Logan's POV

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~~Another Logan's POV, a little longer this time.

Why would she think I'd say no? And didn't her inviting me meant she kind of liked me? Me? She's beautiful whereas I'm... well I'm me.

"So dear, I guess I'll need to send the tuxedo to the dry cleaners?"

"Not always fair that you know these things before me telling them to you gran" I smiled

"I'll take care of everything, she's a nice girl"

"That she is gran" she was smirking now

"Take care of her"

"Will do" I went to my room to see an incoming call from Aleck

"Dude where are you?"

"My place why?"

"I have a problem"

"You are bored"

"Yes, and I need entertainment"

"Of course you do, meet me at the lobby in 30 I'll take you out for some ice-cream"

"Yay! Bye!" a five year old that never grew up ladies and gentlemen.

As I stepped out of the elevator I had found myself looking at a very worried Anthony and an amused Aleck.

"Oh man thank God you are here" Aleck laughed

"What's going on?"

"Well Master Logan it's nothing really" he kept looking aside

"Dude that Ella chick from the other day and this other hot chick are hiding behind the des and every now and then they come out and scare the shit out of Anthony, they got me a couple of times too "he interrupted Anthony "they are hilarious man! and their outfits, damn that Ella chick is hot, no wonder you couldn't keep your eyes from her!"

"Shut up Aleck!"

"Victoria, put that back on! There's people out there"

"But it's hot... itstoohotinhereeeeeeee" I recognised that voice from the girl who opened the door earlier

"I don't care, we have to go back" Ella muttered "I'm standing up, ok I can do this... maybe... ok yes I can" She tried lifting herself up, key word tried.

"I'll help you here grab my hand"

"Vic! you are pulling me down! Gosh you are so drunk right now, what is your mother going to say about this?"

"Noooooo don't tell my mom, she'll kill me"

"I promise I won't but you have to stand up! Geez how much did you drink?"

"Dunno... enough"

"I only saw you drinking three shots"

"That you saw"

"Yeah I can see that now... he Aleck!"

"You called?" He approached them containing his laughter

"Yeah stop smiling like Goofy and help me out would ya?"

"Oh Ella, what would Logan think if he saw you like this? And asking for my hand! He'll be devastated" he taunted her

"Logan would be laughing his ass of at you for even thinking I might be into you, now come on help me out!"


"What's up Vic?"

"That boy is hot" An arm was pointing at Aleck "Hotter than hottie"

"Really? Nah..."

"Elevator guy might be hot for you, but..." she paused looking at my friend "he is hot, come on admit it!"

"I am not admitting that aleck here is hot"

"So his name is Aleck... wait how do you know him?" for a drunk girl this was a very sober conversation

"Not the point right now, come on I have to sober you up and call your mother to tell her you are staying over. Aleck!"

"Right here, no need to shout" he started helping them stand up "by the way, I will have to inform my very dear friend Logan about these shenanigans" he said in an amused tone. They had gotten Ella's friend to her feet when she saw me, Ella's back facing me

"So Ella, tell me, who is hotter, hottie or hot guy at the door today, and I want an honest answer!" I didn't know who 'hottie' was, but I was hoping to she'd say me.

"Victoria! That is a very mean question to ask your friend here" Aleck intervened and he saw me scowl

"Who said you could talk to me hot guy?" with that she shrugged out of Aleck's and Ella's arms and walked perfectly well to the elevators

"Sure thing Vic" Ella laughed "Aleck, that pretty face of yours is priceless"

"Oh and by the way hot guy, I hope you have a nice tuxedo that fits for this Saturday"

"And why would I need one?"

"You are my date to prom" he got in the elevator "Ella you coming?"

"Well Aleck, I guess I'll be seeing you this Saturday" she said patting Aleck on the arm and walking to her friend, apparently she hadn't see me at all.

"Wait, just like that I am supposed to be her date?"

"Oh boy" she stopped and turned "yes sweetie, and I know you'll want to impress her so you'll be wearing something gold, that is the colour of her dress"

"You'll be going?" Aleck half turned to me

"Obviously yes" Ella answered

"Whose your date?"

"He is standing right there" she motioned with her hand to the general direction to where I was "and I'm wearing dark blue"

The doors of the elevator door closed with the two girls in it

"I guess we have dates on Saturday after the retreat, I am not bored anymore"

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