Get on your knees

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"You can take it out on me."

Luke turns and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Don't say that." He snaps at me. I can see him start to breathe heavier. The light shining through the window makes it easy to see his eyes wide and dark.

"Luke, I d-don't mi-" Luke is suddenly on the bed, pushing me down on my back covering my mouth with his hand.

"Don't say that, Annie." He growls in my ear, I can see sweat forming in his neck and forehead. His other hand grabs my hands and lifts them above me one at a time. He then holds them there pinned to my bed.

"You don't want that, princess. I would hurt you. I can't let myself do that." His voice is softer, but still low and dark. He moves his hand away from my mouth and cups my cheek.

"You n-need to get it out, L-Luke. I don't want you to h-hurt someone else. I know t-that you won't h-hurt me bad, and I know t-that you wouldn't c-control yourself if it were s-someone else." He groans and covers my mouth again.

"Stop saying that, baby." Stop it before I can't control myself." He growls right next to my ear, causing me to whimper unintentionally.

"Shit..." He groans and pulls back, pulling me up to a sitting position. "Baby, I can't hurt you." In one motion he has me flipped over onto my stomach and press himself down on to of me. He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls my head up. "But I can fuck you until you can even think." He leans his head down to mine and bites down on my neck hard. I cry out, casing Luke to wrap his free hand around to cover my mouth.

"Uh uh uh... Be quiet, baby. If anyone hears you, they're gonna come in here and make me stop." He then licks the are he bit, and hums softly. "If you make a sound, I'm going to have to punish you, okay?" I squirm at the thought of this. "Answer me."

"Ok-k-ay.." Luke grunts as he flips me over. He looks down at me and throws his head back.

"Baby.. I can't fuck you. You're not ready, you're still so innocent..." I furrow my eyebrows and look up at him. I sit up but Luke growls and pushes me down.

"Did I tell you to get up, little girl?" I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Just because I can't fuck you, doesn't mean I can't get something out of tonight." He chuckles then pulls me up and off the bed.

"Get on your knees." He pushes me down, and as I hit the floor I can tell that my knees are going to bruise.

"You're gonna be a good little girl, right baby?" I look up at him and nod my head.

"Uh huh..." I mumble as he unzips his pants and pulls the down his legs. He kicks them off then grabs my chin forcefully.

"What was that?" I whimper at his touch, nervous because of what was about to happen.

"Y-Yes sir.." He smirks down at me and pulls my hair back hard, pulling his boxers down.

"Good girl... Now suck." He grabs his dick and forces my head down to it. I open my mouth and take it in. I gag when I feel it hit the back of my throat. Luke groans and keeps his grip on my hair.

"Shit, little girl." I'm gonna fuck your oretyy little face so hard." I start to suck his dick and he starts to pull it out of my mouth. I get confused, but my questions are answered when he starts to push and pull my head, thrusting his dick into my mouth.

"Oh that's a good girl. Take daddy's cock, little girl." He thrusts himself into my mouth again and again, groaning and growling.His growls begin to turn into moans, then soon his moans turn to whines and whimpers.

"S-Shit, fuck baby. Oh kitten, s-so good. D-Daddy's gonna cum, I'm gonna fucking cum." His thrusts speed up, his whimpers filling the air around us. Within a few seconds I feel something warm shoot into my mouth. I gag and pull away. I turn to spit it out, but Luke grabs my face and looks into my eyes. His are dark and filled with something I can't figure out.

"Let me see. Open your mouth. Now." He growls and I slowly open my mouth for him. He groans and closes my mouth with his hand.

"Swallow." I widen my eyes and shake my head, but Luke wraps his hand around my throat. He squeezes slightly, and I struggle to breathe.

"Swallow, slut." I do as he says and he lets go of my throat.

"Good girl... Such a fucking good little girl.." He runs his hand through my hair. He leans down to place a kiss on my forehead, but something changes his plans.

"What the actual fuck is going on here."


long over due and honestly kind of short but i hope it's good

i need you guys to do me a favor. go check out "things i've written" by a good friend of mine, lauwenashley . it is honestly so amazing and i recommend it to all of you, and literally anyone with a brain! haha

you guys mean the world to me

love you all

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