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Surprisingly, we had no trouble getting into the bar. Luke told the man his name, and the man didn't even look at me let alone ask my age. Now we are inside this loud, hot, scary building full of half naked women being touched by large scary men. I squeeze Luke's hand tightly, and follow him as he walks through the crowd of people. We eventually make it to a back room where Luke talks to a man guarding it, who then opens it and let's us in.

It's quieter when the door shuts behind us. The men and young girls in this small room aren't as loud, and the music from earlier is faded.

Luke notices a group of men in the corner, and then points towards a group of young girls in a different direction.

"Go sit with them while I talk to those guys for a little bit." I open my mouth to protest, but Luke glares at me and I nod my head. I slowly walk over to where the girls are, and they get quiet when I sit down.

"H-hi.." I mumble quietly, and they all respond quietly. One girl, who looks to be the bravest of them all opens her mouth.

"So, I see you came in with..." She looks around and then whispered, "Luke Hemmings." The girls all shuffle in their seats awkwardly and nervously. I tilt my head in confusion and then nod.

"Y-yeah..." I give them a questioning look, and the girls sighs.

"He's really dangerous. If I were you, I run away while I still could." Some of the girls snap at her, and others nod in agreement with her.

I stay quiet, and don't ask any questions, I don't talk to them much for the rest of the time I'm there. They talk about different things, but one thing in particular stood out to me.

"I had to stay down there for 10 days, a small amount of food every other day."

"What?! That's insane I've never had to do that. Usually he just ties me up and let's his anger out. Then let's his friends come and do the same."

"Wait, what? No, that's what's insane. I'd rather be starved than raped."

"Well it's not like I have a choice you dumbass."

"Well, obviously. He owns you, he gets to decide what happens. It's how this thing works. I'm just glad I don't belong to Luke.. Talk about insane.."

The last part was mumbled but I definitely caught it. After sitting in an awkward place for so long, Luke walks over to me and the girls get quiet.

"You ready?" I nod my head and get up, hearing one girl mumble "good luck".

We walk over to the door to leave. Luke opens his mouth to say something, but he gets cut off.

"Hemmings, my man. How have you been?" A man a little bit shorter than Luke, with brown hair comes up to us and reaches out for Luke's hand. He lets go of mine, to shakes the mans hand, then grabs mine again.

"Hey Liam. I've been busy, trying to keep the business going. How about you, man?" What business? I guess I never asked Luke what he does for a living.

"Man you must be busy. I don't know how you have time to do all you do. Running an illegal street fighting business, competing in the fighting, and leading a major gang in the city seems like a difficult thing to do." Liam starts to laugh really loud, and I step away from him and Luke, and try to remove my hand from his but Luke doesn't let me. Luke comments back but I don't listen to what he says, because I'm terrified. Luke is an awful man, and here I am just running off with him at night and trusting him.

"Now tell me who this lovely lady is." Liam looks at me and smirks. "How much did you pay for her? And how much are you willing to sell her for." I squeak and Luke pushes me behind him slightly.

"I didn't buy her, and she isn't for sale." His voice gets deep and strong, and I see Liam put his hands up and take a step back.

"Sorry man, didn't realize." Luke nods and tells Liam he'll talk later, then drags me over to where there isn't anyone else standing.

"Don't say anything." He commands in a sharp tone. I nod quickly, not wanting to anger him. Fear was filling my body and I didn't know what else to do, but stay on his good side. However, so many thoughts run through my mind.

"I'm not going to explain it to you." He drags me out of the room and through the bar without a word. When we get outside I run so many things through my mind trying to figure out how I can learn about what Luke does.

After walking in silence for way too long, we make it close to my house. I finally get enough courage and I stop abruptly.

"N-no!" Damn stutter. "You're g-going to explain things t-to me! Illegal s-street f-fighter? G-gang leader? T-the girls t-told me y-you were d-dangerous. They t-talked about b-being s-starved and raped b-by men. Luke, I-I'm s-scared!" Luke pulls me into his chest.

"I shouldn't have taken you there. I just wanted to see you so bad. There's things that you cannot know, Annie. To keep you safe. Just know, that I'm not going to treat you like those men treat their girls. They buy them and sell them when they get a good offer. They treat them like toys, and throw them around when they don't get their way. You aren't a toy to me, Annie. You're a princess." I start to cry and I hold onto Luke tightly. I still don't know if I can truly trust him, but for now I just stay quiet and let him hold me.

After a few minutes of standing there holding me, Luke takes a step back. He picks me up and puts me on his shoulders and walks over to the edge of my roof. It's not a high roof, thats how Luke was able to get up on it in the first place, so all I had to do was crawl onto it. I look back at Luke and he smiles up at me.

"Goodnight Annie. Sleep well, Princess."

"Goodnight Luke. Thank you.."

I crawl into my window and lay down on my bed. I'm too tired to remove my pants, so I just fall asleep in the clothes hoping my parents don't come check on me in the morning before I wake up.




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