One more kick to the car and I'll kick you myself!

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I awoke to the sound of my alarm, sat on the bed and remembered yesterday's events. I had a slight headache but laughed when I saw Vic lying on the floor hugging the trash can snoring, poor thing she's going to have a killer headache when she wakes up. I stood up and tried to move her with my foot but the only response I got was grunting. I checked the clock, good we still have sometime before school. I went to make some breakfast and started the coffee when I heard the front door opening

"Sis? you here?"

"Hey Alexis, what brings you here?"

"I finished a mission and have to help James finish some stuff for MPT for tod" I covered his mouth with my hand

"Shh! not now" just then I heard movement in my room and he nodded


"Yes Vic?" I approached her slumped self

"My head hurts I think I'm going to..." she threw up, urg I hate the smell of vomit

"Take a shower, we need to go to school"

"I don't think I can do school today" she mumbled wiping her mouth with her sweatshirt

"Ok, want me to call as your mom and tell them you are sick?"

"Yes please"

"Alright, take a shower I have to head to school soon, I'll leave you breakfast" I walked back to the kitchen where Alexis was finishing my breakfast "dude that was mine!"

"Sorry not sorry, I love your cooking"

"Yeah I can tell, give me a sec" I grabbed the phone and made the call to school hoping they won't call her house to verify.

"what are you doing today?"

"School, I have to leave soon"

"Don't, skip it!"

"Can't finals are just around the corner"

"And you have a 4.0 GPA, come on!"

"It'll be suspicious if I call now and say I'm sick too"

"I have an idea" he pulled out his phone and dialled a number "Hey man!... no everything's fine I have a favour to ask... it is just like you read my mind James! I wonder how you do it?... yeah I want to spend the day with her... thanks man!" he turned to me "See? done!"

"Ok... what do you want to do?"

"Can we just relax? I've had a couple of rough days"

"Sure, let me make myself breakfast" We settled on the tv couch and watched a movie as Vic came out from my room some time later. After explaining that Alexis called in for me we just stayed there. By the time school had finished Vic went home and a little later Alexis did too. I was falling asleep when the intercom buzzed with Anthony telling me that Sophie Prideux was looking for me. I opened the door to find Sophie with at least five suitcases.

"What on earth?"

"Hey Ella! Sorry I'm early, I had to make up a story to my parents and my mom gave me a lift"

"Early for what?"

"You didn't get the note?" she rummaged around her purse until she fished out one and showed it to me, it was from MPT and about a retreat... of course! James told me about it, but why didn't I get a note? just then my phone rang

"Hey Alexis what's up?"

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry!"


"I forgot I had to give you an invitation?"

"Ahh... the one for the retreat?"

"Yeah let me read it... wait how do you know?"

"I have Sophie Prideaux here"

"Yes your partner, ok so take your car ok? you find the address there"

"Alright thanks"

"Don't be sarcastic, I love you"

"I don't"

"Yes you do, see ya! bye!"

"Ok, so we are partners, that's a good thing!" I smiled letting her in

"Please tell me you have a big car?"

"Yes I do, but I would encourage you to just take one suitcase..."

"I don't know what we are going to be doing so I had to pack for every situation!"

"Well just take something that could be used for multiple scenarios!"

"I'll see what I can do" I left her to that and went to pack my own stuff. I grabbed a maxi dress, a pair of black shorts and a pair of leggings, a white shirt and two t-shirts, my tennis and my black pumps. Some accessories, the bathroom stuff and done!. I stuffed everything inside a small suitcase, grabbed my purse and went to see how Sophie was doing

"That's all you are taking?" she looked up from the floor

"Um... yeah?"

"Help... please?" she looked desperate so I helped her out and in 10 minutes we were walking towards my car

"Oh wow, I love this car!"

"Thanks!" I opened the trunk and put the suitcases in

"I wish I had a car, my parents say that I'll get one when I turn 18 next month"

"Oh cool!" She smiled and as I turned the ignition on, I saw from the corner of my eyes a sticky note on the rear mirror 'hey sis, the address is already programmed into the GPS. Love u!' As promised when the car roared to life the GPS marked a route. And we were off, but as I rounded the corner of the building I saw two familiar figures, one sitting on the side walk and the other one kicking the tire of a Lotus Evora S, so I stopped next to them and brought the window down

"One more kick to the car and I'll kick you myself! If I were the owner of said car I'd be killing you"

"Yes, that is no way to treat a car!" Both boys turned to look at us, then looked at each other and back to us

"Well well well Logan, this must be out lucky day" both of them smirked "So you girls going on a nice vacation?"

"Maybe... what about you?"

"We should have left an hour ago, but my car won't start" Logan answered in a defeated voice

"Hey Logan, I have an idea" Aleck said with eyes twinkling and walking towards me "So Ella?"

"Yes Aleck?" I asked confused

"What would you say if I told you that you have a chance to ride with a couple of hot guys?"

"I'd say you are crazy" I nodded as Sophie laughed

"Come on! Please!" not the puppy eyes, I am a sucker for puppy eyes

"No no no"

"Come help out Logan, give her the best puppy eyes you can!" Logan did as told and I relented

"Alright, get in, but hurry!" They hollered and got they duffel bags in the trunk.

"So, the car is yours" Logan said amused

"Yeah... not a dude's"

"My bad"

"So, you guys are paying for food for the ride"

"What why?"

"Who is paying for gas?" I raised my eyebrows 

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