I fucking need it

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Sunrises have always been my favorite. Watching the sun pop up and light up the trees and houses has always given me a warm feeling. So here I sit on the roof outside my window at 5:37 am waiting for the sun to rise. I wake early most mornings, just so I can sit and watch as I prepare for the day.
My window faces the street, so I get to watch the sun light up the street and early wakers waiting outside like me. It's still early, so it's still dark, but light enough that I can see around. I'm lost in my thoughts when I hear a hushed voice talking and a few other voices responding. I widen my eyes and peak over the window ledge to see who is disturbing my peace. I see a group of guys in between my house and my neighbors house. I tilt my head in confusion, because they don't look like my neighbors. Who are they and why are they here?

"I fucking need it, Ash, you know it." An angry voice whisper shouts. I'm assuming he is being nice and trying to not disturb anyone's sleep, but I still scrunch up my nose hearing his language. Not many people I know talk like that, because mom and dad say I should not hang around people who talk like that.

"You need to calm the fuck down, okay?" I'm guess that's the Ash guy that the angry one was talking to?

"Stay out of this Michael, I swear to God." Wait, no. That one is Michael. Okay, the one with the funny hair is Michael. I lean further over the edge to get a better view and to hear them easier.

"Annabelle?" I nearly scream at the sound of my moms voice coming from the window. I scramble back towards the window and see the guys snap their head up and run off. i scrunch up my nose in confusion and look up at Mom.

"Yes mommy?" I ask with a smile. "Breakfast is ready. You've been out here for quite a while. I'm sure you've seen enough of the sunrise by now.

I turn and look towards the sun and see that it had risen moments ago and I had missed it. I sigh and feel my shoulder droop.

"mmm yeah, I'll be down in a minute." I crawl back into my room as she nods and leaves to go back downstairs. I quickly take off my pajamas and slip on my sweater and high waisted shorts. I pull my knee highs on and all the way up, then slide my feet into my vans.

I run down the stairs while French braiding my hair in two braids . It gets messy because of my movements, but it keeps my hair out of my face so that's all that matters.

Dad is fixing himself a plate of French toast sticks when I walk into the kitchen. Mom set down a plate in my usual spot and I smiled at her as I sat down.

"Thank youuuu!" I giggle and begin eating.

"Hurry up and finish so I can get you to school on time." I nod in response and quickly finish up.

We head out to the car while Dad cleans up the kitchen. After a 15 minute ride we pull up to the high school.

"Do good!" I nod and give her kiss on the cheek and get out of the car.

"I love you!" She says it back and I take off to the entrance. I get in and head to my first class. I'm in the 12th grade, and I'm 17. My classmates have been and will be turning 18 this year, but I will not. My mom and dad didn't want me in the same grade and classes and a couple people they thought were bad influences so they did all they could to help me finish classes and skip a grade.

I go into my math class and see Hayley and her boyfriend, Calum. They are the only two people I call my friends. My mom and dad don't approve of me hanging out with Calum, but Hayley acts very kind and mature around them so they let me hang around her.

"Annie!" She yells at me and I blush as some people turn to look at me. "get over here I have a question!"

I walk over still blushing and sit next to her and Calum.

"Can you come over this afternoon? It's Friday so you're parents will probably let you, right?" She raises her eyebrows and I shrug.

"It depends.. I'll have to ask." She nods and so continue. "Why are you asking?" I knew that she wasn't just wanting to hang out, there's always a catch. she sighs and rolls her head around.

"Calum's wanting me to meet and visiting with all of his friends and I really don't want to do it alone." I widen my eyes. Calum is a very scary looking guy. He had a bunch of tattoos and wore black and dark colors. If I didn't know him, I would be terrified of him. I can only imagine how scary his friends are.

"Um.." Hayley interrupts me before I can say anything, "Please!" She begs, dragging out the E. I sigh and look away.

"I'll ask my mom" She squeals of happiness and we all turn around to face the board as the teacher asks for our attention.

The rest of the afternoon is full of Hayley asking Calum all about his friends, and Hayley making sure I wouldn't forget to ask my parents.

The final bell rings, and I gather my things and head to the front of the school. I see my mom waiting in the car and I smile at her as I hurry to get in the car.


First chapter back (:

I'm excited to get this back on the road!!

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