You are way more crazy than I am

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"So Mariella" I turned my head to look at Mr. Hawthorne who was sitting on the other side of his wife "Today we will be asking you some questions as well as retelling some situations, you have nothing to worry about, we just want to get your version first hand, alright?" his voice was calm and his face showed kindness, a contrast to my first impression of him.

"Of course anything you need" I nodded. The first dish from our dinner was being placed in front of us, it looked like a salad, with some vegetables, it smelled like vinaigrette.

"Well, I would like to start by asking when did you first hear about MPT?" he asked before placing a fork full of lettuce in his mouth.

"May 24th, I received a letter inviting me to a dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel on Sunday the 28th" I followed his lead and started eating from my plate.

"You can recall the exact dates?" Elias' eyes pierced through me with surprise. I just shrugged.

"I have good memory" he nodded and continued eating, whispering something to one of the twins, who just rolled his eyes. I was curious now as to what they could do, which powers they had.

"So, you went to the event?" For a second I thought this was going to be like a 'family dinner asking about our days' kind of questioning, but between bites and plates, they asked for even the smallest detail from the past weeks, they made me relive moments I wanted to forget. I kept wondering if the brick wall also worked with Mr Hawthorne, he had not mentioned anything or answered my internal questions aloud anymore, so...

I was grilled for hours. A three course dinner, four cups of coffee and two dessert servings later they left. My brother joined me on the couch I was finally slouching, handing a glass with amber liquid he sighed.


"You needed it" the burning feeling made its way down my throat, I closed my eyes. "they had no mercy with you" I was unable to answer to that. I sipped again the scotch, my life had changed a lot in the past weeks and I was unsure how I felt about it. Of course becoming a spy helped me with the fact that I still had no idea what I wanted to study in college. "So, remember I had something I wanted to tell you?" I looked at him. His posture changed, he looked nervous again, a little pale.

"You ok? You know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yeah I know sis" he gave me a small smile "Well, you see..." he straightened up "Ok, I'm gay" Huh, before today I would not have seen it coming, but his interaction with Hunter today had given me some clues. It now made sense. "Say something, please" he was scared, of what? I loved him, whom ever he loved I could care less.

"Ok, so when are you introducing me to Hunter properly?" I smirked his way

"I know it must be... wait what?"

"I said, when are you introducing me to Hunter properly?" I sipped from my glass.

"I love you sis, you know that right?" I nodded "I have no idea how you figured that, but I promise to introduce him properly next time we see him" he looked relieved, like a weight had lifted off his shoulders.

"Good" I grabbed one of his hands and squeezed "hey why were you so nervous?"

"It is not everyday that you man up and tell your sister that you are gay" he rolled his eyes but smiled.

"I still don't understand, I really don't care, as long as you are happy, I'm happy" I shrugged "I do feel obligated to give him the sister talk" I nodded seriously

"The sister talk?" he looked confused but amused

"Yes, the classic 'you hurt him, I kill you' talk" he laughed

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now