Call it a brother's instinct

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Walking out of my room the next day I saw my brother was not in the apartment so I made myself some coffee and eggs, grabbed my backpack and took out my homework.

"Alright I'm sorry" I turned around from the tv to see my brother carrying a bunch of big brown bags.

"You are sorry" I mumbled turning back to my program

"Yes I am Ella, I am really sorry"

"For what?" I clicked the pause button of the remote and stood up "For getting angry that your sister wanted to know what you do for a living? Or maybe because it is one pm on Saturday and you disappeared last night and never came back?"

"For both" he lowered his head "Look Ella, I snapped yesterday, I thought my boss was going to kill me after the amount you spent yesterday, turns out he just laugh it off after getting a call from our client saying the deal was on"

"Good for you, let me just remind you that you never gave me a limit" I looked pointedly at him as I walked over to my liquor cabinet, took out the bottle on the back and grabbed a glass which I filled with ice then proceeded to pour some of the nicest amber liquid I have ever encountered

"Wait wait, now you are going to drink? may I remind you you are still underaged?" Alexis walked to where I was and tried to take the glass from me

"It's not like you are going to stop me, besides that cabinet was filled up by dad, because he trusted me, then again you poured me one the other day" I shrugged and downed the glass feeling the burn of the alcohol, I was about to fill it again but remembered I hadn't had any lunch yetis I refrained from doing it

"Sorry, I've brought food" He pushed one of the brown bags towards me "Chinese, your favourite"

I tentatively grabbed the bag and the moment the smell of the food hit my nose I was unpacking it.

"Look Ella, it is not like I don't want to tell you, the agency literally does a little bit of everything, we go from saving companies from bankruptcy to fixing someone's image to please crowds so there you have it"

"I still don't forgive you" I replied chewing the fried rice "Don't even think for a second you can buy me with food"

"Yes I know, but I brought gifts" He raised the other bags

"So, trying to buy me either way"

"Not really, I'm trying to apologise here, give me a break" I left the chopsticks down and opened one of the other bags and saw the pictures from yesterday but framed, the pictures were really cool, most of them on black and white and on different sizes.

"These are cool, but still you were an ass yesterday"

"Yes I know" he moved closer to me and opened his arms, I closed the gad and hugged him "I really am sorry"

"I know, why else would you bring food?" We both laughed "Now come on I'm starving"

"So I have to go back tonight to campus" Alexis broke the silence after the movie ended, I turned to see him

"Are you happy?" I sat crosslegged facing him

"Very" he smiled and patted his legs, I unfolded myself and rested my head with a pillow on his lap

"Then I'm happy for you"

"So, tell me about this boyfriend of yours" I chuckled

"HE is not my boyfriend"

"Yet, right?"

"To be honest I don't think anything will happen, I mean..."

"What? He looks cool but just tread carefully around him"

"Tread carefully? What do you mean?"

"I don't know, call it a brother's instinct"

"You don't even know the guy!"

"I know about guys! I am one!" he laughed and I smiled

"Well thanks for the concern, but I think I can take care of myself"

"Oh I know you do, daddy dearest made sure of that"

"Yes he did" I stopped for a second "Hey so, tell me about this future girlfriend of yours"

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"Well there has got to be one!" I sat straight "I want to meet someone you care for"

"I care about you and Mila"

"We are your sisters, what I meant is that one day you need to find someone you care for other than your sisters"

"The day I meet this someone, you'll be the first to know" He smiled


"Yes I do, so now I have to pack" he clapped his hands and went around the room picking his mess up. I picked our mess from lunch and helped him out.

"Until we meet again" I laughed

"That's so cheesy" but I hugged him

"Aright miss I'm too good for goodbyes"

"Ass!" I slapped his arm "Take care will you?"

"Always do, so I'll see you around alright?" he stepped into the elevator "And do me a favour?"

"What is it?"

"Say hi to Logan for me" the doors closed and I smiled knowing he was just joking around, idiot, but I love him.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now