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"Oh baby, I know exactly how to show them who owns you."

My face heats up, and I probably look as red as a tomato. I part my lips, to ask Luke what he meant by that. Before I could make a word, Luke pulls me closer to him (the console still between us) and put his hand over my mouth.

My eyes widen in fear and my heart begins to race as Luke dips his head down to my neck, and I feel a pinch on my skin. I gasp as I feel his lips on my neck, his mouth sucking and his teeth biting.

He removes his hand from my mouth slowly, and stops his mouth to say, "Let me hear you, baby" and then continues attacking the skin on my neck.

My breath is shaky, as Luke's hand moves down to my hip. When his hand reaches my hip, he pushes it up under my shirt slightly. He unexpectedly squeezes my hip harshly, causing me to yelp. Luke groans in response, and bites down hard on my neck. I whimper and my hand finds his upper arm to squeeze.

Luke surprises me again and pulls me across the console in one swift motion, to where I'm sitting on his lap, legs straddling his. He moves his lips to the other side of my neck and begins working there. I sit there on his lap for what seems like forever, occasionally letting out an involuntary whimper or gasp. Luke kept sucking on my neck, changing spots every few minutes. My neck felt sore.

Luke starts to move his hands. He keeps them near my hips, but up under my shirt slightly. His fingers flutter around, gently massaging. I squirm slightly when I start to feel an unfamiliar feeling in in between my legs.

"L-Luke.." I mumble, and he just hums in response and gently pinches my skin under my shirt.

"Luke.." I say again, a little louder. Luke just mutters a "shh" in response then moves to the other side of my neck, closer to my jaw. I squirm uncomfortably again pressing down on his legs, trying to get rid of the feeling.

"Luke.. It feels f-funny.." I continue pressing down, rubbing my self back and forth.

Luke pulls his head back and looks down at my licking his lips.

"Shit.. uh.. just.. just don't think about it." He removed his hands and mutter something along the lines of "can't do that yet". I whimper and rub up against him more, closer to his hips.

"Hey, fuck, don't do that." He grabbed my hips again and pushed me back. "Annie, sorry baby, there's just things that I can't do with you just yet. You're too innocent, and young, I can't ruin you." Luke mumbles all this so fast I barely comprehend it. "We need to get going anyways.." He picks me up again and puts me back in the passenger seat. He reaches over and grabs the seat belt, buckling me up.

He starts the car and turns the car around, driving back where we came from. He stays silent the majority of the ride back, as I squirm in my seat. As we near my house I speak up.

"I'm s-sorry.." I mumble while looking out the window. Luke looks at me and looks back at the road.

"No. No, no, no, don't apologize princess." Luke sighs heavily. Look, it's my fault. I got jealous, and I took it took far." He looks over at me, then down at my neck. He smirks for a second, sporting a proud look on his face. "You didn't do anything wrong, sweet girl." We pull up close to my house, and he stops. He stays far enough away that my parents wouldn't see his car and question it.

"Look at me." He commands after turning off the car. I look over at him shyly, and he smiles softly. He reaches over and puts his hand on my cheek brushing it softly. "I'm sorry, little girl." He reaches into the back seat and pulls out a large black hoodie.

"Put this on, to cover up your neck from you parents. But don't," His voice gets deep, "do not cover it up from anyone else. Everyone needs to know you're taken. Understand?" I nod my head and take it from him.

"Yes sir" He smiles immediately and licks his lips.

"You're such a good girl, Annie." He leans over and places a kiss on my forehead. "Now go, don't want your parents getting too worried."

I turn and open the car door. Before I step out I quickly, before I can decide against it, turn back around and place a soft kiss on Luke's cheek. When I pull back I bite my lip and blush, giggling shyly. Luke chuckles at me.

"Goodbye, Princess."

"Goodbye, Luke."

I race up the front steps, replaying the past hour or so in my brain again and again. I pull the hoodie on and pull it up my neck more. I enter the house and shout an "I'm home!" to my parents. They inform me that they're in the living room, and my mom tells me to go shower and get ready to eat out for dinner.

When I get up to the bathroom I get undressed and look into the mirror. I gasp and step back when I see my neck. Almost my entire neck is purple and red with what seemed like bruises and bite marks. I shudder and move my hand up to feel it. I wince as it feels slightly raw. I bite my lip remembering how it felt when Luke's lips were on my neck.

Luke's lips. They were so soft. The way they felt against my skin was such an amazing feeling. It made me feel like I was going to melt. Remembering the touch made me shiver. I felt my breathing getting heavy, and my hands gripped the edge of the bathroom counter to steady myself.

Oh, imagine how they would feel against your own lips.. or even-

Why am I thinking about this?!

I stand up and shake my head, distracting myself with the shower. After spending a few minutes cleaning my hair and body and just relaxing in the hot water, I get out and wrap a towel around my body. I walk to my room and begin to sift through my dresses to find one to wear to the dinner.

I finally find a long dress that has a turtleneck collar, that would cover up my neck. What the dress didn't cover up, I used some of my mother's old makeup she lets me use for special occasions to cover up the little noticeable spots.

I run downstairs just in time, for my parents were starting to get impatient.

"You ready?" Mom asks and opens the front door. I nod my head and followed them out the door. The drive to the restaurant was filled with pointless conversation and slight arguments between my parents.

We arrive at a fancy steak place, and I smile softly at my parents. I'm not a fan of steak, but I knew better than to complain, and I knew they would have other options.

The waiter we get is a sweet girl, who looks about in her twenties. She is very personable and took care of us very well. As we are wrapping up our main course, I feel very sleepy. My parents decide that we don't need to stay for dessert, and we get up to head home. As we walk to the exit, we pass multiple tables full of families and couples. I look at them as we pass, smiling politely. My smile drops when I pass a table with a beautiful lady, and a familiar blonde. I'm behind my parents, so my abrupt stop isn't noticed by them. The blonde man reaches over and grabs the lady's hand smiling. My heart drops and I rush off, but not before my eyes lock with Luke's. His smile fades and his eyebrows furrow. I ignore his look and run to catch up with my parents. I can't wait to get home and sleep, so I can forget all about what just happened.


well fuck


thank you for being patient.
love you all, more updates to come.

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