Really a baboon?

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I turned around and went back to my friends fuming, but I was stopped short when a hand grabbed my arm

"Wait there" I looked back and saw Blake

"Let go of me Blake"

"Not so fast wifey, what do you say to going to a more private place?"

"I obviously say no, let me go!"

"No, you are coming with me" he started pulling "I know you want to"

"No I don't! Let me go you idiot"

"I like it when they go feisty, you are coming with me"

"Blake you have three seconds to let my arm go before I do something you'll regret"

"Oh believe me when I say I will regret nothing tonight, come on chop chop move it" he started pushing me with his other hand and the grip he had on my arm intensified hurting me

"I warned you, 3..." he rolled his eyes "2..." he pulled harder "1... sorry not sorry" I pulled him back to me positioning my leg behind his knees making him fall, since his grip had not loosened I fell right son top of him

"You could've waited until we were alone, this is exactly how I wanted you, on top"

"Say bye bye Blake" He looked confused as my fist went right to his nose, breaking it and leaving him unconscious. My hand hunted but my pride was intact.

"Miss Palakos, please explain this!" Nooooooo why Reninnson? "I will not tolerate this behaviour! I warned you" I could see an audience forming around us as I stood up

"I am sorry Mrs Renninson but he implied he wanted to rape me, I just defended myself"

"Lies lies lies! This calls for expulsion, I finally have proof to expel you" she was laughing and smiling

"I am not making this up! I swear!" I looked down to where Blake was still unconscious on the floor, gosh, Red is going to kill me.

"Yes you are, follow me, we are calling your parents right this instant!" She turned around and I followed, well this was a great night. We walked into a makeshift office, puled a chair for me to sit down and proceeded to look through and agenda. My phone started vibrating and saw Vic was calling, I answered the call but didn't speak to her

"Would you like me to give you my father's number? I believe it'll be faster than looking for it"

"Shut up!" she yelled and then muttered "finally expelling you, no diploma for you demon spawn"

"You know you could at least offer me a glass of water, I was almost raped after all"

"Miss Palakos if I believed every word that comes out of your mouth the school would've been burned by now"

"So you've been waiting for a sorry excuse to expel me?"

"For any excuse!" Just then James entered the room "Mr Hawthorne, please watch that Miss Palakos does not leave the room"

"Mrs Renninson? What is going on?" He looked at me with a questioning look and back to my principal

"Miss Palakos is being expelled, I'm calling her father" she finally found my dad's number and dialled, as she waited James looked back up to me and I nodded giving him permission to read my head, he looked shocked and angry. "Mr Palakons good evening... no sir I'm calling to inform you that Mariella has been expelled and we need you to come get her... yes... she was found punching a boy... of course not!... I'll be waiting sir" she ended the call "All done, James I have to check on the boy, you are in charge of Mariella and getting her to her father when he arrives"

"Of course" she left smiling like a cheshire cat "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, a little shaken up" I was actually shaking really bad, now that the situation was over I was scared, not that I was not scared before, Blake was a piece of ass and for a second I felt like it might have happened. I jumped when my phone vibrated again, my dad was calling

"Hey dad"

"Hey kiddo you ok?"

"I think so"

"I'm on my way and you can explain everything alright?"


"I'll be there in five, wait for me outside"

"Sure, bye" We finished the call and James was opening the door for me. I wondered where Logan was, I hoped he didn't think I had ditched him, he probably wouldn't even talk to me again. I realised then that James looked scared and uncomfortable, what could ever make the babbling, bumbling baboon scared? James laughed, I had forgotten to pull my wall back up.

"Really a baboon?"

I ignored him, none of thins would've happened if he hadn't pulled up his useless drill. I would still be a happy camper, dancing and having fun, but noooooo Mr important wanted to have his moment of glory. Glory my ass.

I took a seat on one of the front steps of the building James stayed still behind me, the night air was very chilly but I welcomed the cold. Imagine if I did get expelled... would I be allowed to still join MPT? Or would I have to redo the whole academic year? My life was messed up, my dad was probably going to kill me, and what would I even tell my mom?

"Ella!" I looked back and saw Logan walking towards us, he had my heels so I stood up and hugged him, screw James I needed it "Are you hurt?"

"No" my voice muffled "I'm sorry" he pulled back to see my face

"What for?"

"My dad is picking me up"

"And what is the problem?"

"I don't want you to think I'm ditching you"

"I know you are not, I was actually coming over to see if you wanted a ride home" I just hugged him again "You are cold"

"A little" I replied shaking "I think I'm still shocked"

"Here" he handed me my shoes and shrugged off his tux jacket "Put this on, I'm sorry I was not there to protect you"

"Don't be, I was the one storming off" I sighed looking at the sky and hugging myself "Red is so going to kill me for punching her brother"

"No she is not, she was actually yelling at him" he chuckled

"Good" I looked back at him "Thanks, you are pretty amazing you know?"

"Me? What about that punch you landed on the guy's face?" he laughed "I was told it was epic!"

"My dad showed me how to punch when I was little, but maybe I didn't need to punch him that hard"

"Stop blaming yourself, the guy had it coming and no one is blaming you"

"Just my principal" I sighed rejected "she said she'll be expelling me"

"Everything will work out I promise" He smiled and I let my head rest on his shoulder as we sat back down.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now