Still confused sister here

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For half an hour we drove before parking in front of a photo studio called Aiden's PS.

"As I live and breathe Alexis Palakos!" A guy yelled as we entered the place, he was a little shorter than me and sported jeans and a white t-shirt, his blonde hair had black strikes long enough to cover one of his eyes.

"Hey Aiden! Long time no see!" they greeted each other with one of those man hugs

"And this beautiful young woman is...?" he asked turning to me making me laugh as he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles

"Out of your league" he smirked "Ella, this is Aiden a high school friend, Aiden this is my sister Ella" Recognition passed through Aiden's eyes

"Of course, nice to meet you Ella" he smiled and put his arm around my shoulders "You know, I'm quite a catch, so if you just want to infuriate his idiot come find me anytime" he finished with a wink.

"I'll have that in mind" I laughed

"Hey! That's my sister you moron!" Alexis slapped the back of his head but Aiden just laughed it off.

"So ready to start? I've got all the props ready" We followed Aiden to the back room and I could see a white backdrop with black boxes laying around the floor and some cardboard boxes with stuff in them, I went closer to one of those and saw funny glasses and and hats in there.

"This is cool right sis?" I turned around to see my idiot brother wearing a purple shiny fedora and twirling.

"So cool, you should go out more often like that!" I nodded seriously "So what's the deal now?"

"Well we take a bunch of pics and then we frame them, that living room of yours looks empty without me"

We took one too many pictures but they were awesome, we posed with and without the props and after two hours Aiden called it a day. We saw the pictures and we printed the ones that were the coolest, Alexis insisted on printing them in different sizes and I went with it.

As we made our way out a beeping noise came from my brother's watch, he cursed and made a call that I didn't understand at all, at one point he turned to me and said something about not needing to hire anyone, which was weird, why would he need to hire someone? And for what?

"Sorry for that" he called when he hung up

"No worries, what was all that about?"

"Nothing, I'm doing a part time job, and they kind of forgot I had the weekend off, anyway they need me to do something and I think you can help me out"

"Where are you working?"

"At an agency" he motioned me to get in the car

"What kind of agency?" I asked intrigued, Alexis never mentioned anything about working anywhere

"A boring one, but I have to meet one of our clients and the client is expecting one of our senior staff whose married and since he had a family problem I'll have to cover, so now you are going to pretend to be my wife"

"Oh that's cool... wait what?" I made a double turn

"Come on sis! Where is your sense of adventure, besides you'll be able to walk out from there with many new clothes"

"You had me at new clothes"

"Perfect, we just need to buy a pair of wedding rings to make it believable" he replied casually and I wondered yet again what kind of agency he worked for.

After buying some flashy rings he parked outside of a very posh store, I could see clothes through the windows but no clients.

"So, you are going to wait for me to open the door, the name of the dude that was supposed to show up is Ulysses Harrison and his wife is Amanda M. Harrison so you'll have to answer to that name ok?"

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now