Little Girl's Innocence

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A drop of sweat rolls down my forehead, the intense heat surging through my body. I throw another punch at the bag, feeling the force of the impact shoot through my fist.

The gym isn't too crowded, most of the early risers are gone. I came over as soon as I dropped Annie off, needing to let out some of the frustration built up from last night.

As I'm lost in the punches I see a woman walking closer in the corner of my eye. I stop moving and put a hand on the bag to stop it. She points to the bench my stuff rests on, and I see my phone lighting up.

As I get closer I see the caller ID and furrow my eyebrows. I look around and nod at the woman, silently thanking her. I pick up the phone, wiping my forehead as I press it to my ear. I pack my gym bag up and grab the strap.

"What?" He lets out a breath on the other end.

"Hey, don't get mad at me there was nothing I could do." I drop my bag and clench my jaw.

"What are you talking about?"

"Annie. Her-"

"What happened? Matthew I swear to god, if she's hurt-"

"Would you let me talk?"

I hold back the urge to snap at him, shutting up and listening.

"Her parents sent her away. Her aunt picked her up and took her off. She told me to tell you, she seemed so scared. I don't know where they're going, or how long she'll be gone."

I grab my bag again and stare at the wall mirror in front of me. He asks if I heard him but I don't reply. I hang up the phone and rub my jaw roughly. Before I walk out and draw my hand back and slam my fist into the mirror in front of me.

I throw my bag over my shoulder while hopping onto the dark grey motorcycle. My thoughts are racing and I'm filled with anger as I start the bike. Before pulling out of the parking lot I call Annie's home phone number. I know she won't pick up, but I silently hope she will. If she doesn't answer maybe her parents will and I can give them a piece of my mind.

When I hear the voicemail box message start I angrily hang up the phone. I shove my phone in my pocket and let out a frustrated sigh. I clench my jaw tight before driving out of the lot and heading to a certain destination.

I know Annie, I know that she's scared. She's scared but she's also angry. Angry with her parents for sending her away, yet also angry with me for causing this. I can only hope she's willing to look past it.

When I reach the familiar driveway my blood boils more than before. I see her parents car so I know they're home. I clench my fists as I stomp up the steps to the front porch. I take a deep breath and pound my clenched fists on the door. I wait a few moments and here no response. I knock again, harder than before.

I hear shuffling behind the door, and a woman's voice call out to someone inside. The door is barely cracked and I see Annie's mother through the crack. I mask my anger as well as I can and shove my hands into my pockets while speaking to her.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could have a word with you and your husband." She bites her lip and looks back inside the house.

"No Luke, I'm afraid that's not a good idea." A deeper voice sounds off and the door widens to reveal her husband next to her.

"Just give me a few minutes." He shakes his head and I give up my act. I push myself inside their house, shutting the door behind me. I walk further inside, they follow behind me not sure what to do.

I walk into the kitchen and open their fridge. They look at each other in total confusion. I know what I'm doing, my plan just takes a few more minutes of confusion. I sigh and close the fridge.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I walk out of the kitchen and to the hall bathroom. I don't plan on using it, mind games are all I'm interested in. After a few boring seconds of sitting in silence in the bathroom, I leave and enter the living room. The come from the kitchen when they hear me making noise.

"Do you always keep your bedroom door shut?" I point to the door a little ways down the hall. I sit down on the couch with a smirk. They stay standing, close to the door.

"Tell me, were you aware that I am so familiar with the layout of your home?"

"I'm going to ask you to leave, or I won't hesitate to call the police." Her mom's annoying voice chimes in and I roll my eyes dramatically.

"I don't feel even the slightest bit threatened by cops. But you should feel threatened." I get up and walk near them. Annie's dad pushes his wife behind him slightly, his fear brings me much satisfaction.

"Because if you don't tell me where you sent Annie, I swear I'll send my best men out here to deal with you. Or I could just deal with you myself right now."

"Why do you even care? You just use our daughter for sex, we aren't naive." I clench my jaw, my face heats up.

"That's fucking bull. Your daughter is special to me. I don't know how but she captivated me. I've fallen in love with her, and wish to protect her at all costs. But I can't do that if I don't know where she is." Her dad scoffs, stepping closer to me.

"We aren't telling you. We actually want to protect her, not claim to want to but really just want her for sexual pleasure."

"You don't want to protect her, you want to ruin her! You don't let her live like a normal girl!"

"We are trying to help her have good morals! Trying to help her keep her innocence!"

"Well I hate to break it to you, but I took your little girl's innocence and she seemed pretty damn pleased by it, you raised a very submissive little sex doll." Both of their jaws fell open while I stood with a satisfied smirk.

"Get the hell out of my house, now." Her dad keeps his tough composer, but I see right through it.

"Not until you tell me. I will find her one way or another. But if I have to find another way, I swear as soon as I find her I'm coming after you and making sure you regret being terrible parents." I step as close as I can to her father, my fists clenched at my sides.

"Now tell me, are you going to give me the address to were you sent off your daughter? Or are you going to be put through so much hell, you'll wish you were dead?"


uhm hi yes i'm not dead

soooo cool how's it going? i'm sorry it's been a while. I've been struggling mentally and just got to inspiration to start writing again.

If any of you have any helpful tips with dealing with depersonalization/derealization please hit me up cause i'm in need of some

thanks you for all the support!
i love you guys and i hope i'll update more soon!!

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