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I managed to pull myself onto my bed, and crawl under the covers. I had pulled my pants up, and kept them on as I lay down in bed crying to myself.

A door slams downstairs, and I fear that Luke has returned. A wave of relief washes over me when I see Ashton's face peak inside my room.

"Oh god." He rushes to my bed and crawls on. I lean into him and he wraps his arms around me protectively.

"He h-hurt me really bad, Ash." My voice and words are pathetic. Ashton places a kiss on the top of my head and slowly rocks me.

"I'm sorry, Annie. I wish you had never met any of us. I wish I could rewind time and take you back to when you were so innocent and happy."

"A-Ash, I let him... do things to me." I think back to the events that played after my shower a day or two ago. "I didn't want to disappoint him." Ashton hushes me as he runs his fingers through my hair. The feeling calms my heart, and I feel safe.

"Come on, let's get you into some pajamas. It's late, you need to get some sleep." I nod and hesitantly get out of my bed with him. He walks me over to my dresser and watches as I pull open my pajama drawer. I pull out a short and tank set and look up at him, biting my lip. He nods, understanding my look, and turns around. I quickly change out of my uncomfortable clothes and change into the soft pajamas. I tap on his shoulder and he turns back around smiling softly.

"There we go, c'mon baby." We walk back to my bed and he pulls the covers back and I slide under them. I take a quick look at the clock and see the time reads 11:38 pm. It's not as late as I had thought. Ashton slides in beside me and I feel his arm drape over me and pull me to his chest.

I hear a faint noise downstairs and I look up at Ashton. He furrows his eyes and we both stay quiet. I widen my eyes as I hear footsteps up the stairs. Ashton and I scramble out of the bed as we see Luke enter my room, followed by Matthew. Luke looks at both of us and we stand up facing him.

"Now this, I did not expect." His tone is full of anger, and his face is red.

"Luke..." I begin, but he cuts me off, turning to Matthew and patting his back.

"Remember what I told you," Matthew nods, "If I find out you failed to do so, you're gonna have hell to pay." Matthew swallows hard and looks to the floor.

"What are y-" He cuts me off again, making me aggravated.

"Alright, c'mon Ashton. Let's go." Ashton steps away from me. I grab his arm but he pulls away with looking back at me. He pushes past Luke and jogs down the stairs. Luke looks over at me, his expression hard to read. His eyes pour into mine. He clenches his jaw and blinks fast, clearing his throat.

"Alright." He turns and follows Ashton downstairs. My eyes fill with tears when I hear the door slam downstairs. I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing.

"Annie, I'm sorry." I open my eyes and see his reaching out to comfort me. I step back and shake my head.

"P-Please get out. I want to be alone." He shakes his head and steps forward again.

"No you don't. You're hurting." He grabs my hand and I jerk it away, snapping.

"I said get out of my house! I don't want your pity, Matthew. I am so tired of all of this! I try to be good and do what I feel is right. I've been good all my life and this is what I get?! All of this pain and hurting? What's the point? I treat people right and this is how they treat me? I'm done letting people walk all over me! So get the fuck out of my house, Matthew, or I swear to god I will hurt you." He stares at me with wide eyes before turning and running downstairs and out the door.

I breathe in and out quickly, my vision blurred with rage. I look over to my mirror and my jaw drops.

"Who have I become?" I whisper, walking over to the mirror. I look at the broken girl with messy hair and stained cheeks. "This isn't me."

I've known these boys for only a few months and they've changed me so drastically. I know what it's like to love someone so much it hurts, to get hurt by someone you trusted , to feel unsafe and unloved, to be confused, and to be downright outraged.

I can't let everyone walk all over me, I can't let people continue to affect me so negatively. I won't let people affect me, hurt me, make me feel in danger.

I run a finger through my hair and take a deep breath. I run downstairs and grab the house phone. I dial a number and close my eyes waiting for them to pick up.

"Hello?" I open my eyes and swallow hard.

"H-Hayley?" I hear her shuffle around.

"Annie! Babe, are you alright? Calum said something was going on, but he won't say what." I smile at her concern, but feel my heart ache.

"Can you come over? Now?" I plead in my head, hoping she can.

"Sure, I'll be there soon." I stop her before she hangs up, slightly nervous to ask her.

"Hayley... B-Bring some vodka."

trying to work on character development but idk if it feels rushed or not... let me know!

sorry it took so long!! I'm trying to figure things out at the moment!

i love you all

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