Whatever helps you sleep at night dad

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My dad arrived minutes later, he opened the car door and his face was worried not angry, I stood up and ran to him, that's when the waterworks started, I felt like a little girl crying. He kept muttering 'sweetie it's going to be ok, you are safe now' he cleaned my tears and kissed my forehead then looked up

"James Hawthorne" he said coldly "Look what you've done now"


"Don't you sir me, you had one job James, one!" I looked up, a little stunned at my dad outburst and saw Logan sported a similar expression "Logan it is a pleasure to finally meet you"

"A pleasure sir?"

"It's ok for you to call me sir, for now" my dad smiled as if he had made a joke "would you like us to give you a ride home? I believe this party is over for both of you"

"I guess, thanks"

"Hop on, you too sweetie" he smiled at me and turned back to look at my teacher "The board will be hearing from this, who do you even think you are? These decisions are not yours to make!"

"I had every right to do it!" he answered fuming "This is my team!"

"Was James, I highly doubt after tonight you'll have anything to do with them"

"I will not lose this Arthur!"

"Sir" he turned towards the car where Logan and I were stalling by the doors "Don't forget you helped you get there. Goodnight"

The car ride was quiet, a little uncomfortable perhaps, but I was too afraid to ask the questions my head, what was my dad's power? And well, it was obvious he was part of MPT and had a higher rank than James... forget it I'm too tired.

"Goodnight sir and think you for bringing me" the doors to the fifth floor opened up

"Sure thing Logan" I took off his jacket

"Hey, here, thanks for everything tonight I had a great time until... well anyways thanks"

"Keep it" he smiled "I now have a real excuse to knock on your door" I hugged him and felt him kiss my head

"Goodnight Logan"

"Night Ella" the doors closed and the elevator went up to my floor

"So, you and Logan Hawthorne?" dad asked teasingly


"Well I approve"

"Who asked you" I smiled

"I'm your father I need to approve"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night dad" I opened the apartment door and left my shoes by the entrance "Hey dad?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"Am I really going to be expelled?"

"I'm not sure, first why don't you tell me what happened?" And I did, I explained the drill and getting angry, storming off up to the point where I punched Blake. "Atta girl!"

"I'm scared"

"Don't be, we'll fix this, hopefully your headmistress won't put up much of a fight"

"Then i'm screwd, she is stubborn"

"We'll get the security footage and we'll make our case with her, don't worry"

"We? Whose we?" his eyebrows went up

"I want to believe you are a very smart girl and know the answer to the question, I' sorry I didn't say anything before"

"Not forgiven dad" I crossed my arms "It's not fair you know?"

"Oh believe me, I know" he smiled "I had to go through the same thing, Alexis also"

"Really?" I asked surprised

"Yes, but trust me, just because it is the family's business, means that you get special treatment, ask your bother"

"Ok ok, no special treatment I get it" I smiled "So I have a couple of questions"

"I'm listening" he walked over to the alcohol cabinet and took out the scotch. "Want one?" I love my dad, I nodded.

"So first, what's your power?" I was dying to know

"I can move things without touching them" he finished pouring the glasses

"That's so cool! Can you show me?" he laughed and one of the glasses moved by itself floating in the air to me. "Amazing!"

"Yes, it can come in handy when you want to make people fall off their chairs" he laughed as if remembering something

"Ok, second question, is my mom a spy?"

"Sadly no, and I confess that it was my job that made us gat the divorce, I was not always at home and traveling from mission to mission" he looked down for a second "being the family business everyone expected more of me"

"I understand..." I could see that raising three kids alone took a toll on my mom "How come it is the family's business?"

"Well, your grandfather and Logan's started it, I believe you know the general story?" I nodded "You need to understand that this, besides being your career will also be your legacy"

"So Logan's family is in it as well?" I asked curious

"Well, his grandparents and both Logan and James are, their parents were in it as well, but they both dies in a mission gone wrong a couple of years back, they were good friends of mine"

"That's so sad..."

"It is, your mom was really good friends with Alexandria, Logan's mom" I couldn't imagine one of my friends dying so young and with kids... My eyelids were closing now, exhaustion filling my body now

"Alright miss questions, time for bed" he said string up

"Are you leaving?" I didn't want to be alone...

"You mind if I take the couch?"

"Use the spare room, you chose that bed" I smiled

"That I did" he hugged me and kissed my forehead "so goodnight kiddo"

"Night dad" I turned off the lights, changed out of the dress, washed my face and teeth and fell to a dreamless slumber.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now