Cherry cough drop

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I suck nervously on my cherry cough drop, and look around the room while my mom and my dad talk in the room next door. I tried to listen through the door, but my heart started pounding with the thought of being caught, so I hurriedly sat back down on the couch.

The door opens and I snap my head up to see Mom and Dad walking into the room. Dad has a concerned look on his face, making me even more nervous.

"Your dad and I have talked about your request.." She trails off and I began to chew on my bottom lip. "If you promise to not do anything wrong, then we will let you. However, I will need to see if Mrs. Haven will let you stay the night. Your dad and I have a business conference tomorrow."
I nod in response and smile brightly.

"Thanks mom! Thanks Dad!" I jump up and kiss them both on the cheek and run to my room to get out of my school clothes. The school has a dress code that doesn't allow my clothing style, so it's always my top priority to get out of the tight pants and collared shirt.

I look through my closet trying to decide between shorts or a skirt. I pick up a black skirt with white designs on it, and slide it on. I throw on a sweater and tuck it in, then pull on my black knee socks.

"Annabelle?" i stick my head out of my room and see my moms head at the bottom of the stairs. "Mrs. Haven said it would be perfectly fine for you to stay the night." I squeal softly and thank my mom, then go back into my room to pack a bag.

After putting all of my clothes and toiletries needed into the bag, I grab my MP3 player and headphones. Normally, people my age would have a phone, not an MP3 player. However, my parents are a bit strict when it comes to phones and computers, and other things like that. So that means no phone for me. Haley thinks that it's ridiculous, but I don't mind.

I make sure I've got everything I need, then I run downstairs to find my mom. She is standing in the kitchen packing me a snack bag. Mom doesn't like the snack food Hayley's mom provides, so she always sends me a bag with a few of my favorite snacks.

"What's in there today?" I ask with wide eyes and a big smile. She smiles and looks up at me.

"Why would I ruin the surprise?!" I giggle and she laughs softly with me. She hands me the bag and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Hayley is going to pick you up, she should be here any second. Go wait outside for her."

"Yes ma'am." I give her another kiss goodbye and shout I love you to my dad. Mom tells me to be good as I walk out the door.

As soon as I step outside I see Hayley's black jeep pull up into the drive way. Calum isn't in the front seat, so I guess he is back at Hayley's house with his friends.

"I'm so fucking happy your mom said yes-" She notices me cringe, "Oh I'm sorry Annie. I've been around those guys for the past hour or so and they talk like that nonstop, it rubbed off I guess."

I nod and tell her that it's okay, but then I stop myself. "Wait, they talk like that a lot?" I ask her with wide eyes, nervously.

She bites her lip and taps the steering wheel as she drives down the street. "Yeah.." I only nod, and turn to look back the road. "This is going to be a long night" I think to myself.

love you all

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