Fashion advice

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We left the school building getting looks of hate from the other girls and went to my apartment. Before you get the wrong idea about me I need to explain a few things, yes I live alone and yes I am eighteen, no I am not a spoil brat and no I didn't buy it myself. The fact that I now live alone is because my parents got a divorce and while my mom moved back to her parent's in San Francisco with my little sister Mila who is 13, and my dad lives here in NY but he travels a lot, during the divorce I went from one house to another not being able to settle down with either of them so after pulling some strings (and a lot of begging) they decided to let me live by myself (with the occasional surprise visit from my father) after all I was a responsible child, not like my brother Alexis who the moment he could, left for college to LA (or so he says, I've never seen a picture of him being collegely) he is now 21 and he tries to visit constantly, using the excuse that he needs to be an adult figure in my life though I really think it's because he has no friends.

After painting all of the walls, the couch in front of the TV was were we settled for the rest of the afternoon, watching a movie and ordering pizza for dinner talking about life and death and matters of health.

"You know, you could come live with me" I said casually

"Yeah right" she snorted "As if my parents would allow it"

"Hear me out" I sat straighter, or as straight as you can in a couch "you could tell them you are coming and staying over a couple nights a week and when they least expect it you'll be living here! I already have a spare room" I said nodding very proud of my plan. She just laughed and I smiled, content to make her forget for a little while of her family problems.

At eight the intercom buzzed with Anthony's the doorman announcing that the pizza had arrived so I grabbed the money and went to the lobby of the building. I paid the delivery guy and my mouth watered just thinking about putting one or multiple slices of that pizza in my system.

"Miss Ella?" I turned to the voice to see Anthony, a 60 year old with the energy of a 30 year old man.

"Oh hi A! How are you?" I smiled, his name was long in my defence so that's how I'd call him, and he lets me so...

"Good Miss, thank you" he moved to grab a small box and an envelope "These came for you today"

"Oh great! Thanks Anthony" he put both items on top of the pizza box "Have a good night A!"

"Thank you Miss, you as well" I got in the elevator and just as the doors were about to close a backpack was swung to stop them.

"Damn elevator doors" a guy about my age stepped inside shaking his head like a dog "and damn rain" that explained the wet look he was sporting.

"Well yes those doors can be deathly and the rain might melt you" I said not realising I had just spoke. The guy jumped out of his sockets

"Crap! How long have you been standing there?"

"Um... since before you entered these doors" I motioned with my head, as he scanned me from head to toes, just like Principal Renninson did earlier today, but I didn't get chills from it, I got tingles... huh

"Interesting, do you usually go out like that?" He smirked and I laughed, I was wearing my pjs after all.

"Funny, I guess you didn't get the fashion memo, I mean..." I made a dramatic pause as I scanned him, he was cute and hot at the same time, black hair with green eyes, muscly but not buff, full but not girly lips and completely soaked "The wet-look is so last season" he laughed then looked up to the numbers confused

"Is the elevator always this slow?" then turned to me, and I woke up from a weird trance I felt myself in, I turned to the numbers on top of the doors and the light was moving on normal speed he made a 'huh' sound, turned to me and smiled as the elevator stopped on the 5th floor "this is me, thanks for letting me in on the latest fashion, no more wet-look I promise"

"Good for you" I nodded and smiled, he moved to cross the doors but turned again

"So if I needed fashion advice which floor should I go to?" his smile reached his eyes, and I swooned inside

"You could try the 7th" I smiled amused

"And I'd be looking for...?"

"Fashion advice" and the doors closed. Holy crap! I arrived to my floor and saw Vic standing on the doorway.

"It's been half an hour! I'm hungry! Where have you been?" I smiled and led her inside the apartment as I told her what had happened, what I could not understand is the fact that somehow 30 minutes had gone by, and I had no idea where they went. She was all giggly and wanted to go and knock on the fifth floor and ask elevator guy (our name for him) for a friend, obviously I had to stop her, and lets face it she had half a bottle of vodka in her system, nothing good could come out of THAT.

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