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I sit on my bed, criss-cross, nervously waiting for Luke to show up. I pick at my nails while listening to my parents lock up downstairs.

"Goodnight, Annabelle!" My parents yell at me from downstairs, and I tell them goodnight back.

I decide to get up and change while I wait on Luke. I go to my dresser and pull of my shirt. I take off my pants and unhook my bra. I pull it off, leaving me in my pink panties alone.

"Why am I not shocked that they're pink?" I snap around and shriek when I see Luke sitting on my roof, peaking through the slightly opened window. I turn back around and quickly slip on my pajamas shorts and top. I walk over to and crawl up in my bed. I scoot over to where i'm next to Luke, him still outside.

"W-What do you want?" I pull my arm away from him as he tries to reach for it.

"Don't get an attitude with me, Annie." I glare at him, having a sudden burst of confidence.

"What are you gonna do? K-Kill me?" Luke's face falls and his eyes go dark.

"I would never hurt you, Annie." He looks hurt, and I start to feel bad until I remembered.

"You almost did at H-Hayley's." Luke lips his lips and looks away.

"I just want to protect you Annie. You're mine, okay? Mine and only mine. I can't let anyone else have you. I don't care how insane and possessive I seem. You're fucking mine, and I will not let anyone take you away from me." I sigh and Luke pushes the window further open.
He crawls inside and onto my bed. He slides himself under the covers, and pulls me down under them with him. He turns me around and pulls me close to him, my back against his chest. He holds onto my tight, whispering in my ear. 

"I will protect you, princess. You are mine. You belong to me." He played with my hair, holding me in his arms until I fall asleep. 


"Annabelle! Wake up!" I groan and roll over, disappointed when the other side of my bed is empty.

"Annabelle! We are leaving soon! Hurry up." I remember my parents are going on a business trip, going to be gone for almost a week. I was supposed to go to the doctor today, but with them leaving, they didn't know how I was going to get there. But they promised me they would find a way.

"Your ride to the doctor is here!" I get up and brush my hair, and change my clothes. I quickly brush my teeth and slip of some shoes. I run down the stairs and see my parents talking to a man. When I get closer I recognize the blonde hair. He turns around, and I resist the urge to jump into his arms.

"I was going to see if Eliza could take you, but she was busy. However, she said that Luke here could take you!" My mom smiles and grabs her suitcase.

"Okay, you be careful this week." She and my dad hug my and kiss my forehead. "We have asked a few people to check on you occasionally, to make sure you're doing okay." I smile and thank them. I wish them a good trip, and watch as they leave me and Luke behind. When I see them get into the car and drive off, I quickly jump onto Luke. He chuckles and catches me, holding me up. My legs are wrapped around his waist, and my arms are wrapped around his neck. His large hands have a tight hold on my thighs.

"Miss me?" I blush and hide my face in his neck. Yesterday I was completely mad at him, but now all I wanted was to be in his arms all day. I don't know what made me feel this way, but I didn't try to fight it.

"C'mon, I gotta get you to your appointment." I groan and shake my head.

"Please no." Luke chuckles and walks to the door, still holding me.

"It's just a check up. We can go for ice cream after." This perks me up. Luke carries me all the way to his car and puts me in it. He goes around and gets in. He starts the car and drives us to the hospital. The wait was long and would've been unbearable if Luke hadn't been there making me laugh.

The check up goes by quickly, and I was pleased to know that I was not getting any shots. Those things hurt. Luke kept his promise and drove us to an ice cream shop afterwards.

We walk inside and I hold onto Luke's hand tightly. The guy behind the counter smiled politely at us. Luke ordered a chocolate on waffle cone, then he turned to me.

"You know what you want?" I shrug shyly, and hide behind Luke. The worker smiled again.

"This your daughter?" Luke scoffs and chuckles lowly.

"No, but she calls me daddy." I freeze and look up at Luke. The worker coughs and awkwardly looks away.

"Um.. okay.. Well, our specialty cones are, um, 10 % off today." He scratches the back of his neck and awkwardly changes the subject. I point to the vanilla and Luke nods.

"Just a scoop of the vanilla." We get our ice cream and Luke pays. We sit down at a booth and eat our ice cream. Luke looks down at his phone and widens his eyes.

"Fuck." He grabs my arm roughly and pulls me out of the seat.

"L-Luke? W-What's going on?" Luke says nothing and quickly puts me in his car. He gets in and drives off in a hurry. He opens the console and pulls out a gun. I widen my eyes and squirm uncomfortably.

"I'm dropping you off at a friend's house. They'll keep you safe." I tilt my head.

"Safe from what?" Luke clenches his jaw and growls.


are you triggered?


and then i can start making new chapters that y'all have never read before

okay Want You Back has got me dead


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