Polaroid Picture

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I step inside the cold house with a racing heart. The lights are all on, but I don't hear any voices. I softly close the door, and wait a moment to listen for my parents. After I wait for what seems like forever, I take a few steps to the staircase them quickly run up them. My bedroom door is wide open and my breath is caught when I get a glimpse of the inside.

I look around my room as my heart sinks and my stomach turns violently. My mind races and my breathing picks up as I go further into my room. The bed sheets are thrown off, boxes that were once stored under my bed where pulled out and clearly had been gone through, my trash was dumped on it's side, and my dresser drawers were a mess. I spin in a circle, running my hands through my hair. They found everything. The vodka, the condoms, the polaroids of me and Luke, everything I had hidden in my room was now in their hands. I hear a door slam downstairs, and I jump not wanting to face them. I panic trying to think of what I can do, my eyes tear up when I realize I either face them or run from them. I can't leave, my life has barely begun. It would be childish of me to ruin my life all because of my fear of facing my parents.

"Go check and see if she's come back yet." My mother's voice says quietly downstairs. I hear footsteps on the stair and I squeeze my eyes shut, preparing myself.

"Come downstairs." I open my eyes as a tear falls. I nod to my dad and follow him down to my mom. She stands in the living room with her arms crossed, her jaw locked and anger in her eyes. My dad sighs and sits down in his armchair. I step further into the room, looking down at the floor.

"I need you to pack enough clothes and essentials to stay at your aunt's for a while. I don't know how long. I've already talked to your principal, moving schools will be a little difficult but it's possible. We want you out of the house, your Aunt Bailey is coming to pick you up in two hours. She will be working at the school you'll be attending so she will be able to make sure you go to school and then return back to her house. You will not do anything outside of school, and you will not be in contact with anyone at all." All of the information overwhelms me, I start to quietly hyperventilate as my mind races. I find it hard to focus on a single thought.

"Do you understand me, Annabella?" I nod but she clearly wants a vocal response.

"Yes m-mother." My voice comes out as a squeak, and she huffs in aggravation before leaving me in the living room with my father.

"We want what's best for you, and if that means doing the extreme to your life of distractions we will do it without hesitation. I love you, okay Annabella?"

"I l-love you too." I wait to be excused then slowly turn to the stairs. Once I make it halfway up I start to run, my chest tightening up as sobs escape me. I shut my bedroom door and pace around my room, tears creating a steady flow down my face. I try to calm my breathing but it just comes out as wheezes when I'm not sobbing.

I cry alone in my room and pray on my hands and knees when the fear and chest pains become too much. I cry alone in my room until it seems as though I'm out of tears to cry. My head throbs and my nose burns from my constant rubbing. I sit alone in my room until I hear my mom's angry voice telling me I better almost be done packing. I sit alone in my room waiting for the aunt to come, fearing not knowing what will happen next. I wait alone in my room, feeling completely numb and exhausted.

I'm snapped from my silent trance of staring at the bedroom wall when I hear my aunt's voice downstairs. My mom calls for me and I quickly grab my bags and head to the stairs.

"Shit." I mumble to myself and go back into my room looking for my deodorant. I open one of my dresser drawers and sigh when I find it. I grab it and am about to leave when something catches my eye. I feel my eyes water as I quickly pick it up and stuff it in my pocket. I slide the deodorant into one of my bags then stomp down the staircase. I blink my tears back and offer my Aunt Bailey a small smile. I walk past her and out the door, not bothering to say a word to my parents.

I'm thankful to find her car running and unlocked, saving me from having to awkwardly stand outside my house. I throw my bags into the back seat and shut the door. As I reach for the drivers seat door I notice a guy in a bright neon shirt running. He has headphones in but as he nears my house he stops and takes one out.

"Hey Annie what's-" He stops when my aunt and parents come out. My mom walks down to me, then steps in between me and Matthew. She doesn't know he is the reason I have the condoms, or at least she shouldn't have any idea, but she still wants me completely cut off from everyone it seems.

"Hello Matthew, I'm afraid Annie is going to be moving in with her aunt for a little while." He furrows his eyebrows before looking at me. I tuck a hair behind my ear and look to the ground sadly, after a small silence I look back up at his worried expression. He seems to pick up on what's happening, and bites his bottom lip.

"Oh. Well, could I speak to her a moment before she has to go?" I knew what the answer was, I tried to get a chance to answer my own choice but my mother beats me to it.

"I'm afraid not, busy schedule." She hurries my into the car, my aunt quickly getting in the driver's seat. Aunt Bailey isn't bad, she's definitely not the terror my mother is, but she's definitely her sister. Meaning I didn't know how this would go.

As she starts the car I gather up the nerve to roll down the window and stick my head out.

"Matt!" He stops walking away and turns to me. My mother looks angry and my dad just looks slightly confused.

"Tell h-him I love him, please." He barely moves his head, but I know it's a nod. I roll the window back up and lean back against the seat.

"My sister didn't tell me much, so I'm not sure the reason you're being forced to come with me. If you need to talk about anything, I'm here. I know how dramatic and overbearing she can be."

"Thank you." I whisper and look out the window. I slide my hand into my pocket and pull out the polaroid picture I found in my dresser. I smile down as the picture of Luke and I, the small happiness bubbling up in my heart almost seems to fade the fear and pain. Almost.



i was gonna end this book then make a sequel, but i've decided i'm just gonna write the sequel plan into this book cause it's just gonna be like that haha


thank you guys so much, I'm gonna wait for a few more questions before doing the q&a

love you all

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