Yeah and you can read minds right?

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Just as dessert was being served, the same lady that greeted us before entered the room and speed walked to our table. Everyone on the room following her with their eyes as she stood next to me.

"Mariella Palakos please follow me"

"What?" I asked confused

"I said, come with me" she leaned in and in a very harsh tone continued "now young lady"

"Ok ok, I'm coming" I turned to everyone on the table "Sorry guys gotta go, I guess I'm the first one, see ya"

"Wait, your last name is Palakos?" Aleck asked with his eyes like saucers

"Yeah why?"

"Crap, nothing, see ya" he rushed and turned to Sophie and engaged her in conversation, everyone on the table looked as confused as I was.

We arrived to a room that had it's own terrace and I was told to stay put there and to not roam the room, since she did not specified the terrace, I went around to the edge of it and looked around, you could see part of the New York City skyline and some Central Park, it was almost dusk, so the sky was turning dark blue but it was nice as there was no need to wear a coat.

"I have always loved the view of this hotel" I jumped my heart out when I heard the voice so I turned around with my had on my heart "Sorry for scaring you Mariella"

"Um... professor Hawthorne?" what the hell was happening?

"Call me James, we are not at school" he waived it off as he moved around the terrace as he downed a glass of amber liquid.

"No, apparently this is a parallel universe" I snorted the reply "So would you be kind enough to explain what is going on?"

"So you don't know?" he looked confused for a second

"No, not really, and you have a room full of kids as confused as me"

"No, they are a different, you were supposed to know"

"Know what?" I pressed as he took a seat on one of the chairs and motioned me to sit on another.

"What you are doing here today" he looked at his wristwatch which looked a lot like Alexis'

"Well as you can see I have no idea" I started to stand up "Look Professor, this looks like a big joke, I do have classes tomorrow and I think I better go home"

"No no, Ella wait!" he grabbed my arm "Look there is something you need to know, I was just hoping that the news were already broken my someone else"

"Professor, please let me go" I became a little uncomfortable with him touching my arm, wait, it was just weird. "What news are you talking about?"

"Have you noticed that time can take its own pace?"

"No... wait... what kind of question is that?" I was really confused by now

"Hey James? Dude you have got to see the scared faces of those kids!" Alexis walked to the terrace looking at his phone "Makes me remember when I was in their place!"

"Alexis?" I asked cocking my head to one side unconsciously. He looked up from his hone with a shocked expression.

"Ella? What are you doing here?" he looked from me to Professor Hawthorne and back. "James?"

"Wait wait, what am I doing here? I've got an invite, what are YOU doing here? Weren't you in SF?" I could not understand a thing

"You've got an invite?" he asked incredulously "To what?"

"Look I don't know, I got an invite last week with a key and instructions, next thing I know my PE teacher is asking me weird questions and calling me by my nickname" I laughed sarcastically "So forgive me for not understanding"

"Wait, James does she...?"


"Why was I not informed?"

"You were idiot! You were supposed to tell her everything after..."

"After the mission?"


"So what can..."


"Huh, I never thought..."

"Dude come on! You and your father..." Ok, this was getting annoying, I sat there looking at them like someone would look a tennis match.

"Well yes I know but she's my little sister!"


"And what? She is my little sister!"

"And the little sister is getting bored and annoyed to be ignored!" I chanted making them shut up "So is there anything you want to tell me? Or may I go home?"

"Well Ella, you see..."

"Yeah, you've been invited..."

"To MPT"

"Yeah, remember the agency I work for?" I nodded

"MPT? That's what it is called?"

"Yes, now, you can manipulate time Ella" James pitched in

"Funny" I smiled his way

"I swear!" he looked dead serious to me

"Yeah and you can read minds right?"

"Wait how do you know that?" he turned white

"Oh my! I'm joking!" I laughed "As if it were possible!"

"Oh, it is very possible Ella" I stopped dead in my tracks from bolting

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now