You're being a brat

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I watch Luke as he grabs a shopping cart and pushes around the store. I find myself giggling softly at the sight of a tall scary man pushing around a shopping cart. He turns around and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What's so funny?" I bite my lip and look down.

"You.. pushing the buggy." I smile and blush a little bit. He just shakes his head and chuckles a little bit.

"Hey, get up here next to me. I don't want someone to snatch you." I widen my eyes at this statement and quickly get up beside him. I instinctively grab onto his arm, which I usually do when at the store with my parents, not wanting to lose them. I realize what I'm doing and I quickly let go and feel my face heat up.

"No, do that again. I don't want you to get lost." I gulp and nod my head, grabbing back onto his arm nervously. We walk through the store and he picks out different things, some snacks and other every day things. He goes back further into the store. I hear him curse under his breath and I look up at him.

"W-what's wrong..?" I ask, cringing at my annoying stuttering. He shakes his head and keeps on walking. I look around the aisle we enter.

"Why.. w-why are we in t-the alcohol s-section?" I look around at the beer and wine and other drinks with wide eyes.

"Just be quiet, Annie." I feel my stomach drop. Not only did his command scare me, but this was the first time he had said my name. It sounded weird coming from his mouth. I squeeze my eyes closed and just walk next to him, stopping when he need to pick something out. By the end of the aisle we have a few different types of alcohol and I cringe.

"T-that's... bad for you, y-you know.." He looks down at me and sighs.

"You don't listen very well, do you?" I blush deeply and look back down at the buggy. Out of the corner of my eye I see the candy aisle. I look up and over to it, seeing my favorite candies, Sweetarts. Not thing chewy kind, the original hard Sweetarts.

Luke chuckles beside me and nudges me. "You want something?" My eyes widen. My parents rarely let me have candy. It's usually only on holidays or special occasions.

"C-can I?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Say please.." He commands teasingly. I gasp and bite my lip nervously.

"C-can I please get some candy?" I stand up on my tiptoes and stick my bottom lip out in a pout.

"Good girl.." he mumbles and reached out, brushing hair out of my face. "Go get some. Quickly." I gasp and run over to the Sweetarts and grab them. I run back over to Luke and hand them to him. He smiles and puts them into the cart.

"Let's go." I nod and follow him to the checkout. I wait patiently as the lady scans in all of the items and asks for Luke's ID. I forgot that you had to be 21 to buy alcohol. How old is Luke??

We finally get out and walk to the car, which was parked way out away from all of the other cars, a far walk away.

"How old are you?" I ask him as we walk back to the car. "25." he says in a short response. I widen my eyes and gulp. Imagine what my parents would do if they knew I was going shopping with someone 8 years older than me. They'd kill me.

When we get to the car and get the bags of groceries into the trunk, Luke asks me to take the buggy to the cart holders. The nearest one is rather far away, so I let out a loud groan. He glares at me, so I nervously grab the cart and take it before he gets angry. When I get back he is standing by the passenger door about to open it for me.

"I can open it myself. " I snap, quite rudely I'll admit. I regret the words as soon as they come out of my mouth. I was being very obnoxious, and I don't even know why. Luke glares at me and opens the door anyway, slightly pushing me into the car. He slams the door shut and goes to his side. He gets in and stops me from buckling my seat belt. He grabs onto my jaw and forces me to look at him.

"You're being a brat." He growls angrily. I widen my eyes and feel my face heat up. He was right. I was a brat.

"I take you away from the stupid fighting idiots, buy you candy, treat you like a lady, and you snap at me." I tear my eyes away from him, too embarrassed to look at him. He shakes my head slightly.

"Look at me!" I whimper as his grip tightens, and I look straight into his eyes.

"You know what happens to little girls who act like brats?" He raises his eyebrows as if he expect me to answer. When I don't reply, he continues.

"They get punished."


i'm so exhausted today

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