He is doing what?

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I woke up with the same alarm ad the 3D face telling me to report to the dinning room in 30 minutes, so hurriedly got ready putting on my jeans and a t-shirt, I plastered the rings on my finger and half ran to the dinning room, thankfully I was not late, I was one of the first ones to arrive to my table, Aleck and Logan already there, I looked around trying to find Sophie, I had't seen her at all yesterday and I found her talking animatedly with a bunch of girls on other table. As I took my seat Aleck moved from his next to me so I was seating between them.

"As much as I'd love to see you punch the guy's face I believe it is still to early in the morning" Aleck explained

"Aw well thank you for turning into a human wall" I cooed and pinched his cheeks, he stated my hands and grumbles as Logan laughed his ass off.

"What's going on here?"

"Ask your mind reading friend" I flatly answered to Alexis as he took his seat with again a confused face

"Chill Alexis they are being good friends" James answered before anyone asked anything to him

"So... what's in store for us newbies today?" I asked munching on a croissant

"Today is history day" James smirked

"History? As in a history class? That's so boring" Blake complained as he sat down and turned to me "Good morning love"

"So we are going to learn all about MPT today?" I asked ignoring him, feeling a little excited about finally understanding what this is all about


"Cool" I finished breakfast being thankful that Aleck had become a human wall, multiple times I was about to knock that ass head's face off.

We were told to to regroup on the library half and hour later and sadly Aleck and Logan had other matters to attend to so I was almost on my own until Sophie latched her arm to mine and we walked together.

The class was a little more boring than I thought it would be, the guy that taught it was very dull and you could see he wanted to be anywhere but there I'm willing to bet he had lost a bet and had to deal with the newbies. The only interesting that I learnt about that class was the meaning of MTP, Macrobiote Palaeosophy Tacendav which means a long lived organism that comes from an ancient thought and it is not to be named. MPT was founded many years ago by two friends that wanted to become detectives, in the end they became so good that they turned their company into a spy one and worked for big companies, governments and big sharks. Nowadays they are independent, and there was no one that could contact them directly, if you needed them they would find you.

We received our departing schedule and as I was supposed to be one of the last ones to leave I went up to my room to pack up my stuff and relax a little before the long journey back. I muted the tv when I heard some knocking.

"Honey! Open up it's me the love of your life" I opened a crack the door

"What do you want?" Brit boy was leaning to the doorframe

"Let me in and I'll tell you"

"Then no thanks" I tried to close the door but he stuck his foot in before the door closed

"Not happening honey, I'm pretty sure you want to know what I know"

"Do I?" I concentrated and yelled for James in my head

'You don't need to yell you know?'

'I'm sorry I'm getting the hang of it'

'What's going on?'

'I have the Brit dude outside my door claiming he knows something I don't and unless I let him in my room he's not telling'

'He is doing what?'

'Relax I can handle the dude, what does he know that I don't?'

'Your departure schedule changed you were moved up'

'At what time should I be down there?'

'In ten, but I want you in five or else I'm coming up'

'Chill will ya? And thanks!'

"Thanks for the offer Blake but I know I've been moved up to leave in ten" I tried to close the door again

"How do you know that? I'm here to take you there"

"Don't bother I can do it myself, bye bye" I pushed his foot with mine and closed the door.

Five minutes later I was walking outside with my suitcase behind me to where my car was waiting for me. I placed the case in the trunk and waited for the others.

"Don't leave me please I'm begging you!" I looked to the side and saw Aleck running towards me "I promise to be on my best behaviour!"

"I don't know Aleck" I decided to play with him a little "I mean, you did fall asleep the whole way here..."

"I'll stay awake the whole time please?" he kneeled "I promise to tell jokes and I'll bring food, tons of it!"

"And what?"

"And... and... crap I'll be your servant for a week... no! make it a month!!!" this was fun


"Come on Ella you are killing me!"

"Sorry!" I burst out laughing "I wanted to see how far would you go, of course I'm not leaving you!" he looked shocked for a second and stood up "now please be a doll and get some food?"

"I hate you Mariella... HATE YOU" he yelled as he walked back to the mansion. HE came back a few minutes later with his arms full of stuff and helped himself to the front passenger seat. "I call shotgun dear master"

"Of course you do" we sat as the other two placed their things in the trunk and took their seats complaining about the sitting arrangements; even recited a list of reasons why. The rest of the ride was peaceful

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now