Hello beautiful ladies of table one

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When the clock hit six thirty I grabbed the envelope with the key, my coat and left the building. I though all Sunday about wether to ditch or go to this weird thing from MPT, but I was bored and curious, a combination that had brought me many unfortunate situations before.

The Four Seasons Hotel was a good ten minutes away so I took my car left it at the valet and went straight to room 316, the key opened perfectly. The room, if you can call it that was enormous and beautiful, it was more of the size of a suite. I left my bag on the bed and walked around the place, the view it had was perfect, I had Central Park at me feet it almost felt like I was flying above it. I was brought out of my daydreaming as the phone room rang. Weird. Should I answer..? Before I could think about it I picked up the auricular.


"Miss Mariella Palakos welcome, we are glad you came"

"Um... thank you?" this is crazy

"When this call ends please go to the closet where you will find two boxes. Take the blue one and put on what you find in there, you must put it on and do not open the red box. We will see you on the Metropolitan Suite in thirty minutes. Do not be late" and the call was over.

This was way too weird and for a second I was considering bolting the place and going back to mine but honestly? I was just too curious so I went to the closet found the boxes and grabbed the blue one, I opened it and inside I found a grey almost silver dress with heels that were surprisingly size. I changed from my jeans and shirt, the dress also fit perfectly.

Half an hour later I was walking to the elevator, my cellphone and room key with me, and as the doors opened a girl abut my age got in with me, wearing a similar dress.


"Hi" I replied

"Are you heading to the Metropolitan Suite?" she asked nervously

"Yeah... I'm Ella" I smiled, I was also feeling jitters

"I'm Sophie, do you have any idea what this is about?"

"No idea, no university I know would ever do something like this to get new students"

"I know" she fell quiet for a second "Hey, would you mind if we sit together? At least we'll know each other"

"Sure thing" We walked together to a set of double doors with a lady that had an auricular and a tablet.

"I've got two more here" she said to no-one, so I figured she was talking to whomever was on the other side of the auricular, she looked like a bodyguard, wearing all black "Names?"

"Sophie Charlotte Prideux Dupuis" Sophie said as I motioned her to go first

"Yes, table one" she typed something on the tablet then turned to me "And Mariella Palakos Tafiani also table one, please get in"

"How did she know your name?" Sophie asked as we were out of her earshot

"Dunno, but at least we are sitting together" I linked my arm with hers and we asked around the tables looking for table number one. There were many kids around our age and also some that looked to be older, the decoration seemed to be grey and silver all around, the girls all wearing dresses in this colours and the guys suits that matched. When we found table one I realised we were not the first ones to arrive.

"Hello beautiful ladies of table one" an Ed Westwick kind of guy greeted us by standing up "My name is Aleck and I'll be your chaperone for the night"

"Oh hi, I'm Sophie" She said smiling really excited, which just made me want to roll my eyes

"Welcome welcome" he motioned to the chair next to him and Sophie moved to seat then he turned to me but before I could utter a word

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now