Sexually Involved with a Minor

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I pull my hoodie up a little more, making sure my neck is still covered before walking into my house. I see my mom and dad sitting in the living room. They smile at me.

"Did you have fun with Hayley?" I smile back and nod my head.

"Yeah, it was great!" I fake a yawn. Dad chuckles and points upstairs.

"Go take a nap or something." Mom glares at him.

"No. Annie you need to dress up a bit. A friend from your school is going to take you to lunch today." I widen my eyes and shake my head.

"What? No! Who?" I furrow my eyebrows and mentally groan when my mom says the name 'Matthew'. "Mom, do I have to? You guys don't even know him!" Mom smiles and shakes her head.

"He is Hannah Garrett's son, I've known him since he was a baby." I resist the urge to snap at her for agreeing to this without asking me.

"I really don't want to." She sighs and looks at my dad.

"I'm sorry, Annie. You need to make more friends. He is a really good kid!" I nod my head and turn to go upstairs.

I want to text Hayley and tell her, but I know that if I tell her, Luke will find out. I'm mad at Luke, I can't even stand to think about him. He did something terrible. He did something you can't take back, something I'm afraid he's done before. When he found out that I knew, he tried to make excuses but I just left. I walked home, even though he yelled at me to stop. On my way home I stopped at a coffeeshop and stayed there for a while so that my parents weren't suspicious about my arrival time.

I change into a nice shirt and throw a scarf around my neck. It's a little hot out so I'm planning on taking it off once I'm not around my parents. I lay down and take a short nap, dreading the events to come in a few short hours.

"Annabelle!" My mom shouts for the fifth time.

"I'm coming, Mom!!" I snap and grab my purse off my nightstand. I run downstairs and see Matthew standing by my mom. I smile politely at him.

"Hi Annie." He smiles and I nod my head.

"Hello." My mom giggles like a child when I respond to him.

"Well, you two had fun!" I give her a hug and shout goodbye to my dad who's sitting in the kitchen.

Matthew and I walk outside, and I drop my smile. I sigh and mumble a 'thanks' when he opens the car door for me. He goes around and gets in on the driver side.

"You seem thrilled." I scoff, then realize how rude I'm being, and sigh. "I'm s-sorry. I was in a b-bad mood and then I f-found out that my mom set this up, and n-now I'm just even more aggravated."

"You're mom didn't set this up. I did." I look at him with wide eyes.

"Why?! If L-Luke finds out about this he'll k-kill you!" Matt takes this as a figure of speech, but little did he know.

"Is that the guy who picked you up from school?" I nod in response and he laughs. "He seems like an ass. How are is he anyways?" I bite my lip and look out the window. "T-Twenty-five."

"And how old are you?" I fidget uncomfortably.

"This r-really isn't any of y-your business." Matt scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Sorry, just trying to make sure you're not getting taken advantage of." I snap my head to look at him. "You don't have to tell me. I know you're younger than 18. That's all I need to know." I gulp and look away. He wouldn't tell anyone, right?

"Relax. You're secret is safe with me, as long as nothing happens. Even if you give consent, he's still taking advantage of you. You don't know any better." I get aggravated with him, but I don't say anything. I don't want to anger him. I don't want anyone to find out about me and Luke.

We stay quiet for the rest of the ride. We make it to a small diner, and Matthew gets out and opens my door for me. I thank him and we walk in silently. We get a booth and a waitress comes and takes our order. I order a chicken basket, and Matt gets a burger. As we get our meal I had the door open and I look up. I panic and look back down, praying that he didn't see me.

"You okay?" Matt asks me with a mouth full of fries. I nod and take a deep breath. When I look back up my eyes lock with Luke's. I groan and prepare myself for the worst. He leaves Calum and angrily walks over to us.

"What are you doing here? With him." He looks at Matthew with disgust and I sigh.

"J-Just a friendly l-lunch.." Luke scoffs and rolls his eyes at me.

"Bullshit. Here I was, hoping I could see you and apologize. But here you are, running around with little boys." He spits in a low tone, and now it's my turn to scoff.

"This is y-your way of apologizing? C-Calling me a slut?" His jaw locks and a growl comes out as Matt stands up.

"Look, man. I think you need to leave us alone." Matt is almost as tall as Luke, but a little lacking in the muscles.

"You don't tell me what to do, kid." Matt laughs and lowers his voice.

"Leave us alone now, or I will call the cops and have you arrested for being sexually involved with a minor." Luke looks over at me with a pained expression.

"You told him?" I shake my head and look back down.

"I can tell by the marks on her neck. Now leave." Matt and Like both clench their jaws and glare at one another. Luke turns to me and reaches a hand out. I unintentionally and almost instinctively lean towards his hand as he brushes my hair back and caresses my cheek. When I realize this, I quickly pull away.

"I.. I c-can't look at you right n-now, Luke." I'm still beyond angry with him for what he did. He crossed a line, he's so far over it. He sighs and glares one more time at Matthew before walking over to Calum.

"Let's get out of here, yeah?" Matt pays the waitress and we walk out. Before I leave Luke gets up and grabs my wrist gently.

"We need to talk. Tonight. I'm not asking." I sigh and nod my head, just wanting to get far away from him.


hello there

I'm so sorry it's been taking me so long to update, I've been really busy and stressed out lately.

I will try to update more frequently, but I cannot promise anything.

I love you all thank you so much for your support and love

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