We need to go dress shopping

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Vic was snoring loudly and I couldn't sleep, the day's events kept running through my head and I remembered the box and the envelope which I had left on the kitchen counter forgotten as I brought the pizza, so without making any noise I moved to the kitchen, turned on a light and grabbed the box first and on the inside I found a very pretty bracelet with a luck charm and a small letter which ended up being from my mom, sending me her luck for finals that were just around the corner.

I put it aside and grabbed the envelope, which had my full name written in golden letters, it felt heavy on my hands so I opened it a saw a piece of paper and a key, the paper said:

                                                          This is an invitation for you only.

                                                       We would like to offer a place with us,

                                                             we know you'll find our help

                                                             fitting to encourage your gift.

                                                                           Come meet us.

                                                                           MPT University

                                             Sunday, May 28th, 7pm Four Seasons Hotel

                                                                 The key is for room 316.

Right... I have a gift? What do they mean? And which university is MPT? I've never heard of it before, well today when Renninson mentioned it but... So I grabbed my laptop that was nearby and googled it, nothing, there was NOTHING of it. Maybe I'll ask Alexis if he's heard of it later on. I saw it was already one am, so I took the envelope with me and placed it inside my night stand drawer and went to sleep.

As we were parking our cars on the school parking lot, Parker one of our friends came rushing to our side.

"Guys! Classes are cancelled for tomorrow!" I knew better than to ask how she knew about this at 7 am, she was, after all, on the Teacher-Student Committee and on the school's newspaper.

"Well that sounds absolutely perfect" I said as I clicked the alarm on of my car and took a sip of the freshly brewed coffee that was keeping me awake "We need to go dress shopping"

"That sounds like a plan!" Parker said excited and looked thoughtful for a second "I think none of us has bought their dresses yet"

"Then tomorrow my place at 10 and we'll leave in one car" I finished the coffee as we were crossing the entrance.

"All students, please head to the auditorium for a last minute assembly" Vania's voice announced though the speakers. We looked at each other, shrugged and walked with our backpacks to the auditorium. The place was packed with girls talking non-stop and the only places we found were on the first row, Gail, Tina and Red were already sitting there.

So let me explain a little about my group of friends, there are six of us and situations in life brought us together, well mainly the fact that we wanted to start a band 2 years ago. So, Red (short for Mildred) is the gym addict with short brown hair, Tina (short for Christina) with long blond locks and natural looks that had guys drooling after her, Parker as I mentioned before, the 'it girl' of our group that knew the latest gossip and news, always with a boyfriend hanging on her arm, Gail (short for Abigail) the bookworm with photographic memory and black medium-long hair, Vic (obviously short of Victoria) with the parental issues and innocent looks that...

"Attention girls!" Renninson took the stage, as always wearing all black, and was trying to make everyone shut up, obviously nobody paid any mind to her, so after trying for five times, Parker stood up, took the mic from her and turned to us.

"Alright kids!" works like magic every single time, "Please lets hear what our principal has to say, I don't know about you but I would very much like to get to Physics class cuz I need to know if I passed the last quiz or not. Thanks" she jumped from the stage and sat again with a satisfied smile.

"Thank you miss Parker, now everyone I have a few announcements to make today, so first" She shuffled some papers in her hands "We have installed security cameras around the school, no Miss Angela we are not going to be part of Big Brother" a sophomore's hand and face went down "Those are to try and catch the ones pranking the whole school" and I could swear her eyes moved to where we were sitting "Let me remind you that smoking in the school premises is not allowed, please refrain from doing it, and lastly, classes are suspended tomorrow because the school will be going through an evaluation of its structures" She looked up from her notes "So now please go to your classes, have a good day" The students tried to leave the place at the same time so we decided to wait until the lines were gone.

"You think she'll ever catch us?" Gail said as she opened her Calculus notebook

"Never" Red and Vic answered at the same time making all of us laugh.

"So guys, tomorrow 10 am at my place, we are going dress shopping" I told them as I stood up and picked my backpack from the floor.

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