Don't be so nervous, little girl.

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I watch the guys as they argue over a video game and eat the pizza. Hayley is curled up next to Calum with an unamused expression on her face.

"Come on Ash, you've got to be kidding me! This is ridiculous!" Michael yells at Ashton who looks as if he was about to throw his remote.

"Don't blame me for you're lack of skill." Ashton snaps and my eyes widen as Michael launches himself at Ashton. I let out a faint scream as Ashton was fighting him off, punches being thrown. Hayley was yelling at them to calm down, and curses were being exchanged. Calum triesk to pull Michael off of Ashton, while Luke just leans further into the couch and watches amused.

I bring my knees up to my chest in the recliner I was sitting in. I bury my head in my knees and try to tune them out. After a few more minutes of the sounds of shouting, cursing, and punching, they finally calm down.

"You two are unbelievable." Hayley exclaims, and I peek my head up a little, checking to make sure they really were done. The two boys roll their eyes at Hayley and Luke lets out a dramatic sigh.

"Well, I'm going to take this as my cue to go to the store and get.." he stops and looks at me then back at the guys,"the groceries. " I furrow my eyebrows and squint looking at him in confusion. They all nod and something is said that starts up the fight between the two again. I squeak when punches are thrown.

I see Hayley whisper something to Luke, and he looks in my direction and nods. He walks over to me and hold out a hand. I tilt my head and stretch my legs back out. He rolls his eyes and put his hand down.

"Come with me." He says loudly, trying to speak over the two fighting boys.

I shake my head quickly. I did not want to be alone with him. He stood there staring at me.

"Come. with. me." He says louder and with more force, causing my heart to race in fear. I nod reluctantly and stand up. He began to walk towards the door. I wave bye to Hayley and followe behind him quietly.

We get outside and I could still hear the yelling. We get into a car that reminds of my dads dodge demon he had at one point. I think it might be one too. As we pull out of the driveway I begin to dread the trip we were taking. I wish he would turn on music or something to make this less awkward, and terrifying for me. He clears his throat and chuckles a little bit.

"Why do you dress like you're 5?" My eyes widen and I look down at my skirt and knee socks. I pick at the socks uncomfortably.

"I-I.. I like my outfit.." I say quietly, hoping he heard it because I didn't want to speak again. He groans and leans his head back all the way taking his eyes completely off the road, scaring me.

"Stop stuttering and talking like that. It's annoying as hell, yet damn does it turn me on." He says the last part so quietly I barely heard it. I tilt my head in confusion, and he turns the blinker on, turning into the grocery store parking lot.

"What do you mean?" I say scrunching my nose. He stops the car in a parking spot and looks over at me with wide eyes.

"Are you serious?" I bite my lip and look away from him, embarrassed. I can feel my cheeks heat up. Luke leans over closer to me, and I look at him scared. He leans even closer, his mouth next to my ear. My breathing is heavy, and I feel like my heart is about to explode.

"Don't be so nervous, little girl." he whispers in my ear, and I feel a slight pinch on my earlobe.

Is he biting me?!

This time I have the courage to talk back, even though I'm nearly passing out from fear.

"I'm not a l-little girl." I say in almost a whisper. The pinch on my earlobe gets stronger, to where it kind of hurts. I let out an involuntary sound almost like a whimper. Luke chuckles again and pulls back. However, when I see his face in front of mine he shows no amusement at all. "Don't talk back, little girl." He pretty much growls, while staring into my eyes. I let out a shaky breath and nod, closing my eyes tight.

I'm shaking and scared to death. I hear the car door open, and I open my eyes. I see him getting out of the car, so I reach over to open mine to get out as well, but before I get to it Luke is there opening it for me. I mumble a thank you, and get out of the car, my arms folded and holding on to the other.

I follow behind him quietly all the way to the store.

What have I gotten myself into?


i'm getting sick ew

Love you all

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