Get your clothes on

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I look up at the mirror and notice my face is slightly red from my crying. I hear shouts as I wash my face off. I think about why they might be fighting, but I can't figure it out.

When I leave the bathroom and walk back into where they all are, they stop yelling and look at me. I awkwardly stand there and look at the ground.

"Annie?" Hayley asks and I look up at her.

"Yeah?" I reply in confusion.

"Why did you say 'yes sir' to Luke?" Everyone is staring right at me. I feel my cheeks heat up and my heart race nervously. I answer honestly, because Hayley knows when I'm lying, but it's not like there's any reason to lie.

"Well he is 25.. mom and dad say that's how you talk to someone older than you.." I bite my lip and look back down, afraid that I had done something wrong.

The boys all looked at each other with weird expressions. Hayley sighed and shook her head.

"I told you." Luke snapped, with a hit of amusement in his tone.

"You told her what?" I looked at the two and Hayley just shook her head again. I let out a groan and mumble "you never tell me anything."

I hear Luke chuckle beside me. He then puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me over to the couches where we sit down and look up at the screen where the guys are still playing the game.

I watch as they argue and devour some of the snacks that Luke and I bought at the store. I silently pout and pick at the hem of my skirt. Luke notices somethings wrong and he leans down to whisper in my ear.

"You okay, Princess?" I blush at the pet name and shrug my shoulders.

"I thought we were going to play a game we could all play." I whisper back to him and chew on my bottom lip nervously. He chuckles and leans back.

"Ashton," Luke says louder and the boy turns to look at him, pausing the game. Michael grumbles next to him. "Let's play something else so we don't have to sit here and watch you two fight all night."

After a few minutes of arguing we all settle on Mario Kart, and take turns every game since Hayley only has four remotes. Luke and Hayley show me how to play, since I don't have video games at my house and I don't know how to drive with the remote.

We play the game for a couple hours then all quit and talk instead. I mainly listen, and talk every now and then, or when someone asked me something.

The sun has gone down a little while ago, and I'm surprised the guys are still here. It seems a bit too late for boys to be over. Hayley and the guys are too busy arguing and don't pay much attention when I get up and go to Hayley's bedroom where we will sleep tonight.

I close the door, but not all the way shut, and dig through my bag of clothes. I grab my pajama shorts and tshirt and throw my bag back onto the floor. I slowly take off my skirt and then pull off my shirt. I'm in the middle of taking my bra off when I hear something behind me. My bra drops to the floor as I turn around.

My eyes go wide as I see Luke standing there leaning against the doorframe, with his bottom lip between his teeth. He lets out a throaty groan and I frantically grab my clothes and try to run to Hayley's closet, but a hand on my wrist stops me. Luke pulls me close to him and has a smirk on his face.

"Don't hide." He says quietly and reaches a hand up to brush my hair out of my face. His hand then travels down to my neck and he wraps his hand around it. He just rests his hand around my neck, but doesn't put any pressure, or squeeze it. I whimper softly and flutter my eyes shut nervously.

His hand suddenly leaves my neck and he steps back away from me when I open my eyes.

"Put your clothes on." He says in a very deep threatening voice. Nervously I move away from him and I quickly pull my shorts on. I start to pull my shirt over my head, but Luke stops me. He takes my shirt from me and throws it next to my bag. I bring my hands up and cover up my bare chest.

"Can I have my shirt please.." I whisper shyly, looking anywhere but at Luke. He chuckles and starts to take off his shirt. My eyes widen and I look at his chest. He sees me staring and steps forward. He grabs my small hand and brings it to his chest, up close to his neck. He slowly drags my hand down his chest and stares at my face. I bite down hard on my lip, and feel a funny feeling in my stomach, and between my legs.

As he pulls my hand down his chest and gets closer to the waistband of his pants, nervousness grows in me. I feel my lips part and my breath gets heavy. My hand comes to the waist band, and Luke throws my hand away from him, causing me to stumble backwards slightly in shock.

"Wear this, and go to sleep. It's late." He kisses my forehead and hands me his shirt. I look at him in shock as he turns around and walks out of the room. I snap back into reality and slip his shirt on. I notice, as I crawl into the bed, that his shirt smells very nice. It's a masculine smell, not fruity or flowery, but I enjoy it.

As I lay down I hear yelling coming from where the guys and Hayley are. So of the shouts sound angry, and others sound like cheering. I push them out of my mind and snuggle under the sheets.

My mind races as I try to understand what just happened. Today was full of crazy things I'd never done before. I've never been so close to a man that I barely know I feel dirty and like bad person for allowing him to touch me an spank me, and also for touching him. I try my best to push the thoughts from my mind. I soon fall fast asleep with a blonde man invading my dreams.


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