Slut for Sweetarts

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"No." I don't want to hear him try to make this better, he won't be able to. I've lost what little trust I had in him. He sighs softly and turns the car radio on slightly. I look at the time and mentally groan as it reads 5:39 am. By the time we get back to my house my parents will already be awake and most likely checking on me.

"Please, Annie I ju-" I cut him off again, aggravated.

"Luke, I said no." He huffs, clearly wanting to get on to me for my attitude, but he knows that will only worsen the situation.

He pulls off the road, stopping the car in the parking lot of a convenient store. I want to argue, but no matter how quick he drives my parents will already be awake so there's no point in hurrying.

"I'm gonna get something to eat. Do you want anything?" I shake my head without saying a word. He sighs and gets out of the car. It's silent for a moment as I close my eyes, but they open again when I hear his door reopen.

"Come in with me, I'm not leaving you alone." I grumble underneath my breath and unbuckle the seatbelt. I get out of the car and walk around to join him. He grabs my hand but I yank it away from him, he responds by grabbing it again in a grip so tight I can't get out of.

We enter the store and it's rather quiet. An old man stands behind the counter wearing a worn out t-shirt with a name tag attached to it.

"Good morning." He smiles at us and I smile back, Luke doesn't say anything or even look in his direction. He pulls me to the chip aisle and grabs a bag of peanuts, then I'm dragged to the coolers while he grabs two water bottles. As we walk counter to the we pass through the candy aisle. I bite my lip as we pass by a familiar candy.

"Uhm.." I don't say it loud, but Luke stops abruptly and turns around to me.

"You okay?" I nod and he furrows his eyebrows. I scrunch up my nose and shyly point with my free hand to the bottom shelf. He looks over in confusion, then his eyes light up.

"Candy for breakfast?" I stick my bottom lip out slightly, hoping it will win him over. "

Go get you some, baby." I slip out of his grip and giddily grab the candy before returning to his side.

He pays the old man without saying much, simply humming in agreement and nodding his head at the mans friendly questions. After he pays his hand grabs mine again and we walk out the door. I kick at the rocks on the walk back to the car, excited for my treat. Luke walks me to my side and shuts my door after I get in.

When he gets in he sets the plastic bag in his lap then starts the car. He shuffles through and grabs out the two waters, sliding them into the cup holders in between the seats. He then pulls out his peanuts and drops them in his lap. I tap my fingers on my thighs impatiently, eager for him to pull mine out. I widen my eyes at the sight of the candy and reach out to grab it. Before it's in my hands he pulls it away from me.

"Woah, easy baby." I squint at him in annoyance.

"Please, Luke." He chuckles and leans forward a little.

"Give me a kiss." I scoff and shake my head, appalled by his request.

"No. I'm not in the mood for this, Luke." He leans back and puts the candy back in the bag.

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