Poodle #48 said

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"Where were you?" Vic asked as we were picking up our books and moving towards the field for PE class. Vic has been my best friend since we were five years old.

"Renninson" was my reply

"She caught us for using vegetable colour on the bathroom soap dispensers?" she laughed and made me laugh

"No, she wanted to ask if I knew anything about a university called MPT" I said putting the gym pants underneath the skirt and pulling off the sweater, keeping the skirt on.

"MPT? Never heard of it, but it could stand for your name?" she snickered, and I stopped for a second realising that it did... Mariella Palakos Taffiani, I know weird name, Greek father and Italian mother, don't ask. We put our stuff in the lockers and went looking for the group.

"Alright girls, divide into two groups we are playing soccer!" Hawthorne yelled, like your typical PE teachers he was wearing pants and a t-shirt, but unlike any other PE teacher, he was wearing all black making him look military-hot "Ella and Victoria stop daydreaming and pick a team!" caught again, we laughed and went with the blue team.

When the final bell rang I packed the books I needed to take home, left the rest on my locker and walked towards the library where detention was supposed to take place and as I opened the doors I got the same feeling I always do, peace. One thing this school has done very well is its library, with three stories high, marble floors, and windows all around so the light illuminated the whole space during the day, made it seem... magical. I love coming here, time always seems to slow down when I'm here.

"Good Ella's here, can we start this Professor? I really have to get out of here as fast as I can" Poodle #48 said. Now, in order for you to understand, you must know this, I only know the names of some of the girls in this school and it is not because I'm conceited or anything, but to be honest most of them look the same to me. I stopped learning the names after realising I kept having the same conversation with all of them, so now I go by numbers. Now, as to the why I call them poodles, well it's as simple as I mentioned, they are ALL alike, they talk, think and walk alike.

"Quiet ms. Andrews, Ella thank you for joining us, now pick a pair and grab a cart, put the books back where they belong and then you can leave" he turned and took a seat on one of the side tables and picked a book. There were eight of us and I moved to where Vic was engrossed in HP6.

"Page?" I asked her as I grabbed the cart, checked the level for the books and started walking to the elevator (yes the library has an elevator, I drool a little every time I think about it) knowing Vic was following me.

"394" I burst out laughing and turn to her to see if she's mocking me, she looks confused for a sec and then smiles sheepishly closing the book "I really was in that page"

Once we arrived to the third floor and found the rack where we were supposed to accommodate the books, we sat on the floor and started.

"So what's new?" I asked Vic

"Same old same old, by the way, your apartment is amazing! Parker sent me some pictures" she started excited

"Thanks, it still needs to be painted, I have the paint and everything but I just haven't come around doing it" I sighed, remembering that I had to finish with the living room walls.

"Need a hand? I'm free today..." she asked and I could detect some hopefulness in her voice

"Sure, everything ok?"

"Yeah, I just... I just really don't want to go home today" she finished tired and flashing me a 'you know what I mean' look.

"Say no more, come over and stay the night, we'll paint and have sort of sleep-over" I said

"I'll have to ask my mother and stop to grab some stuff" she made a face

"Just call her and tell her, you don't have to stop at your house, I have extra uniforms, you can borrow one" I smiled, knowing the situation with her family was not in a good place. She smiled gratefully

"Thanks, did you bring your car?"

"No, I grabbed the bus today I was in no mood to drive through the city"

"Even better, my dad left the car here earlier today" we settled then

"Awesome, we'll have take out for dinner, my treat, I really don't have..."

"Girls?" We both jumped as Hawthorne appeared out of nowhere behind us

"We were just..." I started making an excuse for not being finished yet

"Finished? Really? Well as you completed the task earlier you may go" he smirked as if he knew something we did not "And please, try to behave from now on, I hate detention"

"You hate detention?" I asked baffled "But you are the one doing nothing while we work!" I laughed, then realised I was not supposed to joke like that around teachers, and stopped short when he started to laugh

"Exactly Ella, now go have a good afternoon ladies" he turned and left with the now empty cart that I have absolutely no idea how was emptied.

"He's got a date for sure" Vic whispered once Hawthorne was out of earshot

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