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I tap my glass nervously, my legs crossed as we sit in silence in the living room. The adults, well if you don't consider Luke an adult, all went down to the wine cellar for a tour and tasting. Luke decided to stay back with me. I mentally panicked in the dead silence, waiting for Luke to speak.

However, he doesn't. He sits right next to me, so close I can hear him breathing, but he doesn't say a word. I take a sip from my drink and feel Luke's eyes on me. My dress sleeve falls down slightly, as I place the glass on the table next to the couch. I pull my arm back to me, and am caught by surprise when Luke's hand quickly latches on to my wrist. He pulls it to him and I curse loudly when he pulls the sleeve down.

"What the fuck is this?" His voice is raspy and deep, the sound I missed so desperately.

"Nothing." I try to pull my arm away, but his grip it too tight.

"Why did you do this?" He traces over the L, his face holding an angry yet sad expression.

"I was drunk." I mumbled it so quietly, but his reaction proved that he heard my words. He stands up abruptly and pulls me up with him. He angrily pushes me up against the nearest wall, pinning my hands up.

"You were what?" I don't look up at him, fearful of what he might do. As much as I needed his touch and guidance, I still feared him.

"Say it, Annie. Repeat that for me, loud and clear so I can hear every word correctly." I open my mouth to speak but he cuts me off.

"Look up at me, now." I hesitantly raise my head, staring up at his dark anger-filled eyes.

"I was drunk." I say it louder, making sure he could hear it perfectly clear. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, still pinning me to the wall.

"You were drunk. You got yourself drunk. How often has this happened since I left you?" I look away again and he growls under his breath, causing me to look back at him before I pissed him off even more.

"Almost every d-day." I was pretty much sobered up from my drink earlier today, but when the thought went through Luke's mind, he leaned forward and connected our lips roughly. He pulled back after a few moments of tasting my mouth.

"You drank today. Fucking hell, Annie. What else have you been doing?" He releases my heads and pulls me to his chest. I put my hands up against him, and slightly rub his shirt. He walks to the couch and sits, pulling me onto his lap straddling and facing him.

"Be honest with me, okay Annie?" I stay silent for a moment, leaning my head on his chest. I pull back and look at his plump lips, wanting to taste them again. I lean forward and he pulls back, releasing a sound of disapproval. "Answer me, babe."

"Yes, sir. I'll be honest." He hums, satisfied with my reply.

"That's my good girl." I'm not your girl anymore. You're a monster. He rewards me by connecting our lips, slowly and passionately. I don't hesitant to kiss back, though my mind screams at me to hate him. They move together, my dry lips being wetted by his soft ones. I feel a slight tug on my bottom lip, causing me to whimper. He pulls back and hushes me, the adults being just downstairs.

"Tell me, Annie. What else have you been doing that I would disapprove of?" Fucking the guard-boy you left with me. I shake my head and mumble 'nothing'. He doesn't seem to believe me, but he doesn't question any further.

"Is Matthew watching out for you?" I choke a little bit, then nod quickly. He furrows his eyebrows and gently pulls my chin up to make me look at him more. I swallow hard as he squints his eyes at me. Calm down, Annie, there's no way he knows.

"He better be." He reaches up and pushes my hair back behind my ear. For a moment I forget about all of the terrible things he has done. For this moment it is just me sitting on the lap of the man I love. The man who makes me feel safe.

But this moment, like all the other times I have felt happy, comes to an end.

I quickly move off Luke's lap as I hear footsteps walking up the stairs from the basement. My parents walk in first, laughing at something someone behind them said. My dad motions for me and I stand and move over to him and my mother.

"Thanks for having us, Eliza. I wish we could stay longer, but we are exhausted from our trip."

"No worries! Drive safe and have a nice night!" We exit the house, me sending Luke one last look, and him winking at me. He's bad for you. Don't fall back in.

When we arrive back at our house, I quickly go inside and wish my parents a goodnight. They go to their room, clearing tired and in need of sleep. I walk up the stairs and yawn widely. Throwing myself onto my bed, I let out a loud sigh. I don't even bother changing into pajamas, I curl up under my covers and close my eyes. I begin to fall into a sleepy state, when a small tap pulls me from it. I ignore it at first, but the tap becomes more aggressive so I open my eyes and look to my window. I widen my eyes and groan softly when I see Luke staring through the glass. I slide it open and glare at him.

"Sleep is important."

"Come somewhere with me?" I scoff and shake my head in disbelief. He pushes past me, entering my room. I stand up from my bed and follow him to the center.

"Last time I went somewhere with you, I met a bunch of sex slaves, so no thanks." He turns back to me and shakes his head.

"What's with the attitude, princess? This isn't like you." He steps closer to me and leans down, his lips brushing against my ear. One of his hands grips my hip tightly, a whimper falling from my lips. "Do I need to spank that pretty little ass of yours and teach you a lesson?" I try to push myself away from him and try to resist his intoxicating scent and raspy voice. However, my arms fail me and simply rest my hands on his chest.

"Answer me, little girl." The words leave my mind, I struggle to find my breath. I gasp when Luke's lips softly touch my neck. One of his hands stays on my hip while the other rests at the base of my neck with a gentle amount of pressure.

"I'm s-sorry." He chuckles, teeth grazing my skin barely. He pulls his head away and looks down at me.

"It's okay, sweet girl. I understand you're angry with me. But if daddy makes you feel good, will you forgive him?" I gasp when I'm pushed backwards roughly, landing on my back on my bed. Luke puts himself between my legs, my dress riding up.

"N-No, Luke." I sit up and push away from him, scooting further down my bed. He steps back, clearly a little annoyed.

"If you say so, Annie. You're still gonna come with me, so change out of that dress." He watches me as I don't move from my spot, and clenches his jaw. "Don't make me tell you twice or I'll take you right here and now with or without your consent."

It takes me a second to comprehend his words, but the moment I do I jump from the bed and scurry to my closet to change into jeans and a plain red shirt. I walk back to Luke and stare up at him, taking deep breaths and trying to prepare myself for what is to come.


do I actually have this whole updating thing down? no not at all so please don't get used to this.

love you all

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