So now you are a jock?

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We went back to my place after lunch and since it was Friday we made plans to go out tonight, there were a few places that let us in thanks to Parker's boyfriends and my brother, so The Hard Rock was the winner because apparently some cool bands were playing there tonight. Everybody left to change and since I was alone I turned the music up and changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans a graphic tee that had some cut outs and black pumps, I found my black clutch that had mini skulls all over it, filled it with my stuff and went to the living room to watch some tv before I had to leave.

I payed the cab and walked to where a bunch of people were trying to get in, and the guy guarding the entrance looked my way and smiled.

"Ella! Come come!"

"Hello Markus, how are you?" so he knew me and I knew him, he used to work for my dad and when he resigned he went on to be door keeper for clubs.

"I'm good, and you?" he smiled like a father would a daughter, he was part of my life growing up, I actually never knew what he did for my dad, but he was always around, usually for dinner time

"Pretty good thanks"

"So are you here alone tonight?" he looked behind me

"No, I'm supposed to meet my friends here" I said looking around to see if I could spot them

"The usuals?" He knew all of my friends


"Ok, so how about this, go ahead and tell Johnny to give you my table, I'll send your friends your way, I don't like the way these guys are looking at you" He kind of snarled behind me

"Don't be so mean!" I laughed

"You have grown up to be a very fine lady, I wouldn't want to face your father's wrath if something happened to you on my watch" he looked at me sternly

"Alright alright, I don't want to keep all of these people waiting to get in, thanks for the table Markus" I smiled and side hugged him

"No need to thank, anything for you! Go on and have fun!" he motioned for me to get in the club. So I got the table and sent a text to the group telling them to go straight to Markus and he'd let them in without a fuss.

I danced with the girls and some cute guys that dared to come close to a bunch of girls, and around 1 am my cell buzzed on my ass, I took it out and saw a text from Alexis 'Sis, I'm in NY & crashing @ urs, c ya love ya' Yay! My brother is in town! I haven't seen him for some months, so I downed what was left of my drink, said all the good byes and left.

As I opened the door to my apartment I saw the tv on.

"Ella is that you?"

"Yeah, hey there" he was laying down on the couch wearing pants and a hoodie

"What time is it?"

"Around two am" I lifted his legs and sat putting them back on top of mine

"So where were you?"

"The Hard Rock with the girls"

"Girls night out?"

"Yep" I smiled to him

"Cool, so I need sleep" He kept looking at the tv

"Me too, the blankets are over there" I pointed to where they were

"Perfect" he sat and gave me a kiss o the forehead "Night sis, love ya"

"Love you too" I went to my room, changed to pjs, cleaned my face and crashed on the bed.

"Good morning sunshine!" Alexis' voice registered in my head as light came pouring in the room "Come on little sister! We have a full day ahead of us!"

"I hate you" was my very intelligent response as I pulled the pillow over my eyes

"You love me now come on chop chop!" the pillow was taken away from me, the covers were pulled and my arm got pulled

"What time is it?" I asked groggily as I sat on the bed

"The glorious nine am and the activities I planned are waiting" he answered proudly

"You need to come more often so you don't feel the need to do this" I stood up

"Ok, I'll prepare coffee and breakfast while you take a shower" he disappeared from my room but then yelled "by the way, dress really nice!"

"Deal" He left my room as I got ready and took a couple of Advil for the headache I was sporting.

"So Alexis, mind telling me what we are doing today?" The doors of the elevator closed

"Oh many things, I need to take advantage that you are looking this beautiful" he side smiled

"Bla bla Alexis" I rolled my eyes

"I promise! You've grown so much and you are beautiful"

"Shut up, look who is talking" I touched his bicep and he chuckled "you've been working out?"

"Got into the soccer team"

"So now you are a jock?" I smirked "breaking hearts left and right?"

"No..." he blushed and rolled his eyes "I'm sure you have like three boyfriends"

"What are you talking about?" I slapped his arm "I am single for the momen..." the elevator stopped and guess who was waiting on the other side

"Oh hi Logan" I said really fast

"Um hi?" he replied hesitantly

"Logan, this is Alexis my brother, Alexis this is Logan" the nodded

"Hey man" my brother said and then turned to me and winked "So Logan... you like my sister?" I almost chocked on air

"Alexis shut up!" I am pretty sure my face was as red as a tomato and I turned to Logan "I'm sorry he was dropped as a baby repeatedly" but he was containing his laugh. Thankfully the doors opened and we left the confinements of the elevator, I dragged Alexis my the shirt he was wearing "Bye Logan!" I yelled turning back and smiling, he just waved.

"Calm down Ella!" Alexis laughed as me got in the parking lot and walking towards his car

"You are an ass you know?"

"So you like the guy!"

"None of you business" I replied as we got in his car

"So you do like him!" he kept laughing

"As I said, it is none of your business, and even if I did, you just probably scared him off" I rolled my eyes

"Doubt it"

"So where are we going?" I changed the topic

"We are taking some pictures because we don't have any and then lunch" he joined the cars on the street and he drove off. 

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now