Being a spy was really cool

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It was almost dinner time when Logan left, he made me happy and even helped cleaning the lunch plates and glasses. I was working on some practice for Tuesday's exam by the time my dad got home, he took a look at me and asked what was on with me, I was not going to tell him anything about me and Logan so I just smiled.

"Studying" he looked like he didn't believe me

"So, sorry for sending your brother to tell you about the house arrest"

"No worries dad"

"We've been working all day long on this but that Renninson is being very difficult"

"What did I tell you, stubborn!" I laughed

"I can see that now, thank you very much for the warning"

"Anytime dad, so what do you want for dinner?"

"I'd love for a home cooked meal, I've been living on take outs"

"Sorry to disappoint, there is nothing in the fridge"

"Damn, alright let's get Chinese"

"Cool, hey dad is there a chance that I could go tomorrow to the supermarket?"

"Not a chance why?"

"No food in the house?"

"You can live on take outs you are a teenager, you don't grow fat"

"Yes I do! Do you want a fat daughter?"

"I don't care how my daughter looks and that's so not what I was saying"

"Really? That's sooooo not?" I laughed

"Shut up"

"That's Alexis right there!"

"No, that's you right there"

"No no, I'm pretty sure it's Alexis"

"Well I don't care, just don't say anything to Alexis, he might go bonkers"

"Sure thing dad"

"Ok, I'll compromise, how about I send someone from MPT tomorrow and he'll take you shopping? You can't go to school tomorrow yet so..."

"I wouldn't mind as long as I can get out of the house for a few minutes"

"Perfect, be ready by ten"


"So I have to go, I'll see you soon alright?"


"Love you kiddo" he hugged me

"Love you too dad" he left and I went to sleep.

It felt good to wake up without an alarm for two days in a row, I made myself some coffee and showered as I waited for a guy named Andreas, he was the one to was supposed to pick me up. At ten on the dot the intercom buzzed and Anthony let me know he had arrived so I let him up.

"Good morning miss Palakos, my name is Andreas let's go" a very noticeably Russian guy in his mid thirties wearing a black suit was waiting for me on the door

"Good morning Andreas" I grabbed my purse and close the apartment door, he was quiet, very quiet "So my dad sent you?"

"If by 'dad' you mean Mr Palakos, my boss, then yes"

"Oh, cool" I punched the button for the parking lot

"No, we are taking my car miss" he punched the Lobby button. As we passed Anthony I greeted him, we left the building and got into a black Wrangler, he opened the door for me and everything.

"How chivalrous of you, that you Andreas" I tried to make him smile but his serious face didn't bulge

"So where first?" he asked as the vehicle roared to life

"The supermarket please"

"Any in particular?"

"A big one" He looked confused for a second then took out his phone and put it on speaker

"Hello base, please check of the Alpha's cargo is cleared for warehouse"

"Clearance confirmed for Alpha's cargo, use entrance 4, your ETA?"

"5 minutes" he finished the call and drove fast

"So Andreas?"


"Where are we going?" he stopped at a red light without looking at me and checked the surroundings

"To buy the things you need"

"Ok, it's just I've never heard of a supermarket called warehouse"

"Of course not, there is no supermarket called like that"

"So what's the Warehouse?"

"You'll see Miss Palakos"

"Oh please stop calling me like that, just Ella please and since you just referred to me as Alpha's cargo, it means my dad is Alpha?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" he joked

"Hey you just made a joke!" I laughed at his oops face and he went back to serious mode "Oh don't be like that, I promise to not tell a soul that you know how to laugh" He smiled a very very small smile. We approached an old battered building with graffiti and I untucked myself

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" but before I could even ask why, the outside world disappeared from my view, we were dropping and gravity took revenge on my by bumping my head with the ceiling of the car

"Ouch!" I managed to say as the car stopped dropping and a light turned on, I could see two guards standing outside a door "What just happened?"

"You just entered the warehouse" he said nonchalantly



"Yes what? Whose warehouse are we?"


"So I'll be doing my grocery shopping here?"


"A man of few words I see" he waited a few seconds

"Come on, follow me" he opened his door

"But I have a question" I said opening my door "Why here?"

"You said a big place" He shrugged "This is a big place" I kept rubbing my head and I saw him shaking containing his laughter

"Just laugh it off Andreas, didn't anyone tell you it's bad for your sense of humour to hold it in?" he now laughed out loud

"Miss Palakos, you are a very weird young lady" I smiled

"Why thank you Andreas and again, just Ella"

"Alright Ella, follow me" He loosened up a little bit. I followed him to the guards, both of them wearing combat clothes.

"Andreas man! Long time no see!" one of them greeted him "And who do we have here?" he looked younger than Andreas

"Her?" he pointed with his thumb "none of your business gentlemen, now if you'll excuse us" he placed his hand on my back and guided me through the door, when we crossed the door we were standing on an upper level, what I saw shocked me, it was literally a warehouse sort of supermarket that had many sections such as food and pharmacy, but also arms, gadgets, combat clothes, undercover clothes and spy clothes... not kidding these were actual names hanging from the ceiling which was at least 16ft tall.

Being a spy was really cool.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now