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"I'll let you settle in, you can come find me if you need me." Aunt Bailey waits for a response, but I don't open my mouth. I simply set my bag down on the floor and look around at the small room. She sighs and nods her head, then exits the room leaving me alone. I sit down on the floor leaning my back against the bed, bringing my knees up to my chest. I let my head fall, my forehead resting on top of my knees.

It's hard to comprehend what's going on. I don't know how long I'll be here, or if I'll get to talk to anyone from home while I'm here. I lift my head up and pull the picture out of my pocket again. I run my finger over his face, my eyes starting to water. My eyes droop slightly, my mind and body exhausted from the past couple days.

I sigh audibly and slowly stand up. I don't bother unpacking my bag, I simply open it and pull out pajama shorts and a tank. I set the polaroid down on the night stand and pull my hair up into a bun.

I change clothes and pull back the thin, cold sheets. I slip under them and pull them back over me. My head rests uncomfortably on the stack of pillows, so I toss one off of the bed. After getting comfortable I realize I failed to turn the lights off. I groan before reluctantly getting up and flipping the switch. Once I finally get back to my comfortable position I close my eyes and try to distract my mind long enough to fall asleep.


"After school you can come to my classroom, we can head home after I finish up. It shouldn't take too long." I simply nod staring out the window. As we pull into the school parking lot I quietly sigh. I've never moved schools before, the thought of not knowing anyone and having to start fresh terrifies me. I've not been staying with my aunt for very long, conversation is still awkward between the two of us. Most of the time we sit in silence, not knowing what exactly to say to the other.

I'm honestly surprised I'm still here, I thought (I hoped) Luke would have found me by now. Nevertheless, here I sit preparing myself for the school day. Aunt Bailey gets out of the car and I snap back to reality. I didn't even realize she had parked. I pick up the small bag of the necessary supplies that she bought me in preparation for school, and open the car door.

The next few hours are a blur. Aunt Bailey shows me where each of my classes will be, and where to find hers. My first 5 classes are painful. I sit in the back of each, avoiding conversation with any students or teachers. For lunch, I sit in the cliche avoiding spot. The stench of the bathroom makes me question why I chose this place and not the library. After lunch I still feel like I'm not in my body, simply watching myself walk through the halls with a blank stare. However, as I watch the many students walking through the halls with their eyes glued to their phones, I get an idea.

I walk in to my 6th class, head held higher than it had been the first part of the day. I see a group of people in the back, seemingly friendlier than the rest of my options. I sit down at their table, receiving some weird looks and a couple smiles.

"I hope it's alright if I sit here." I smile as big as I can, even though it feels so fake. A girl with short ginger hair smiles back and nods, elbowing the girl beside her who drops her look of disgust quickly.

"I'm Olivia, this is Nala, Isaac, and Jace." I smile at the rest and bite my lip, wondering when the proper time to execute my plan would be. Jace looked away from me, obviously uninterested. It made me think back to the first time I met Luke, making my heart ache.

"How are you enjoying your first day in Hell?" Issac tilts his head, his voice is soothing. I shrug, picking at my nails.

"It's been really long. I've been having a difficult time feeling like I fit in." Honesty. It feels weird coming from my mouth. "I just want to talk to someone that I left behind when I had to move, but my mom sent me here without a phone or anyway to reach out to him."

Come on. Take the bait.

"Damn, that sucks." Nala looks at me with a glare, as if she can see right through me. Her dark skin made her bright eyes even more intimidating.

"You can use my phone to send a text if you need to?" Hell yes. Nala puts a hand on Olivia's shoulder and whispers in her ear, I'm sure I know what she's saying. She brushes her off and pulls out her phone and hands it to me.

"Just be careful and don't get it taken up, please." I thank her and quickly send a text to the only number I can remember, from having dialed it many times.

Matt, please tell Luke to come get me. I can't stand it here, I miss home.

I send a second message telling him where I am and then slide the phone back to Olivia with a smile and another thanks. I then focus back on the teacher, it's easier to focus knowing that I can reach Luke now. However, it's still hard to ignore the ache in my chest.

The teacher passes out an assignment, making me groan internally. I nearly scream in happiness when the bell rings signally the class is over. Two more.

"Off to Pre-Cal we go." Isaac smiles at the rest of us then walks off with Nala. Jace disappeared as soon as the bell rang.

"There's no response, I'll find you after school and let you know then." I tell Olivia to come to Aunt Bailey's room, and then we head our separate ways.

I fall back into my haze, not caring about my 7th or 8th class. My mind races and heart feels heavy in anticipation of Matt's response. After the final bell sounds I almost run to Aunt Bailey's room. I see her inside by herself, and wait outside the door a little ways, not wanting her to know what I'm up to.

I nearly jump in excitement when I see Olivia's red hair a few feet away. She has a weird look on her face, and hands me her phone.

"I'm sorry." I take it and look at her messages. A number I didn't text shows at the top.

I'm not coming, it's safer for you. I love you, but I need you to move on.


uh.. hi.. ahem.. that's the last chapter of Possessive.


however, at the moment I do not know when any parts will be published.

I want to have multiple parts written when I start, so that you guys don't have to wait two months for each part.

thank you for all your support and I can't wait for y'all to read the second book!

in the mean time you can read Obsessive or Flower Girl. They aren't completed but I will be working on them soon, plus I new book I'm excited about!

love you all oh and Merry Christmas!

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