Liz Hemmings

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I pant as Matt pulls his jeans off and quickly hovers over me again. He rejoins our lips and groans as I pull his hips onto my mine. He grinds down on me and bites on my bottom lip roughly. He pulls down my panties, leaving my completely naked. I shriek as he suddenly flips me over on to my stomach.

I hear him take off his boxers and drop them onto the floor. He pulls my hips up, and I pulls my knees up propping my back end up as my face stuffs into my pillows. I take a deep breath as I feel him line his dick up. I wait impatiently as he teases my entrance. He chuckles as I squirm in my spot.

"Hurry up, M-" I cry out when he pushes into me roughly. My face shoves further into the pillows as I let out a loud moan. He groans as he enters me fully. He begins to pull out and push back in at a slow pace. I whine softly, causing him to hit his hand across my ass. He bends over me as he picks up his pace. He grips a good amount of my hair and pulls my head back resulting in a cry from me.

"Fuck, baby." He growls, fucking me at a faster pace. He slams into me aggressively, panting and groaning. I'm a moaning mess, gripping the bed sheets with small tears of pain and pleasure leaving my eyes. He continues at this pace for a few minutes, muttering curses now and then.

"Oh god." I moan out when he flips me over and leans down close to my face. He uses one hand to prop himself up and the other wraps around my neck squeezing tightly. He quickens again and goes rougher, obviously nearing his climax.

"Annie, baby, look at me." I slowly open my eyes and stare up at his wide lust filled eyes. He continues to fuck me roughly.

"God you're so innocent." I glare up at him. I'm not innocent. I'm not. I'm the same girl that Luke used and abused.

"Shut up, Matt." He laughs angrily and covers my mouth. He slows down and pulls out almost completely, then slams into me hard. I scream out and curl my toes. He does this a few more times, then slams into me at a quick pace, both our bodies shaking. As he reaches his high, he pulls out and pulls me up. He groans loudly as he cums into my mouth. I look up at him with big eyes. I lick up his shaft before swallowing the cum.

"I'm not innocent." I snap, resulting in a smirk from him. He pulls on his boxers and pants, and I toss him his shirt that was hanging off the edge of the bed.

"I see right through your act, Annie." He slips his shirt on and turns to the door.

"Call me when you wanna pretend you're different again." With that he leaves and I huff, laying down. I stare up at my ceiling naked, thinking over it. Both him and Hayley swear I'm acting, but to me this is real. Maybe I'm hiding from myself. I don't want to get hurt again, maybe I think I can pretend to be different, and I'll actually be. I look at the clock and see I have another hour until they get here. I sigh and slip into some comfortable pajamas, seeing as it's 6pm, and make sure they cover up my wrist.

I go downstairs and lay on the couch waiting for them to arrive. After what seems like forever, I hear a car pull up. I happily run to the door and open it up. I run to my mom and wrap my arms around her.

"I missed you too." She laughs and I smile up at her. I hug my dad as well, who cracks a couple jokes about me having grown up.

"Why are you already in your pajamas, Annabelle? Don't you remember I said we were going to eat dinner with some friends tonight?" I stare at her and furrow my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, momma. I didn't remember that." She shakes her head and tells me to go get dressed nicely. Just like that, everything is back to normal. I do as she says and put on a long sleeve maroon dress, and grey flats. I run back downstairs and find them in their room, unpacking their bags.

"So, where are we going?" Dad compliments my outfit and Mom replies with "A friend's house"

"Who is it?"

"You're being very curious and talkative." Mom sighs, and I blush looking down.

"We're going to see Eliza and her husband, and maybe some of her family, I'm not too sure." My eyes widen and I swallow hard.

"O-Oh, that's g-great. She seems nice." I trail off and go back to the living room where I nervously wait for my parents. When they get ready we go to the car and my dad drives us a short distance to Eliza's house. I stay in the car a little too long, too nervous to go inside.

He won't be here, Annie. He's too busy.

"Annie, hurry up." I snap out of it and get out of the car. I slowly walk behind my parents into the house. Eliza greets them with a smile, and hugs my mom. We walk further into her house, and enter what appears to be the living room. I look around at the few people and sigh in relief when I don't see the blonde I was dreading to see.

Eliza goes around the room introducing my parents to her family. My mom and dad seem to already know her husband. My dad shakes his head and they smile at each other before starting conversation.

"And this is my Aunt Liz Hemmings." I snap my eyes over at the last name. "This is Luke's mom." I'm standing nearest to the doorway to the living room, staring over at my mom hug Luke's mom. I widen my eyes at the seemingly normal woman. I hear a noise behind me and everyone looks over towrds me. Eliza smiles and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Oh, and there's Luke." I inhale abruptly and part my lips as I slowly turn around. I look up at the man behind me and bite my lip harshly.

"Fuck." I whisper causing him to glare down at me in confusion. He doesn't say a word, just pushing past me to greet Eliza. I watch him, my heart racing.

Kill me now.


whoop an update that isn't a month after the last one I'm a new person

I'm sorry this progresses so fast, I'm not the best at writing haha.

Also, I noticed in early chapters that some of you think Annie and Luke are related. The scene where we meet Eliza confused some. Annie and Luke are not related. Eliza is Luke's cousin, and Eliza is Annie's moms friend.

love you all

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