "we are not a cult dumbass"

"Ok, now for real?"

"Can't tell you, no wait, I won't tell you"

"Why not?"

"Because you have to live it for yourself, I want you to go in there with no expectations"

"You suck you know? I'm hanging up now"

"No wait don't, I was told to tell you that you are under house arrest"

"Say what?"

"Chill, dad doesn't want you wandering around and about today, just watch tv and order food, relax a little"

"Tell dad he sucks too! But I'll stay in, promise"

"I know... sis, are you really ok?" he asked concerned

"Yeah, I'm fine... I'll be fine, I just need to put some cream on my arm, I can see a bruise forming up" I looked at my arm, it was turning purple greenish.

"I'm here if you need anything alright?"

"I know, go back to work"

"Ok byeeeeeeee"

"Bye bye dumbass"

"Hey I heard that!"

"I meant for you to hear it!" I hanged up, made myself some coffee, took a shower, grabbed a blanket and settled on the couch.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now