What happens to brats

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I sit quietly in the backseat of the car, while Luke and Calum talk in the front. Calum was waiting in the car for us when Luke finally got me from my room. I wanted to ask where Ashton was, but I assumed it would only anger Luke.

"Still, I don't think it's a good idea." Calum nodded in agreement.

"I know, Luke, but he seems to think it is."

"Whatever, he can do whatever he wants. I just want this to be over. MT is fucking insane." I sigh audibly and turn to look out the window.

"You good back there, baby?" I shrug, not wanting to respond to him.

"She looks pissed." Right on, Calum.

"Annie, answer m-"

"I'm fine." I snap at him, causing him to huff in annoyance. I hear Calum chuckle and mutter something about me growing balls.

"Calum, pull over at the gas station up here please." The anger in his voice makes my heart race. I try to calm myself down, but my breath is heavy and I can't make the nerves stop.

Calum pulls into the dimly lit gas station and goes to one of the pumps close to the front. Luke quickly gets out and opens my door after he slams his shut. He grabs my wrist and pulls me out after I unbuckle. Calum starts to fill up the gas tank while Luke drags me to the building. The bathrooms entrances are outside and he pulls me to the men's and locks the door once we're inside.

"L-Luke..." He growls and pushes me up against the wall, pushing his hips against my own.

"Shut up." I whimper and look down submissively, while he breaths heavily above me. "I am so fucking tired of this little act, Annie. This isn't you, we both know it. So stop trying to act like you're some badass bitch, you're just coming off as a little brat. I'm pretty sure I've taught you what happens to brats, haven't I?" I look up with eyes full of panic.

"Luke, p-please. I'm s-sorry." He shakes his head and roughly places a hand over my mouth.

"Hush, baby. Calm down, it's okay. I'm not going to." I close my eyes and sigh.

"I just want to remind you what will happen if you keep this little act up. I want my little princess back, I don't like who you're pretending to be." He removes his hand and I whine in relief. He chuckles softly and connects his lips to mine. The kiss is slow and gentle. Luke is careful with me, caressing my hip with one hand, and running his fingers through my hair with the other. He taps softly on my thighs signaling his desire for me to wrap my legs around him. I obey and jump, his hands catching me quickly. He walks over and sets me on the sink, kissing me rougher than before. He pulls back and places rough kisses down my neck.

"Baby girl, I'm s-" Loud bangs erupt in the small bathroom and I widen my eyes in fear.

"Is anyone in there?" I blush deeply and panic about having to show my face to whoever is outside waiting. It will be obviously to them what is going on when a man and girl leave the bathroom together.

"Uh, one second." Luke smirks down at me and pulls me off the sink. No doubt he has no problem with this, he loves showing off.

"L-Luke.." I whine, not wanting to be seen. He just shakes his head and grabs my hand.

"It's okay, little girl. I've got you." He unlocks the door and pulls it open. The man smiles at him, then drops his smile when he sees me. His eyes rake up and down my figure, causing Luke to push my body behind him partly.

"Fuck off, mate, she's taken." I am?

"Oh, c'mon, you're not one to be selfish with the bitches Hemmings." He knows Luke?

"I'm serious, Jackson. Leave it." Luke's voice gets low, and I unconsciously hide further behind him.

"C'mon, how much for one night?" Luke lets go of my hand, and before I can comprehend what's happening Luke's fist is connecting with the man's jaw. I shriek and stumble back in fear. The man punches Luke back, but he doesn't seem as fazed as the man did. I look around panicked, searching for Calum. I run and turn the corner, seeing him back in the car. I run over and bang on the windows.

"Calum! Calum!" He looks at me in confusion and gets out.

"What's wrong, Annie?" I stumble trying to find the words.

"I-I don't know. Some guy, Luke c-called him J-Jackson?" Calum nods and tells me to lead the way.

"That's probably Noah. Him and Luke don't get along very well. He lives around here somewhere. This probably wasn't the best place to stop, but you pissed Luke off pretty good." I ignore him and frantically try to get him to move faster to help Luke, but he doesn't seem too concerned. When we get back to the spot I left the two, Luke is getting up off the ground and Noah lays on the ground still.

"Fuck mate, d'you kill him?" Luke shrugs and grabs my hand with his bloody one.

"Dunno. Let's go." I say nothing and let Luke pull me with him back to the car. Instead of opening the back car door, he opens the front and gets in, then pulls me in behind him. He positions me on his lap, and I resist the urge to question him.

He got so protective and angry when the man spoke about me and showed interest in my body. We aren't technically together, and I shouldn't even be talking to him. Something about him makes it difficult for me to fight back. I have a strong urge to be near him all the time. He's so bad for my mental health, yet at the same time I never feel as safe and content as I do when I'm with him.

Calum gets in the car and we drive off without a word. I lean back into Luke's chest, putting my head on his shoulder, and I feel it vibrate as he laughs at me. I look up at him and he slowly leans down, placing a kiss on my lips. I smile against his, my body warming as his arms tighten around my waist protectively.

"Oi, enough of that. At least wait until I get my baby so I don't feel so alone." I widen my eyes and a wave of happiness washes over me.

"We're getting Hayley?" Luke laughs at my excitement then nods.

"Yeah she's meeting us there." My curious mind wants to pry, and it's impossible for me to keep it from asking.

"Where?" Luke sighs and looks over at Calum.

"The club."


I'm in a writing mood whoops

I have a new harry story plot, but idk if I wanna do third person or first person and switch between harry and the girl from time to time. It would mainly be the girls pov if I did first person. Which do you guys prefer when you read a fanfic? Third or first person?

the plot is basically kinky!harry moves to America to run from his past and search for redemption. he joins a church in a small town, thinking it will be a good chance to fix his sinful nature, but the mature, beautiful, and untouched teenage daughter of the preacher tests his self control. he tries to resist the urge to use her body for his pleasure and of course he fails cause I gotta have smut, duh.

love you all

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