Breathe Baby

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*prepare yourself*


As soon as the words leave my mouth, Luke grabs my hips roughly and pushes back until I hit the counter. I hold onto my towel tightly, afraid I would drop it.

He picks me up off the ground and sets me on the counter. He slams his lips onto mine surprising me and causing me to squeak. He grunts under his breath and bites down softly on my bottom lip. He pulls back and rests his forehead against mine.

"Annie.. Princess.. Are you.. Are you ready?" His voice is deep and raspy, his eyes dark. It takes me a minute to realize what he's talking about. My face heats up and I look away from him.

"I.." He gently grabs my jaw and moves my head to look at him. My eyes slowly find their way to his.

"It's okay.." He smiles softly and I sigh almost silently. My face heats up again as I open my mouth. I don't want to disappoint him.

"I'm.. r-ready.." Luke looks into my eyes deeply for a minute, before picking me up and leaving the bathroom. He carries me into my bedroom and throws me onto my bed.

He crawls up on top of me, biting his lip hard. He slides his hand up and down my body, then slowly pulls my towel off me. He harshly sucks on a breath, a soft moan coming from him.

I close my eyes as I feel his hand trail down my body, starting from the bottom of my throat to right above my core. He leans down and places light kisses on my thighs, moving towards between my legs. He slowly moves his hand to cup me, and groan leaving his mouth.

"God.. Princess.. you're so wet." I whimper and squirm, slightly nervous. He places his hands on my hips, pushing them down and connects his mouth to me. I let out a loud whine, my hips attempt to buck, but his hands keep them from doing much. He licks up and down for a few minutes, twirling his tongue and gently tugging, before pulling away and taking off his shirt.

I stare up at his as he them takes his pants and boxers off, revealing his very hard dick. He quickly opens a condom he has in his jean pocket and slides it on. He leans back over me and presses his lips against my own. I close my eyes and I feel his hands pushing my legs apart slightly. I feel him lining up his dick, his breathing heavy as he pulls away from the kiss.

"You ready, baby?" I nod slight and he grunts. "Words.. I need words, little girl." I feel his shake slightly, I know that he is ready himself.

"Please.." I whimper, barely audible. "I-I'm ready.." As these words leave my mouth I feel a slight pinch as Luke begins to push himself inside of me. I gasp for air, squeezing my eyes shut tightly.

"Breathe baby." His voice seems strained. I do my best to breath, but it is difficult considering the discomfort I'm feeling. My eyes start to tear up as he pushes himself further into me.

"Are you okay." I nod in response but then quickly correct myself.

"Yes.. Y-Yes daddy." The noise that comes out of his mouth next puts a little fear inside of me. It sounds like a deep growl, a sound that you would run away from if you heard it in the woods or on the street.

He begins to push harder, his hand finding its way to my throat. His grip is firm but gentle, and the pain of him inside me is lessening. He finally gets all the way inside of me and then begins to slowly pull out and thrust back in.

At first the feeling is uncomfortable and almost painful. The more he thrusts the easier and nicer it feels. As he starts to thrust faster I find myself feeling an overwhelming pleasure.

"God.. baby girl.. you're so fucking tight." He mumbles under his breath and bites his lip. A moan comes out of my mouth, surprising both of us. His grip on my throat tightens and his thrusts increase in speed and force. He grunts and breathes heavy as he thrusts himself inside of me over and over, choking me while leaving enough room for me to breathe.

His thrusts become sloppier and his growls turn to moans and an occasional whine. I moan with his, one hand digging into the arm choking me, and the other bunching up some of the sheets in a fist. He moans louder and rams into me forcefully, causing me to whimper and shake.

"C-Cum with me, baby." His voice is deep and shaky, very unusual for him. An unfamiliar feeling builds up inside of me. As I feel an overwhelming sensation take over my body, Luke slams into me and again and pushes hard against me. I let out an uncontrollably loud moan while arching my back.

He holds still pressed against me for a moment, then slowly starts to move in and out. Our breathing is heavy, and I feel myself shaking. He slowly pulls his dick out of me, and pulls the condom off. He chunks it into my trash can, and crawls onto the bed beside me.

"You did so good, baby." He mumbles against my neck as he wraps his arms around my naked body and pulls me to his.

"T-Thank you.." I awkwardly whisper back to him, not knowing whether or not that was the right thing to say. I feel him smile against my neck, and then pull the covers over us.

I hear a faint sound downstairs and I furrow my eyebrows. Footsteps start up the stairs and I widen my eyes. Luke seems to not be worried. I hear a voice as the footsteps get closer.

"Annie? There was a message on the home phone. There were some complications and your parents won't be home for almost another week.." Ashton's voice sounds up the stairs and before I could reply or tell him to not come upstairs his faces pops out in my doorway.

"What do you want to do unt- holy fuck." His eyes widen and I feel my face heat up as Luke pulls me closer to him.

"Don't fucking look, man." Ashton quickly looks away and apologizes a hundred times.

"I'm just.. I'll go.. I'll be downstairs.." He runs out of view and I hear his feet stomp down the stairs. I start to giggle softly and Luke chuckles when he hears me.

"You're adorable." My face heats up more and I bite my lip.

"I love you, Annie."

"I love you, Luke."



also, I'm noticing my reads, votes, and comments are going down  which is kind of disappoint bUT IT MAKES ME LOVE YOU GUYS WHO ARE STICKING AROUND EVEN MORE YOU GUYS R O C K

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