I can show you mine if you show me yours

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We were there for two hours, I was sweating like a pig, but I sent a big thank you to James for telling me to change, Blake on the other hand struggled the whole time with his dress pants, and also... he couldn't coordinate to save his life.

During a tech class we were paired up with two guys that were really cool, Andre and Hale, and let me tell you this, if I am ever on a real mission I want both of them with me, tech geniuses! The agents that were our teachers were really cool and it looked like they were about two or three years older than us, so we felt really comfortable asking them questions. They were tough on us but helped us out with anything. Besides defence and tech classes, we had a weapons (by far my favourite) and a coding class. By the end of the day I was exhausted and hungry, our lunch had been a sandwich between lessons and we were told that dinner would be a cocktail simulation. So I went to my room to shower and change, I had to look cocktail-like so I fixed the maxi dress into a mid-length one, paired it with my big earrings and bangles, my black pumps and I let my hair loose. We were given previously a packet containing our cover informations, meaning our new identities and our missions; my new name was Olivia Marnier, married to Joseph Marnier for 4 years in which he had had 3 affairs, oh nice! I ran a successful business of drugs and weapons with a partner called Nicholas Allenbach awesome I was a badass!. And my husband was a lawyer.

The mission was to find my partner and complete a deal with drug lord Klaus Bershov. I had arranged with Balke to meet by the stairs again after he suggested to come to my room to pick me up with a wink. I don't want him anywhere near my room thank you very much. I made my way to the stairs and found him there.

"Well doesn't someone look hot tonight"

"Keep it in your pants cheating bastard"

"The trophy wife speaks" I rolled my eyes and pushed him towards the Northern Room, which was were everything was supposed to take place, we arrived and I let him put his arm on my back as if guiding me. As we entered a guy approached Blake talking about politics so I assumed it was his mission for the night, I stood there for a couple of minutes but I was bored, I kept looking around trying to find my partner and the drug lord, after some time I decided to roam around the room telling Blake and the other guy I was going to the powder room. How posh of me. On the way there I heard two conversations that caught my attention, the first one was Dimitri introducing himself as Klaus Bershov and the second one was someone calling Aleck as Mr Allenbach. Got ya. I walked around the group until I was in Aleck's line of vision and motioned with my head to meet me a few feet away from his group.

"What's up Ella?"

"Oh dear Nicholas I am abashed to see you don't recognise your business partner" I smiled mischievously as it downed on him

"Olivia darling how's the cheating husband?"

"Cheating" I looked over to where Blake was flirting shamelessly with a short blonde I didn't know. We both laughed

"Alright so we have to find our drug lord and make the exchange, I have the 'money'"

"So tell me how much are we paying?"

"A hundred grand for 20 grams"

"Interesting, and they gave you real money?"

"It's fake, but it looks real" he winked and slung an arm around my shoulders "so who do you think our guy is?"

"Over there by the bar remember Dimitri?" he nodded "He is our guy"

"I am not going to ask how you know, I'm still on the theory that you can read minds"

"By the way, I won our bet"

"Which bet?"

"Your real name is Aleck, so when I choose you'll pay"

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now