Luke Has Issues

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I sit on the couch criss cross staring down at my hands in my lap. Hayley sits in a chair across from me. She stares at me, not speaking. I know that she's upset with me, we always tell each other everything and I never mentioned what happened with Luke.

"Really, Annie?" She breaks the silence and I cringe while looking up at her. "First off, I'm pissed you didn't tell me anything. Secondly, I don't think Luke is very good for you. You have morals, Luke has... issues." I look back down at my lap, picking at the hem of my jeans.

"Annie.. What all have you done with him?" I feel my eyes full with tears. I was ashamed and embarrassed. All I want is for Luke to get here already and save me from this. I just shake my head in response, not wanting to tell her.

"Tell me what you've done with him, Annie. I swear to God, if he took advantage of you. You know nothing about sex, he could easily fuck you and you have no clue what it really means!" I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to keep myself from crying. Hayley gets up from her seat and sits by me on the couch.

"Annie, please. I just want to make sure you're okay. I don't want Luke to cause you to hate yourself for going against your beliefs." I finally lose my strength. I start to sputter and my breathing is heavy. Hayley wraps her arms around me, pulling me to her.

"I r-really like h-him Hayley.." She sighs and runs her fingers through my hair. As she's holding me the door opens. Calum and Ashton walk into Hayley's house.

"Where are your parents?" Calum asks as he walks into the living room.

"Out of town for the next few days.." Hayley replies in a quiet tone. Calum and Ashton get over to us and see my face, red eyes and tear stained cheeks. I look up at them from in Hayley's hold.

"W-Where's Luke?" They look at each other and Ashton smiles softly.

"He'll be here soon." He and Calum sit down in chairs, Hayley looking at them with narrowed eyes.

I sigh loudly then widen my eyes and apologize when I realize just how loud it was. I get off the couch and mumble a "be right back" before walking down the hall to Hayley's bathroom. i close the door and look into the mirror. My hair and face are both a mess. I turn on the water and splash my face.

When I leave the bathroom I hear loud noises in the living room. Some yelling, some sounds of breaking, screams and curses. When I enter I see Luke throwing glasses at the wall and yelling. Ashton is trying to get him to stop, and Calum is holding Hayley, who's screaming, in his arms to keep her away from Luke. The throwing stops when Luke makes eye contacts with me. He starts to walk to me, and Ashton tries to stop him.

"Luke, not a good idea. Please snap out of it. You don't want to hurt her." Luke pushes Ashton off of him, and I widen my eyes. Luke gets right up in front of me. I notice he is covered in blood. He has a couple cuts, but I can tell that most of the blood is not his own. He lifts his arm and places his hand on my cheek. I try to remain still but I find myself flinching.

"Oh.. Princess.. You're in trouble now." He mumbles, but everyone in the room hears him. I step back, but Luke quickly grabs my waist. When he does this I try to push him off, he just chuckles evilly. I turn and try to run to Hayley, but his hard grip on my waist pulls me back to him, my back against his chest. I scream and thrash around, trying to get away.

"Luke!" Ashton yells and Calum lets go of Hayley to run over. Hayley covers her mouth, while Ashton and Calum try to pry Luke off of me.

"Get the fuck back or I swear to God." I freeze when I feel something cold against my neck. Luke has a grip on my hair in his hands and is pulling my head back, exposing my neck. I look at a mirror on the wall and see a bloody knife being held up to my throat. Ashton and Calum back up with their hands up.

"Luke, snap the fuck out of it." Calum snaps at him. "Luke realize what you're doing. Come on man, I know you're there." Ashton looks at Calum then back at Luke.

"Luke, you don't want to hurt her.. Just fight this, you know that if you start you won't be able to stop so just fucking fight while you can!" My breathing is fast and heavy, tears are streaming down my face. I feel Luke's grip loosen.

"I..." The knife drops to the floor and Luke pushes me forward as he stumbles back. Ashton grabs me and pulls me to him. Hayley runs over to me and rubs my back as I sob into Ashton's chest. I look over at Luke who is looking at me with a pained expression.

"I..." He runs to the door and runs out, Calum following him.

"Annie, lets go sleep." Hayley takes my hand and I follow her to the bedroom. I crawl into the bed, not worrying about changing into pajamas. Hayley leaves me alone, shutting the door behind her. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. After what feels like forever, I feel myself slip into sleep.

I stretch my arms and look at the clock. 3:12 am. I whine and turn over. Hayley isn't in the bed, she just be staying in the living room. Maybe Calum came back and she's with him. I'm taken from my thoughts when I hear a shuffling. I look up and see a figure in the corner of my room. I sit up and push myself back as much as I can. Luke walks over to me, sadness all over his face.

"I'm sorry, Annie.." He runs a hand through his hair. "I've got these problems. I.. I get violent and lose my head. The.. only way that I get out of it is to... to take it out on someone.." I tilt my head, not too sure what he means.

"I have to.. hurt someone.. or.. fuck then senseless. If I don't, it builds up and it's not pretty when it gets too much. It's a hundred times worse than what you saw today." He sighs and backs up heading to the open window.

"I just wanted to apologize.. I don't want to scare you." He goes to the window and before he can leave I mumble something I never thought I'd be saying. Something I know i'm doing to regret.

"You can take it out on me."



i love you all

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